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The Never Ending Story


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........hind leg.

"But what is the good of that when you aren't flying the Hind" asked the CASA Inspector (who didn't fully understand the amazing similarities between the russian checklist in the Hind and the Czeck, cheque Checklists in a SportSzar) ........ and the aircraft look almost identical too.




"And I do so like those epaulettes." added the Inspector, who was power hungry (which is unusual for a CASA Inspector) "Can I get some so that I look even more important (but not impotent) when I bounce some poor unsuspecting RAA Pilot for ..................... "





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"But what is the good of that when you aren't flying the Hind" asked the CASA Inspector (who didn't fully understand the amazing similarities between the russian checklist in the Hind and the Czeck, cheque Checklists in a SportSzar) ........ and the aircraft look almost identical too.

[ATTACH=full]16222[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]16223[/ATTACH]


"And I do so like those epaulettes." added the Inspector, who was power hungry (which is unusual for a CASA Inspector) "Can I get some so that I look even more important (but not impotent) when I bounce some poor unsuspecting RAA Pilot for ..................... "

".............failing to wear a uniform or not polishing his shoes."


"But we don't wear uniforms in RAA" sai[thread removed to recreationalflying.com and you can....



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".............failing to wear a uniform or not polishing his shoes."

"But we don't wear uniforms in RAA, sai ....

.....lor" commented Turdy, which made the CASA Inspector draw himself up to his full height, puff out his ample chest and say "Listen your Evinrude wrecker, don't call me sailor, I'm actually a barrel ......................



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.....lor" commented Turdy, which made the CASA Inspector draw himself up to his full height, puff out his ample chest and say "Listen your Evinrude wrecker, don't call me sailor, I'm actually a barrel ......................

"....girl at the Blue Oyster Bar" and Turbo understood because they all behaved like barrel girls at a .....................



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"....girl at the Blue Oyster Bar" and Turbo understood because they all behaved like barrel girls at a .....................

...... Barrel Girl's Convention (& Exhibition) at the bone Town hall and Convention Centre (it dwarfs Darling Harbour in both physical size and the depths of debauchery), which also coincided with a Barrel Girl's Hen's Night and a CASA Safety Forum, where the Barrel Girls were .......



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...... Barrel Girl's Convention (& Exhibition) at the bone Town hall and Convention Centre (it dwarfs Darling Harbour in both physical size and the depths of debauchery), which also coincided with a Barrel Girl's Hen's Night and a CASA Safety Forum, where the Barrel Girls were .......

......leaflets on suggested procedures for a failure after takeoff, which Lockylips sometimes suffers. We can talk about him now because he's moderating in the Other Place, and....



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...reading fine works by authors of renoun. 062_book.gif.9837a587a9e0f48135293bc162b44375.gif

"Closest to a grass roots I ever got was a tussel with a bushpig at the Barcaldine B&S back in 82" commented.....

...the Captain. "I mistook it for one of the B&S girls. It pushed back a lot better, but I thought its tusks were earrings, and when I said "Can you take them off luv" it bit half my friggin' nose off, and that....."



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...the Captain. "I mistook it for one of the B&S girls. It pushed back a lot better, but I thought its tusks were earrings, and when I said "Can you take them off luv" it bit half my friggin' nose off, and that....."

.........was why I learnt to breathe through my ears"


"And we do appreciate a skill like that" said Mavis


Nana said "I wish I knew him before.......................



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I married that guy. I was after sex, but I didnt realise that marriage was what you have, after sex.... N

"......ow (you make it hard for us ending with "N" every time) that was something else. In those years there were no washing machines and I'd have to go out and hunt for dead sticks to make a fire for the copper (no not Constable Doubtfire, a big copper tub) where all the clothes had to be boiled. No sooner had I finished with the nappies than he would throw in a heap of dark grapes for his plonk, and......



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Guest Maj Millard

................which was often frequented by old jump pilots, even older bolder skydivers, and 95.10 UL pilots. They all consumed the 'baby juice' with great gusto, and then........



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................which was often frequented by old jump pilots, even older bolder skydivers, and 95.10 UL pilots. They all consumed the 'baby juice' with great gusto, and then........

....started jumping through the RSL like a batch of .....



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Guest Maj Millard

(jez is that the best you can do Turbo ??!!.)........................................drunken Hash house Harrier runners on a Monday night.................



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(jez is that the best you can do Turbo ??!!.)........................................drunken Hash house Harrier runners on a Monday night.................

.........but on Tuesday night Turbo did the floorshow and.................



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.... fairly got into the 'baby juice also, however it was the bloody 95.10 pilots that really.........

.......got him dancing. "How could anyone possibly tie some tubes together with No 8 fencing wire, stretch some shopping bags over it, bolt on a Victa and call it an AIRCRAFT!" he said. "I Could!" said bulldust "Well take the friggin thing outside and try to fly it there!" said Turbo, knowing there was a new stretch of barb on the back fence......the type with the long barbs used for the Brahman bulls, and he'd noticed Bullrush's little pink bum hanging down below the ghastly contraption.


"All aircraft should have ventilators" said Flying Tomato, but someone stuck his head in the latrines.


The crowd had driftered out the back (and that's about as fast as they go too), where bulldust had half cut a finger off on the starting rope when the Victa backfired.


Turbo quietly got his Nitromethane can from the car and when Bullrush wasn't looking............................ (Nev's probably asleep at this hour).



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inserted it in his 6ookg missile and called it an ultralight as he flew under the sydney harbour bridge and cut off a 757 on final to land ,Bloody road hog he cried! waving his fist in the air..............



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"Good for nothing Airliners flying their 757's on final for 16L under the Harbour Bridge... This is MY territory." He exclaimed.Just at that moment, AlleyCat from the Alley down in Bankstown's North East (near the Woolies) and her ally's the AlleyCatCrew from the other AlleyCat's Alley allayed the bickering with the 757 driver and the shopping bag flyer by throwing some Alley Marbles at them both... "Take that...

......she said, but missed by a mile. The Victa had fired, Bullrush had called CLEARPRPPPPPP!!!! and one hundred and eighty people knew exactly what that meant and had scattered for the boundary fences of the little RSL Hall. (Bullrush and Flying Towell were later to refer to this as the International Airport, and agitated for it to be closed down and turned into a drug rehabilitation centre).


The nitro cut in and the small craft lifted and appeared to have cleared the fence. "It cleared it, Bullrush flies!" said Ignition who was conceived during one of the long waiting periods at Cape Canaveral.


"Yes, but he will never have children" said Turbo as he looked at the Brahman barb.



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......"Yes, but he will never have children" said Turbo as he looked at the Brahman barb.

"Come over here" said Don Brahman to the Alley-Cat (who was also sometimes known professionally as Barb) "Do you know that I averaged 99.94 and Turdy says that I can't have any kids?"


"Mate" said the Alley-Cat "That's one of the best pick-up lines I've heard since AhChoo (obscure aviation and moderatti reference) let out that cry for help when he asked everyone to go back to the fishnets ......... so tell me Donny, do you have epaulettes on your flying suit, can you get me an intro to that famous aviator (aviation term) and cynic (aviation term) Madge Mallard and can you ......



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..........bat on a sticky wicket.


"My wicket is NEVER sticky" said "the Don" (Major wanted to be called "The Major", but that all ended when $#$%^%$# walked in and declared HE was the REAL Major.....and some people said he was) "I clean it with kerosene after every game, we were a poor family, and ......."


Mention of Alley-Cat brings to mind rumours of a story about Turbo over the Christmas break. Turbo is known to many people as the "Cat Whisperer" and was in fact the inspiration for the movie "The Horse Whisperer" and was called to an urgent situation in northern India, but is being rather coy. Photos were taken............................



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..........bat on a sticky wicket.

"My wicket is NEVER sticky" said "the Don" (Major wanted to be called "The Major", but that all ended when $#$%^%$# walked in and declared HE was the REAL Major.....and some people said he was) "I clean it with kerosene after every game, we were a poor family, and ......."

.... I am also a tough-nut, as I have been widely reported as having used my stump to whack my balls against a corrugated iron water-tank in Coota ..... and that hurts more than the last time that the Laconic Locky (The Tumbler Whisperer) and Madge the Duck (The 2200 Whisperer) flew in formation with Salty (The fast-as-a-Gazelle & Tall-as-a-Texan TC whisperer) and the Frinders Fryer (The South Aussie Whithperer) up to ............



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.... I am also a tough-nut, as I have been widely reported as having used my stump to whack my balls against a corrugated iron water-tank in Coota ..... and that hurts more than the last time that the Laconic Locky and Madge the Duck flew in formation up to ............

.........the time the thread was getting interesting, then closed it and pinched the good bits for the Other Site, but forgot to use them. "It's a fearful place over there" said Brahman "I'm "the Don" by the way" he continued, "now where was I, er a chap called Pudden over there said someone should be taken out and hit over the head with a tyre lever! That's not cricket!"


Pudden came from the sub continent of Western Nowhere, where they all walked around with bandy legs from doing it doggy style, and Turbo made a mental note to carefully avoid getting Pudden upset if he ever went over to WN, although............



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