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"--- --------- ------------------------------------ -- -" and so the NES showed the rest of them how to behave when posting, especially......








...... Tubby posted again, and it was all wasted.


"I'm wasted too" slurred Ahlot as he staggered out of the Blue Oyster with a pink Daiquiri in his hand and his dacks .................




stuffed full of socks which left his feet...



stuffed full of socks which left his feet...

... available to be critiqued by the others at the Blue Oyster.


"Oh, Ahlow" sssaid Roger "I just love that erotic bunion of yours, and that ingrowing toenail is a real turn-on, but what, oh what, is that rash that you have between your ..............



... available to be critiqued by the others at the Blue Oyster.

"Oh, Ahlow" sssaid Roger "I just love that erotic bunion of yours, and that ingrowing toenail is a real turn-on, but what, oh what, is that rash that you have between your ..............

...... co*k pit (AvRef) and your exhaust pipe (partial AvRef), and also on your hangers (Avref) where it is ..............



Guest Maj Millard

All going to end.?...hell 'rashes and eggs...what a horrible thing to have in the cockpit. Captain turned to Tubby and asked him why he wasn't a paid-up member of the RAA..even with a rash like that...Hell he replied "....................




"......I'd have to fly a....." and that was all he got out before fifteen molotov cocktail throwing hamburger eating ferals raised their heads and started screaming "................."



"......I'd have to fly a....." and that was all he got out before fifteen molotov cocktail throwing hamburger eating ferals raised their heads and started screaming "................."

...... "You can't post that here if you are not an RAA member, your not considering Jabiru power are you, eh? (F'nQ adverse AvRef), and ............then they exposed the fact that those rashes of AhLows are just little strips of bacon that he keeps down his dacks to defrost them before the Aero Club BBQ, where his Party Trick is to stand by the Barby, pull them out and say "................



".....these have been hung for eight days!"But......

"But are they well hung?" Barby would always respond suggestively with a humorous bent, after which Ahlow (who is also a bit bent) would put on his Chapeau-Moderatti (which has never been near Andy and is usually kept in the cloak room at the Blue Oyster), draw himself up to his full height and announce "...........




".....I see, I see (and since the crowd were taking no notice of him) I $#@#* SEE!!", those who voted Aye, and got what they deserved and now Naying!"


"You could be right" said ..........



".....I see, I see (and since the crowd were taking no notice of him) I $#@#* SEE!!", those who voted Aye, and got what they deserved (RAA Avref) and now Naying! (EquineRef)""You could be right, ..........

...... as that Filly over there looks like Fine Cotton (or lamé in the case of AhLow's chartreuse flying suit) and also has a fine looking ............






"I'm not a filly, I've been around" said Madge who had turned from an outraged dissident who "might have to sort things out!" to the Reverend "nothing to see here, everythings OK" Mr Wonderful in 30 seconds. "I......."




"I'm not a filly, I've been around" said Madge who had turned from an outraged dissident who "might have to sort things out!" to the Reverend "nothing to see here, everythings OK" Mr Wonderful in 30 seconds. "I......."

.... only need about 30 seconds, too, if you are willing" added Madge, who was also known as the Montpellier ............




......Sh$t Magnet.


Madge was quite upset by this. It had all started on Een's Recreational Frying when one of those ferals who hadn't stood for a board position had the temerity to offer an opinion contrary to Madge's beliefs. Madge had taken the feral to task, inferring he had the intelligence of a Block contestant, and the socially challenged gent had not only given him a "like" (meaning he had his hand on it), but had added a comment referring to Madge's sexuality, which got 17 agrees, 8 funnies (none with explanation), 2 informatives and a helpful carrot to stick.....


Madge had responded admirably to this with a patronising explanation of the structure of RAA (as it was in AUF days), and defended himself by saying he was a chick magnet (which we all know)


The socially challenged person (who was actually a senior director of CASA) made an unfortunate response to Madge referring to him as a Sh$t Magnet, and since Madge had misread the polarised RF community who idolised non-members of RAA, got 732 likes (all with notes to say they were"likes").


There was what appeared to be one dissenting post, but it was quickly realised due to the repeated phrases about how RAA needs "governance") that this one came from a serial thread watcher always on the lookout to remind us all that we don't know what we are doing.





Guest Maj Millard

Just chuckled at the stupidity of it all and continued strapping in yet another fine Fillopio lass for yet another 'ride'. This one driving quite a distance, and insisting on a real ride this time before pitching her little pup tent for an overnight stay in the hangar.


Majs phone rang, it was Ean the forum master, he was in town and wanted to know if he could..........



Just chuckled at the stupidity of it all and continued strapping in yet another fine Fillopio lass for yet another 'ride'. This one driving quite a distance, and insisting on a real ride this time before pitching her little pup tent for an overnight stay in the hangar.

Majs phone rang, it was Ean the forum master, he was in town and wanted to know if he could..........

..... come for a fry in Madge's beautiful Lightwing, Madge was heard to say ........




"I'll HAVE to take him I supposed" as he took a close interest in how the miss spelt was geeting on with the pup tent.





"I'll HAVE to take him I supposed" as he took a close interest in how the miss spelt was geeting on with the pup tent.


...... then suggested, and Madge readily agreed, that the RAA's lack of governance had made the organisation lose its way and the RAA constitution should be re-written to make it exclusively for LightWings.


Madge then added "Let's get rid of all those rag and tube things, and flick all of the plastic aircrafts up into some other organisation, then the RAA will be for Lightwing lovers, pup tents, lasses, ping-pong balls, chartreuse lamé flying suits for all, and ............




...take up boating as a bath tub, with Madge in it, may gather more interest than a sky with an RAAus aircraft...but then the very thought of this...



...take up boating as a bath tub, with Madge in it, may gather more interest than a sky with an RAAus aircraft...but then the very thought of this...

........ led Ahlot, the Magnificentti Moderatti (and Salty) to consider the possibilities further.


"Ah ............ Lightwings, what a turn-on" they all said in unison "And pup tents, and chartreuse flying suits (with thongs), and bathtubs, and custard, and wrestling, and female empennages ................



Guest Maj Millard

...as the lean friendly Fillopino lass continued to erect the pup tent right under the wing of the equally capable Light wing, her shiny Lamay G-string edging it's way from beneath her short denim skirt..She watched the webmeister departing North in the bathtub on nearby Lake Ross , then gently caressed the sheepskin seat covers in Majs LW and crooned.."can we go for a real fly now".....Maj looked at the rapidly departing bathtub and replied "talk about sxxx up a creek without a paddle !.... And then.....











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