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port maquirie he said.................................

"Now hord on there matey" said Nobu, who had lecentry been erected Mayor of Port Maclaurie.


"That's a turn-up" said Turdbo "As most Mayors often are, or turn into, nobbs, but this time one is actually named Nobu".


"That's me Turdy" said Nobu "I'm Nobu the nobb ...... but I also have an ermin robe, a flash gold chain (much better than gord toof), a pilate's 3-corner hat (with feather). Who would have thunk it, eh, when I crimbed into my Zelo all those years ago to ..............




Become a eminent immigrant in this fine land of.........................



Become a eminent immigrant in this fine land of.........................

.... milk & honey, south & west of F'n Q."


"Why is it?" asked a 7 year old child at one of Port MacLaurie's civic leceptions "That the rest of OZ is so happy and contented, and it is just those in the top NE corner (that's the pointy bit with the fat bum), that are so miserable with a chip on their shoulder?"


"That's easy young whipper snipper" lepried Nobu, being all dipromatic & PC with his leply "It's because them F'n Q'ers are ..............


My Aunt reckons that Turdbo and GoldyLox may be having a gay old time at the Happy Acres Nudist Farm, as they have both gone missing from the NES and this is knocking the NES about a bit. If anyone sees them, my Aunt said to send some photos.




more into the enviroment ,you know tree,s and stuff;;love animals,[they taste great] ask anyone north of gladstony, pussoms and such,he cried as he....................



more into the enviroment ,you know tree,s and stuff;;love animals,[they taste great] ask anyone north of gladstony, pussoms and such,he cried as he....................

.... emulated Turdbo's Road-kill Possum Ratatoile "Nothing more than 5 days old" was his proud boast, "And you can also use them for ......



"................crab bait, or blowfly traps."

.... but the Cane Toads won't touch 'em .................. and neither will the Bufo Rhinellas, which have taken up residence in Bone as their .............




civic right to do so!.............Been in australia over two months now cried Nobu,s half sister fucme.We should own most of the southern states now! !!!! we should be allowed to breed Bufo Rhinellas if we want to;free enterprise............................................




and all.Settle down fucme, yelled nobu dont let them hear our plans for takeover of the...................................................................



...... Nobu's half sister .............

"Which half is your sister" asked Nanna "And why is she using the name that I have become famous for?"


"I always pleferred the bottom half" leplied Nobu "But sometimes I rike the top half better."


and all.Settle down fucme, yelled nobu dont let them hear our plans for takeover of the.........

...... half-woman/half-man sideshow franchise at the Easter Show.


"That franchise is reserved for F'n Queen's Landers" said Charlie Easter, who runs the Easter Show, "As there are a few million of 'em that qualify (just look at Flo and Anna) and they are cheap."


Then Charlie added "So that means that ...............




that Fucme andNobu had better hurry up and...........................



that Fucme andNobu had better hurry up and...........................

.... consumate their cooperation through congress."


"Ah" said Turdbo with a whistful look in his eye "That reminds me so much of Ye old Bange Holme in Mextoria, where my brother Carlos and my seester Conswela used to .........



make easter eggs for xmas.....

....in between trying to find paying customers for Turdbro's nefarious activities. This of course led to the infamous...........



....in between trying to find paying customers for Turdbro's nefarious activities. This of course led to the infamous...........

...... operation of "TurdyPlunger's Massage Service:, where he had permission from the Morans to control the eastern outskirts.


"It was all a bit of an error and a giggle" said Turdby when interviewed by the Flying Squad (aviation reference).


"It was actually a "Message Service", but the spell checker didn't work, and we couldn't work out why we made so much money with so few messages, but Conswela had a smile on her face, and so did Carlos sometimes (not that there is anything wrong with that), and all because .............




Sir Nobu made nsw part of tazwegia.................................



Sir Nobu made nsw part of tazwegia.................................

.....which caused great angst amongst the populace, as not everyone could speak slow enough to............



.....which caused great angst amongst the populace, as not everyone could speak slow enough to............

...place their McDonalds Drive Thru orders, and




talk to the computer from centerlink......................




The taswegians gathered on the northshore of their little rock,waving slogans that said..............................



.....which caused great angst amongst the populace, as not everyone could speak slow enough to............

..... qualify for a downgrade to be a Queen Slander.


..... Sir Nobu made nsw part of tazwegia........................

........ which made the proud Cockroaches very happy, as they were then further away from F'n Q, couldn't get the State of Origin on TV and ...........



The taswegians gathered on the northshore of their little rock,waving slogans that said..............................

..... "Welcome all of you New South Welsh, as we need the injection into our jean-pool" ............. "but we bet that you didn't expect to be stuck this far new & south, except if you had ................


My Aunt reckons that bull should put extended tanks on his Tyrojackacricket and head down to Tassy for a squizz at their recent population (and IQ) boost. She says that it doesn't matter if he can't make it across Bass Strait, as it will be ok, she thinks.




blood relations with Sir Nobu.....................




"That way you keep it orr in famiry" said Miko, "and you be giben honolary ciritizenship of gleat souf rand along wiff............................



"That way you keep it orr in famiry" said Miko, "and you be giben honolary ciritizenship of gleat souf rand along wiff............................

....directions to find a Tasmanian Tiger, a map with an arrow pointing to the Mainland, a six pack of Bogs Beer, a picnic hamper including jugged mutton bird, fricasse of mutton bird, cold fried mutton bird, mutton bird sausages, and a jar of mutton bird fat to eat on the run.



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