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The Never Ending Story


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...... "Sheet" he said, ................................. or was he perhaps referring to a fire blanket, which he had stashed in ..............

.....the fridge next to his beet which he used to eat with piz..........



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.....the fridge next to his beet which he used to eat with piz..........

..... "Pizzazz", a new brand of edible undie and, by a strange coincidence (nttiawwt), also a new 508 powered UL flying wing that was designed in Helsinki but manufactured in ...............



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..... "Pizzazz", a new brand of edible undie and, by a strange coincidence (nttiawwt), also a new 508 powered UL flying wing that was designed in Helsinki but manufactured in ...............

......Pizza, where you'll find the leaning tower of Pizza, and....



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......Pizza, where you'll find the leaning tower of Pizza, and....

..... which is located just down the road from the bent Blue Oyster Bar near the Pizza hut, the twisted Fire Station beside KFC, and the .....



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[A small interruption]


Turbo was just shopping in Moccasin for some Jab through bolts when he came across this pair of fishnets priced at $2.00.


He apologises that the photo was blurred but just as he was quietly about to press the shutter from a vantage point behind a stack of plastic water lilies as shop assistant said "May I help you Sir?"


How could he possibly convince a Chinese assistant that he just wanted to show them to a businessman in Wagga Wagga who is also Moderator of a prestige international website.


As the crowd built up he decided to run.





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"No, no, go back to the fishnets story" interupted Lox, "Did they have a bulk deal and what's the conversion rate between F'nQld and Oz currency like?"


"And are they edible?" added ElRatSac who had taken to gnawing on....



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"No, no, go back to the fishnets story" interupted Lox, "Did they have a bulk deal and what's the conversion rate between F'nQld and Oz currency like?"

"And are they edible?" added ElRatSac who had taken to gnawing on....

..........the guests' laundry.


"I like the flimsy's best" he said "I can never get enough ................."



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There wasn't really much more to said about that thought Lox 033_scratching_head.gif.92f700cf00fb9c6c6818598d44101896.gif as he'd always had a suspicion that RatSac never got enough. slap.gif.e0fa0ea73b402501d4a7fcb7e689c72a.gifBut as for Turdbro, 086_gaah.gif.bd4f7be6e18bc8fde14d9d10614ceb18.gif well, he was always knee deep in.....



He kneed it every day, always leaving his old socks on in case the odour from his feet seeped into the dough. Left his trousers on too but never after they hadn't been washed for three weeks - he was religious about that. During crutching season he always scraped as much of the dags off as he could, with a horse comb - he was very particular.


The Bakery was in a popular tourist spot and the slogan was "Original Recipe". Sometimes customers turned their noses up at the bushranger buns, but the sweet sales assistance just said "Get......................."



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He kneed it every day, always leaving his old socks on in case the odour from his feet seeped into the dough. Left his trousers on too but never after they hadn't been washed for three weeks - he was religious about that. During crutching season he always scraped as much of the dags off as he could, with a horse comb - he was very particular.


The Bakery was in a popular tourist spot and the slogan was "Original Recipe". Sometimes customers turned their noses up at the bushranger buns, but the sweet sales assistance just said "Get......................."

... "to the back of queue Hugh you ewe or I'll have you for ..........



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... "to the back of queue Hugh you ewe or I'll have you for ..........

...the stew which was also a feature of this tourist spot, the Chef being our Japanese mate Frinders Fryer.


Instead of cloves of garlick, The Fryer, as he was known used local Quorn bindiis which....................



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were known for their rich smell [a bit like turdbro feet]......................

Turbo didn't want to deprive bull of his first experience with a Quorn bindii, but assures readers they don't smell like his feet, or he'd at least get some warning.


A rumour has been circulating that Lockup had flown to Sydney for a cosmetic procedure. We've managed to find out that he'd flown there in his Sportstir, Reg No 2[ this thread has been moved to Aircraftenthusiats.com, Register to see details of the aircraft]................On the way back from Sydney he inadvertently entered controlled airspace and pushed a 747 out of the way. RaAus said [this thread has been moved to recreationalflying.com, Register to see details pertaining to RAAus], then....ah bugger it I've forgotten what I was going to write about, and...................



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Turbo didn't want to deprive bull of his first experience with a Quorn bindii, but assures readers they don't smell like his feet, or he'd at least get some warning.

A rumour has been circulating that Lockup had flown to Sydney for a cosmetic procedure. We've managed to find out that he'd flown there in his Sportstir, Reg No 2[ this thread has been moved to Aircraftenthusiats.com, Register to see details of the aircraft]................On the way back from Sydney he inadvertently entered controlled airspace and pushed a 747 out of the way. RaAus said [this thread has been moved to recreationalflying.com, Register to see details pertaining to RAAus], then....ah bugger it I've forgotten what I was going to write about, and...................

.... that was pretty normal for Turdy these days, as for a couple of years now he had been starting his aircraft by yelling "Clear ......... um Clear ........ um Clear Skin ..... um, or is it Clear Up .............. ah bugger it I've forgotten what I was going to yell out about, so please stay out of the way of that sharp long thing up the front that twirls around, and which ...............



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.... that was pretty normal for Turdy these days, as for a couple of years now he had been starting his aircraft by yelling "Clear ......... um Clear ........ um Clear Skin ..... um, or is it Clear Up .............. ah bugger it I've forgotten what I was going to yell out about, so please stay out of the way of that sharp long thing up the front that twirls around, and which ...............


.....um.........pokes um...........and makes a noise like a RAA board member[this thread has been moved to recreationalflying.com Register to see RAA details]........and doing up his...



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.....um.........pokes um...........and makes a noise like a RAA board member[this thread has been moved to recreationalflying.com Register to see RAA details]........and doing up his...

.... his Flying Suit which has 5 gold bars on his epaulettes (this thread has been moved to GayFlyingSuits&pozers.com .. register to see details).


The TurdBro then zipped up his fly, once he had finished reading his Check-List (occasionally used aviation reference) of which he had both short and long versions (the latter triggered by Nanna) tattooed on his ............



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.... his Flying Suit which has 5 gold bars on his epaulettes (this thread has been moved to GayFlyingSuits&pozers.com .. register to see details).

The TurdBro then zipped up his fly, once he had finished reading his Check-List (occasionally used aviation reference) of which he had both short and long versions (the latter triggered by Nanna) tattooed on his ............

........hind leg.



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