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It's a little known fact that in Aviation - all ASIC Card Inspectors :devil: have two fundamentals. 068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif This makes them much meaner than us single fundamental folk. thumb_downthumb_down The 2Ring test gets to the bottom of the problem. :yuk: To ask to take the test is suggesting that your behaviour is somewhat wanting - if you get my drift. :big_grin:


So what has the Kapitain :heart: done.......






The Kapitain seemed to be blissfully unaware of what a Turing test was, and as such fitted in well keen.gif.7777ed0d05dcd20861d93166f822038e.gif.


Biggles got annoyed that a really funny joke fell flat and said "Google it".


With those famous last words, he got run over by a motel disguised as a Captain, with a skull and cross bones penchant who couldn't handle anything that might have been connected with death.......


Meanwhile, since Google had been brought into the NES, Larry and Sergui started to design an ultralight, an a very good one as well. Almost as good as a Cheetah.


Its features included:



So what has the Kapitain :heart: done.......

..... the Craptian has accepted the Biggles's's's challenge.


"I'll bet you a ice-cold tub of Sorbet (or a hot-tub of Harlot) to your 3 skinned rabbits that I can beat you in a Turing Test, and I don't even care whether your spell-checker is on or off" said the Captain.


"I can beat you, even with my one leg (slip-swish-clomp), but we must do this without my parrot and without your cattle dog, who look like they are both smarter than either of us".


"I suggest that we Tur through the Riverina and the 1st one to locate Caroline and have her join them in his flying machine wins" said le Crap (putting BigLes at a severe disadvantage). "And I'll keep my 230 under 2400 revs so that you can keep up"


Can't be fairer than that ......... and I nominate BigPete and the Tubbyplanter as the referees.


That's if ..................


PS ... Pete, bring a can-opener just in case I get in trouble with this young whipper-snipper.



The Kapitain seemed to be blissfully unaware of what a Turing test was, and as such fitted in well keen.gif.7777ed0d05dcd20861d93166f822038e.gif.

Patience my young BigLes. Give them time to grapple with, then grasp the joke before you explain it.


The question on which Ian and Slarti must now deliberate is ..... did BigLes deliberately omit the "d" from the test in an attempt to stay unbanne? And as such is BigLes just being a smart young tur, or will be eventually fly like a conservative & professional bir?




Meanwhile back at Geelongger Hadrian Fewer has been trying to raise the $13 trillion hangarage for the release of Ivan Bakery's Grizzle.


He had taken off from Godforsaken in the Grizzle sure that he could outrun the 17 knot storm, but the Grizzle even with full throttle and Hadrain blowing backwards was not up to the task.


After turning back from Barking Heads due to a vision of the caravan parked across the runway seven years before, he had been welcomed to Geelongerr, but didn't see the gold teeth


The sad thing was he had saved up $13 trillion as a down payment on the latest Drifting, but the banks said no, so he handed over the loot and picked up the Drizzle, deciding the safest course home was to follow the roads.


The trouble was he would just latch on to the back of a caravan or cattle truck which had a I:heart:Godforsaken (how's that!) sticker on it and it would pull away out of sight.


Hadrian dreamed of a Jabiru, which was a silly thing to do because up behind him flaps down and a:laugh:006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif:laugh: out the window for extra drag came SuperJab Pete...




and not bigless who has gone for a 2 week rest away from the Recreational Flying site




After going away for flyin for two days a few locals came back to notice Biggles was absent:loopy: what kaos did they miss. Did he upset the average joe or was his stories just a bit far fetched for junior ears.....question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif




We're not quite sure. One minute he was giving flying tips, making suggestions for Christmas presents, contributing to this story in code then.......up in a puff of fairy dust!


It was becoming cold so SuperJabPete settled down into the luxurious, shaped seat of the Jabiru 198 (won't go into it), when scorching in from above with an urgent message came Le Crapper...



when scorching in from above with an urgent message came Le Crapper...

"There are 7 messages, actually" said Le Crappee "And I wasn't scorching, I was 2 knots below VNE (and in still air)".


1 If you are a bright enthusiastic young bull that comes onto this forum and you are "cruiz'n for a bruize'n" as per Post #, then you might get a holiday or 2.


2 It's holiday season, anyway.


3 Beware of sorbet unless you have & use appropriate protection ..... or you'll get a neck freeze that can go on for hours ... oh the pain.


4 What does the Tubbyplanter have against Sorbet Harlots, Geelong, Glider Pilots and John Deere componentry generally? (You sure do come with a bit of baggage that has come forth in the NES. Do you feel better Tub?).


5 Where is Caroline?


6 Where is Planey?


7 I hope that BigPete isn't tired and emoticon.


Regarde from Le Crappp




Alas poor binglesalot. 049_sad.gif.cfa4f274d7bd070bd6a24b809e8799ba.gif :ah_oh: :raise_eyebrow:


Mauled by a dry docked pirate with a penchant for plastic and poetry and assisted by those voracious riverina grass hoppers! 051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif:crying:051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif Ever heard the sound of green aluminium chunks falling from the sky as locust poop? :confused:


What are denizens of the NES going to do without an instalment of calamity Josh for the next two weeks? Oh dear. Half a month of no melodrama....oh, the humanity...




Jeez ahlocks :big_grin: - give us a break, 031_loopy.gif.791dd61f4721144544bc840fb53eec3f.gif what are the rest of us - chopped liver question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif


Biggles2CentsWorth :black_eye: went right past VNE on one of his posts and was shot down by Sir Ian, 040_nerd.gif.818f42a429bd433d10428d88b6b4d49f.gif the keeper of the faith and the Forums:thumb_up: - he will return I'm sure, 011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif much wiser and funnier than ever. 002_wave.gif.38b2eb11a61bb4711f0b1477404692bd.gif In the mean time the rest of us will try to be funny without overstepping the mark. 011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif


That's half the fun ;) - the other half is to make us all laugh. 006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif:laugh:006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif







Jeez ahlocks :big_grin: - give us a break, 031_loopy.gif.791dd61f4721144544bc840fb53eec3f.gif what are the rest of us - chopped liver question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif:big_grin::big_grin:

Crikey Pate’Pete, You’re right, exclaimed the Red Baron of the south west slopes! :ah_oh:


(who is not really the red baron because the beer can is red AND white and only has one set of wings and who can’t do a german accent and makes pretent guns noises chasing jabiroos around the circuit and ….. well, some things shouldn’t be written down):confused::clown:


Yes, I can see how offensive it could be taken, to have neglected to include the other players in the NES. I should be taken down behind the weather shed and whipped! (please!!):big_grin:;):confused:


I shall be more considerate in future, but you mob are pretty hard to keep up with….Multiple personalities and all. :thumb_up:006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif



Jeez ahlocks :big_grin: - give us a break, 031_loopy.gif.791dd61f4721144544bc840fb53eec3f.gif what are the rest of us - chopped liver

Yes ahlocks, what do you think the rest of us are, - dessicated bile producers?


I've never been so insulted ............. oh here we go again .. yes I have, see posts numbers # & # & #.


What Steve doesn't know, dear viewers, is that Le Crapp's 230 is hangared back at YSWG for a while and it will soon be time for ahlocks to put up or shut up with his taunts in another place of using his SportStar to attack Aussie's own (Otherwise known as a Checko tin can Vs a Stiffy).


If only ahlocks had .........................




Crikey Ahlocks us mob doesn't have multiple personalities we just have trouble minds:loopy: or we may drink to much:yuk: or both:thumb_up:. Anyways as Biggles had left the clan for an extended fly-in all the others were lost, withut his high flying aeros and cheap stories the field felt empty and just as the clouds started to form on the horizon everyone was putting their planes to bed, everyone except.......041_helmet.gif.b33edb063c342f545e37fe5acb1c5db2.gif




Mate, :big_grin: if ya can't beat 'em - join 'em. 018_hug.gif.0182e32b48b2df8aaf412ac8488cf68a.gif PatePete has a nice ring to it, and I do like a good pate. :thumb_up:


I recon Le Crappee :heart: and you must fly around the same area, ;) so give him a call for a good whuppin', keen.gif.7777ed0d05dcd20861d93166f822038e.gif I'm sure he'll ablige. :big_grin:


The whip of my Aunt is in YSWG. :ah_oh:







The whip of my Aunt is in YSWG.

a) The quip of our Pete is in good taste (as usual)


b) The text of our BigLes is quiet for a while.


c) "So PatHerPete, have you ever been banned or threatened of sanction?" asked the hauptmann.


The Pate of our Pete is on the Riverland Lass.


I notice in the "Who's on line page" that there is a guest reading the NES. I wonder what an outsider might think of this ratbaggery, could it be Biggles peaking thru the veil, or might it be Rupert M researching a film script & knocking off our chokes?




And ‘not the redbaron’ (NTRB) is spiraling into deep depression 051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif:crying:051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif for he shall miss the ripping yarns of the much bingled one. Sigh, for NTRB had actually cancelled the subscription to the adventure channel because it was much too tame in comparison. 049_sad.gif.cfa4f274d7bd070bd6a24b809e8799ba.gif:sad:049_sad.gif.cfa4f274d7bd070bd6a24b809e8799ba.gif


But new friends have been made and an adventure into NES has begun. :thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:


Kapee de foi gras’ has yet to discover that the stars on his tail are really bullet hits artfully applied by the chek tin can and Pate’Pete will become pepperedPete if NTRB ever nuts up enough to fly as far a ‘chooka! But that now can't happen for at least another two weeks as the master of back country navigation is not able to provide guidance.:confused:


It really is a problem cleaning the spittle off the inside of the canopy.:black_eye:




Tuberplane sat there looking at his Jabero with the tractor tyre and thought "This is all happening too fast for me" So he took one thing at a time and reassured Le Crappe that what was in his baggage was fairy floss. He loved Corbet Startles, a great example of what you can do with shrink wrap, he went to school in Geelong, the only time he went up in a Blanik the winch cable broke and the pilot managed to force land on the strip, and Le Crappe must have missed the John Deere paint scheme and fox lights on his aircraft.


"Now Camlocks", he said, knowing that you fly out of YSWG (or is that YSWG YSWG) and set a high standard of repartee, we'll do the best we can, but Big2$ was the material Cecil B. deMill would kill for and we'll have to find some other poor unfortunate to pick on".


He looked again at the Jabiru and realised the John Deere tyre on the nose wheel was the cause of his problem. The angle of attack was so steep that the wings couldn't get any Benoulli and since drag was more than lift this was probably the main reason the Jab had travelled most of the Newell Highway without lift off.


As he was changing the tyre he looked up, and heading straight for him was..




A quick diversion here.:yuk:


Welcome to all the new players who've come "out of the closet" with their warped minds to contribute to the NES.:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up: ahlocks, turbotheblower, blown a seal, etc; even keepitclean or i'll moderate yer, Admin.


You've got a hard act to follow on from BigPete, IreallyamaCaptain, Geoff, Slartiberger.I'lpervertuchucky and a few more I can't think of at the moment.


Thanks for all laughs you've given me over the past year, and I hope if Santa brings you a visit from the Riverland Girl, your delivery comes after mine.:big_grin:


Have a wonderful Christmas guys.


Kind regards




Now back to the truthful, offensive, tonge-in-cheek reports.091_help.gif.a143ab38aa7cb6ab0af72d89d339d088.gif



It really is a problem cleaning the spittle off the inside of the canopy.

Sorry bol-locks, but that isn't spittle. Do all of you tin-can jockies do that while flying or is it only WorthBig$'s? (Will just leave that comment here so that BigLes can come back into the NES with a flourish if he ever gets restored).


With almostduckorgoosepoopPete off doing his family stuff(ing), and only flying into the NES occasionally when he gets a leave pass, and Planey visiting every now and then, the new additions like Bolocks and Tubby & Blablabla have, indeed, done a fine job (Eg the YSWG YSWG comment by YTUB).


So TUB is a Geelong Grammar boy, eh what? Or was he from Geelong Grabher?


This means that the TUB will finally be of some use to this Forum, as with a mob of us going to the Avalon Airshow next year with time on our hands and mischief on our minds, we can borrow the TUB's little black book and work our way thru his list from 1960's Geelong Girl's High (but it would probably be easier to just go straight down to the retirement village for a "Grab-a-Granny" night) ..... eh leacherous&leciviousPete? What do you reckon?




Well, what a series of events 031_loopy.gif.791dd61f4721144544bc840fb53eec3f.gif - new players on the scene, 098_welcome.gif.3d5ee1df950cced34f20fdc54b4337e6.gif which is great but they need to realize that sometimes less is more, ;) Planey pops in and wishes everyone a wonderful xmas:hug: and ticks off 2 days B4 xmas (lazy i_dunno), ahlocks alias bol-locks i_dunno (geez I like the way your mind works, Captain:heart:) makes some good posts although a bit too cryptic for a Mildura Tech boy :yuk: to grasp at times, YouCantSeeMeOrMyAeroplaneGeoff:cool: (who is quite sophisticated and must have gone to Mildura High) has gone off somewhere (probably with the Good FriarPuk) and Paley can't be found. 088_censored.gif.03b4fab6f26a58d5cdf75ba85c450225.gif


As for Grab a Granny, :ah_oh: I'm married to one, I'd rather go flying :big_grin::big_grin: (and If she reads this, I am so dead.) :yuk::yuk:







A quick diversion here.:yuk:

Welcome to all the new players who've come "out of the closet" with their warped minds to contribute to the NES.:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up: ahlocks, turbotheblower, blown a seal, etc; even keepitclean or i'll moderate yer, Admin.


Have a wonderful Christmas guys.



Just another quick deversion,025_blush.gif.8e2ecc192cc98853ac4370dddcd7cf74.gif


:blush:Planey,le captain, blow a seal,a-locks and others thanks for the laughs and merry xmas to you and your families.:thumb_up::thumb_up:




Well finally with all the dervisions navigated around thanks to Biggles who put us all onto these great $2 compasses every one at the field packed their cheetings,jabakanga's and the other various marvels of flights and taxied out to rumway 251208. They were off to the Grab a granny Flyin at Big Petes house. So Slarti was off first at 16000 rpm and 34knts when suddenly.....




Slarti was off first at 16000 rpm and 34knts when suddenly.....the conveyor belt shuddered to a smoking halt thereby hurtling the Slartimobile skywards and causing the Riverland girl to spill ..



and causing the Riverland girl to spill ..

..... out of her bra.


"They look like fun" said Slarti "Can I ..................?"



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