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......but before she could get anything out Planey's left undercarriage sagged beyond capacity and squatted on the apron almost squashing the marker cone with the tip.......



Guest Andys@coffs

of the bee's male appendage that remained between the fuselage floor and the marker cone........ Bugger me!! yelled Planey as he bent over to take a gander,.......... but halfway down he looked fearfully over his shoulder and pivoted 90degrees away from Ahlot who had that Wyle.E Coyote with eatin irons look given to the roadrunner just before major Fail occurs, or the CASA inspector when let loose at a Rozaus flyin...."Its just an Australian colloquialism.....I didn't mean it literally he suggested while grumbling something about a bad day becoming the worst day ever....."


Ahlot looked sideways and Nobu and said WTF is a cloakeelism and what has it to do with bugger....!!


AHlot San.....that is when.......




...... you use a croak to allow you to frash your keel at young radies at the Brue Oyster (& to Poricerady Doubtfile in cerr number ereven). And when Ahrow frashes, the radies all ...........




..... "Hang on there Turdosan" said the Nobbu "AhRow the Harot has never prowed in his rife, but he certainry has ...........




.... he was at 5000 ft at the time.


"That's a bit weird, don't you think Turdo" commented Brine "What would he be doing with a cat at that elevation?"


"Oh .............. it's that, is it? Well that is called ............




''partial catsration - he and the cat were not at that altitude when it all started, but that's where the saying "Black Cat gives you wings!!!!" came from, well before......."




......... the term "Dead Cat Bounce" came into common usage, but that is what happened next, when AhRoxOff ..............



Guest Andys@coffs

was boasting of the almost immeasurable climb rate of his flying beer can when the black cat sank its craws into his borrs........If Red bull gives you wings then Black cat gives you 0- 1000 vertically in the brink of an eye arrong with the Red bull roar which can be heard above the annoying whiny beetch buzz of the rotaxxen which acts as an audible TCAS !


If you hear that roar and happen to be flying around grumrry grummry then pull that stick back fast!!!




Turbo respectfully advises that Arot was no frying beercan at time since it was in the workshop being either (a) rivetted, (b) having knew (speling) splag crutch fitted or © having hourly exhaust welds, so fast late of crimb was Arot's frapping alms, which.....




......... got up to such a speed that the wingtip vortices were full of Roxette's underarm hair (erky perky ............ in AhRox's case these are generally similar to pubes but 8" long and platted, so they can be sucked into an Axe if you are not careful {or they wrap around the spinner and overload the sprag clutch}), Rexona's "Butch Boy" deodorant (as sold under the counter at the Blue Oyster) and the smell of ...........




....... needs one badly and can't afford to be too choosey, so given that he is known around the Riverina as the Gumly Gumly Gadfly, he is....................




........ It appears that Turdy has posted a "One Eyed Pilots" post in the spot where "One Eyed Pirates" have been discussed in the past.


So, as a result, instead of Depth Perception, he had deep perspiration, and the Toyota Prius of the air is the ............


Turdbo's one eyed post got moved to the correct thread - ModerLox xox




...........new Jabertoo all electric aircraft where in a brilliant example of lateral thinking the designers changed the starter motor gear ratio to produce an engine which can operate permanently on the starter motor only.


"It is much easier on the environment, and needs less replacement parts", said the designer.


Madge, who had been standing nearby welding up and exhaust pipe was caught with his pants down.........




....and also rendered speechless because in one fowl swoop he nemesis had become totally reliable, and the ride was much quieter as well.


Not only that, but they'd solved the fuel supply problem by not needing any, so when pilots dropped into godforsaken out of the way places like Montpelier Park and Townsville, they didn't have to worry about being stranded waiting for fuel to come from Victoria.


Madge was desperately campaigning against strong opposition for .....




..... the f'n Q Board slot.


"I really really hope that I get it" said PDM (his mates [and some female stewed-ants] call him PDM instead of the more demeaning "Pants Down Madge") "As based on past stuff I can progress to be El Prez quick sticks, then I can suspend standing orders, ban all Jaberooters and anyone else that I don't like (Le Defacaruer will be packed off to the SAAA in next to no time if'n he ever survives a leak-down-test & gets his engine back together), then I'll ............




"..........declare Le Defacaruer en Hauture reallocated to the WA electorate, where he will be classified with Gavuan de Throbenharden."


"En...Meeseures, apres thes hes bin darn, I mais...................."



"..........declare Le Defacaruer en Hauture reallocated to the WA electorate, where he will be classified with Gavuan de Throbenharden.""En...Meeseures, apres thes hes bin darn, I mais...................."

...... maised at how well LeDef would fit into the Throbber-aven's mantle over there."


LeDef can then just edit the Throbber's past emails that said "I support you Steve, do whatever you want to, and don't worry about the constitution" to read "I support .............



Guest Andys@coffs

my ability to resign when ever I appear to be a person who has no idea of the law...even though I are one! unto myself!...Meanwhile Monsieur Le Blank was carefully studying his talking horse to ensure he understood which was the south end and which was the North end...Afterall if he listened to the wrong end, and got a tail wind it may not have been the benefit that a tail wind usually brings......


"I want to get the low down straight from the horses mouth....and if at all possible avoid getting an earful of sh!t......but its not at all clear to me how I tell North from South..........


<sounds of high speed cog spinning !!!>


"I know...beings as Im a tooth fairy...dentist how bout I ask each end to open wide, shove my head inside and see what teeth are in place....



With a sleuth like Le Blank what chances of the skeletons remaining undetected? asked ElRat?




But when he checked the south end, below the tail, he was surprised to find the A4 in there.


"What are you doing up there?" he asked and the A5 replied " This is where I compose my best stuff, and I ..................




..... space for my next tome, as I am a leading light in the RAA (and a mate of Miles & Miles), soon to be elevated to A3 status, and I am a good example of why the organisation is not doomed.


Then the A6 added "With my guidance we will take over CASA, SAAA, AOPA and QANTAS, however the only slight impediment (NTTIAWWT) is that ............



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