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The Never Ending Story


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...paraphrase, instead of coming right out with it and...........

... admitting that he suffered from paralexia, which for the Plonker was paralipsisial, to say the least, but he was made of sterner stuff and went straight for the ......



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... admitting that he suffered from paralexia, which for the Plonker was paralipsisial, to say the least, but he was made of sterner stuff and went straight for the ......

......parafin, metho and sal vital, mixed himself a bush champagne (shampain, spellchecker!) and became paralytic....



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......parafin, metho and sal vital, mixed himself a bush champagne (shampain, spellchecker!) and became paralytic....

.... not to mention paranoid, when he discovered that his paramour was a parasite that .....



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.....had paramotored (the one aviation term in the last 10 pages), to Paraburdoo......

... where his pink and poofy parasol (not that there is anything wrong with that) looked like a paramecium that the Paraburdoo paramedic thought ....



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...might be paranormal.


As an aside, Turbo had been staying in a particularly pleasant resort in tropical Queensland (FNQ to SEQs).


He marvelled at the masses of birds calling from the rainforest which seemed to almost enclose the units.


Then he noticed some of the calls were from night birds, and being naturally suspicious he sidled in to the reception area when it was quiet and found a DVD player with a copy of "Birdsongs of the Rainforest"


Borrowing it he burnt another disk with three hours of the bird calls to give him a clear getaway, followed by a series of the most horrific tiger roars you ever heard, followed by a medley of farting noises.


Should be interesting about lunchtime......



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...might be paranormal.......

...... so Tubby decided to return home par avion (aviation reference).


The rat is surprised at Turbo's irresponsible actions in his 2nd paragraph above, as after reading Turps' report any young impressionable reader will now spend the rest of the day deliberately attempting flatulance, burning discs (perhaps even after dark) and putting their heads in Tigers' mouths while being unlicenced and flying below 500 ft in fog. This thread of Turbos' will surely create mayhem ....................... aww bugger, now this thread of mine is sure to have impressionable readers off creating mayhem, and buggery and .....



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...... so Tubby decided to return home par avion (aviation reference).

The rat is surprised at Turbo's irresponsible actions in his 2nd paragraph above, as after reading Turps' report any young impressionable reader will now spend the rest of the day deliberately attempting flatulance, burning discs (perha


ps even after dark) and putting their heads in Tigers' mouths while being unlicenced and flying below 500 ft in fog. This thread of Turbos' will surely create mayhem ....................... aww bugger, now this thread of mine is sure to have impressionable readers off creating mayhem, and buggery and .....

.....with some regret beacause Par Avion could speak like a Queenslamder eh, and was a good little earner in the bars where he pinched the beer change, but he was now on the wanted list, so Turbo decided to train the other parrot,


Par Tickle....


Turbo is doing his best driving at 110 km/hr pn the Bruce Highway, reading the GPS, watching a rerun of lassie and typing this story. He will make a detailed response to the rats erronepus, effeminate, elitist, elementary accusation, when he arrives on Tennant CreeK which is where the tart in the GPS has been trying to send him for 3 hours.


However his thesis is correct because after reading his words he has adopted flatulence as means of punctuation, and on the Abc 7 pm news you should see a report on the smoke south of Mackay



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.....with some regret beacause Par Avion could speak like a Queenslamder eh, and was a good little earner in the bars where he pinched the beer change, but he was now on the wanted list, so Turbo decided to train the other parrot,Par Tickle....


Turbo is doing his best driving at 110 km/hr pn the Bruce Highway, reading the GPS, watching a rerun of lassie and typing this story. He will make a detailed response to the rats erronepus, effeminate, elitist, elementary accusation, when he arrives on Tennant CreeK which is where the tart in the GPS has been trying to send him for 3 hours.


However his thesis is correct because after reading his words he has adopted flatulence as means of punctuation, and on the Abc 7 pm news you should see a report on the smoke south of Mackay

...... so based on the Turbo Planer's urgings, impressionable members of this website set off for Tennant Creek at 10 minutes before last light.


And using a GPS no less, which some Techy Guru is the Mag said are only accurate to within about 400 kms (give or take), and therefore a Sextant (or any other brand of "tant") is better for reliable navigation.


"We'll all be ruined" said Hanrahan.


"Ah, beauty, fresh meat" said Nanna "Come over here Hanrahan and ruin this, before I ........


PS - The Rodent asks Turps whether Par Tickle is the same Par Tickle that is married to a girl named Tes. And if so will Turps please ask her to give them a scratch for him please.



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...... so based on the Turbo Planer's urgings, impressionable members of this website set off for Tennant Creek at 10 minutes before last light.

And using a GPS no less, which some Techy Guru is the Mag said are only accurate to within about 400 kms (give or take), and therefore a Sextant (or any other brand of "tant") is better for reliable navigation.


"We'll all be ruined" said Hanrahan.


"Ah, beauty, fresh meat" said Nanna "Come over here Hanrahan and ruin this, before I ........


PS - The Rodent asks Turps whether Par Tickle is the same Par Tickle that is married to a girl named Tes. And if so will Turps please ask her to give them a scratch for him please.

Has history come back to haunt Brine?


Could this be the the same Tes and Scratchy that used to frequent the Single Mens Quarters at Gowrie Park in Taswegia (purely for platonic social purposes of course)?


Has Tubz stumbled across (drunk again) these delectable creatures from his past?


Does Tes still drive the pale blue Zephre Mkii?


Is Tes the errant tart in the GPS trying to lure unsuspecting victims into her crutches via Tennant Creek?


All these questions and many more will be answered when Turbz......



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The modern day Biggles seemed to be quoting Brine and adding editorial to Brine's post that was so far back Turbo had to get a microscope, and some of the words seem to have come from Editorial East Africa, but the answer to the question which was not posed would be that anything goes after 9 p.m.



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...... so Tubby decided to return home par avion (aviation reference).

The rat is surprised at Turbo's irresponsible actions in his 2nd paragraph above, as after reading Turps' report any young impressionable reader will now spend the rest of the day deliberately attempting flatulance, burning discs (perhaps even after dark) and putting their heads in Tigers' mouths while being unlicenced and flying below 500 ft in fog. This thread of Turbos' will surely create mayhem ....................... aww bugger, now this thread of mine is sure to have impressionable readers off creating mayhem, and buggery and .....

Turbo had promised the unprincipled little rat that he would come back with a detailed piece of information, which was that the definition of flatulance could not be found in the Oxford (which Turbo attended one day) English Dictionary, and if there is no word, there can be no crime. (And Turbo has cured himself of the habit after receiving an EPA ticket for a smokey exhaust.


As for burning discs, who is to say this is wrong? Are there not reports of Intelligent Life visiting earth in burning discs? (and by intelligent life, I'm not talking about Queenslanders facing a give way sign who charge out onto the Bruce Highway in lots of 50.)


And if someone can find a friggin tiger at any airport in Astralia and stick his head in its mouth, good luck to him, it'll probably break its teeth.


Being unlicenced appears to be fashionable, and saves having to worry about having your aircraft grounded, but Turbo doesn't and didn't and wouldn't recommend this, so rat need to get his hand off it.


Flying below 500 feet in fog is something Turbo may take up after reading about the excitement of it today. Turbo used to be a bull rider, and would love to experience turbulance, which after all forms part of his name.


Buggery is something Turbo unfortunately will have to refer to as a result of his Queensland investigation which will reach Gladstone tomorrow and which has been turning upso many spectacular stories that it may well revive Rupert Murdoch's fortunes.



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Turbo has been influenced, by a thread heading, to post that during his search in the rain forest for bones, gold, and bling, Turbo was knocked down and trampled by a Cassoway.

"Them Cassoways are dangerous little buggers, too right, eh" said Nobu "But I reckon that particular Cassoway might have been a pre-progranmmed drone sent to find & sterminate Tubby by his legion of enemies, possibly led by the Mini Minor, or the Rodent, or Ahlocks, or the Salty SeaDog, or Planey, or AndySatOnIt, or the CFakir or ....................



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"Them Cassoways are dangerous little buggers, too right, eh" said Nobu "But I reckon that particular Cassoway might have been a pre-progranmmed drone sent to find & sterminate Tubby by his legion of enemies, possibly led by the Mini Minor, or the Rodent, or Ahlocks, or the Salty SeaDog, or Planey, or AndySatOnIt, or the CFakir or ....................

...even Nana and Mavis who Turbz had promised to take on his meanderings through the FnQ, but he had slunk out of Bang her home in the middle of the knight (not that there is anything wrong with that) in the hope of sampling the delights of the local lasses


Now Turbz, with the aid of his built in smoke generator (methane fogger) had left a trail of destruction and debauchery (dont mention buggery) from one end of FnQ to the other.


All this phil-landering (not Queens Landering as originally thought) had raised the ire of certain young ladies who...................



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...even Nana and Mavis who Turbz had promised to take on his meanderings through the FnQ, but he had slunk out of Bang her home in the middle of the knight (not that there is anything wrong with that) in the hope of sampling the delights of the local lassesNow Turbz, with the aid of his built in smoke generator (methane fogger) had left a trail of destruction and debauchery (dont mention buggery) from one end of FnQ to the other.


All this phil-landering (not Queens Landering as originally thought) had raised the ire of certain young ladies who...................

.... had raised more than just their ire, in fact they were totally ired-off because they thought that they were phil-landing with a purebred like Alan the TuberPlayer, but then discovered that he was also Steven Arthur Henry Locks (& also alias Eeeen the Proprietor) and therefore the f'n Q gene pool was about to be polluted by a ........



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Guest Andys@coffs

a floating chiko roll (aviation term....the roll part....Chicko bit.....we dont want that in aviation anywhere, anytime!! if it does its like the chiko roll hit the fan thing!!!) but what was confusing is why the 3 headed medusa like monster had felt the need to take up residence in the Gene pool....why not the Alan pool or the Locks pool....it was all very confusing but not of great importance cause all pools were about to loose their seasonal crocks and be taken over by box jellys and there is nothing more dangerous than an unseen box when swimming........"Ah what the hell yelled the mini minor, swimmings just for for southern felines! us Personslanderers dont need to swim....if we wish to reach that old bold pilot age thing!!!"Humph scoffed Nana...its a bit rich calling it a pool...looks more like a cesspit than a pool....specially after Tubby has been wallowing in it.......Nobu meanwhile was stumped."Is a Cesspit like a Cockpit?.......Yes said........



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a floating chiko roll (aviation term....the roll part....Chicko bit.....we dont want that in aviation anywhere, anytime!! if it does its like the chiko roll hit the fan thing!!!) but what was confusing is why the 3 headed medusa like monster had felt the need to take up residence in the Gene pool....why not the Alan pool or the Locks pool....it was all very confusing but not of great importance cause all pools were about to loose their seasonal crocks and be taken over by box jellys and there is nothing more dangerous than an unseen box when swimming........"Ah what the hell yelled the mini minor, swimmings just for for southern felines! us Personslanderers dont need to swim....if we wish to reach that old bold pilot age thing!!!"Humph scoffed Nana...its a bit rich calling it a pool...looks more like a cesspit than a pool....specially after Tubby has been wallowing in it.......Nobu meanwhile was stumped."Is a Cesspit like a Cockpit?.......Yes said........

"Oyyyy" yelled Mavis (who was a sheila's libber) to AndySatOnIt "What's wrong with Chicks in aviation? Why, some Sheilas make quite good pilots as their landing and takeoff rolls (& sandwiches) are better than some blokes, and they can then make the dinner at the aero club, before taking it in turns with the Executive ......... so SitOnItAndy".


"Take it easy Mave" called the Rodent, who has always been a defender of all things that Andy SatOn and who had always thought that sheilas were good for "stuff". "And don't forget what needs to happen to the jeans when the gene pool is about to be added to".


"Erky Perky" said bull, who-was-working-over,,,,,in WA and whose loved ones were vulnerable, in bone, to the predatory GenePlanner, whose only thought while in f'n Q was to ......



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.......get the most salacious stories of suspicious suspects to keep NES readers insuspense for some time.


Tonight the dig crew stopped in Yarraman, SEQ for a short meal break, and after walking out into the bush for some time received a text from Swek asking had we seen the Yarraman Man. Well we climbed over each other to get out of there, but back at the hotel.....



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