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"Ogribado to you too mate, do you wear moccasins like Madge?"


"You lookinga very swarthy" said Paulo darkly "I thinka you.................."




........ reminda mee off my brother Andy (whicha means "Brave" and "Manly" in the Wiki list of Portugese baby names), but the only Andys that I know are nothing like Manly, .............. as they are more like Dromana or Bondi or ..... some muddy creek in f'n Q covered with sand-flies and mangroves, or....................




...... all the usual f'n Q mod-cons, like various quantities of assorted driftwood, an old drifter, the back left door from a FJ Holden, a '55 Harley with a clutch problem, a 55 year old bloke with a crutch problem, some Vegemite, ............



Guest Andys@coffs

A "Welcome" Croc placed strategically across the front door and an irukanji adorned fly strips to keep the mozzies at bay........Bull was keen to point out that unsolicited door to door salesmen where rare, and when one was still alive when he answered the door he felt duty bound to hear them out.....Doing so could often be a spectator sport in its own right and one that got to the "So...What about it?" part of the spiel were rarer than working spacebars in that part of the world, and Bones definition for Brave and Manly were contradictory, brave was knocking.....Manly was knowing best not to knock....


Talking of not knocking......


(Damn beaten by the Rat again......it was all that time spending googling how to spell irukanji (aboriginal for F%rk that smarts!)




......... said bull, "by-the-time-they-get-through-the-door-they-don't-have-a-leg-to-stand-on-anyway-so-I-ignore-them.




........ and the parquetry floor has been hand crafted from space-bars from various computers, interspersed with the ends of thru-bolts that have been shed from aircraft that have been passing through, and we have a romano-f'nQ style mosaic in the centre, made from croc's teeth and Kronosaurus testicles that I knicked when last up in Hughenden in f'n c Q, which depicts a leak-down tester rampant, surrounded by what are either bananas or someone's impression of the 12 Incher posing ..............



....next-to-Snoopy, who.............

..... , unfortunately, had been shown in the mosaic as naked and in a "poste compromis", by the very suss f'n Q artiste (who had signed his work as MosaicoPervertito, and may have been an early relative of that forum member MotzaicMerv), with Snoopy's ...........




....best friend Woodstock strategically placed over his thru-bolt.


"I love a...hic...bit of Woodstock....hic...burbon" slurred Tubby, especially before I go for a fly in my......




.......but he was unable to continue the fascinating story. as he threw up, "B-u-u-ur-p, B-u-u-u-u-u-r-p, B-u-u-u-r-a-a-r-g-h!", and the group drew back in horror as...............




..... they thought it was an Axe starting up."


"You should'a yelled "Peer Clop"" said Salty with his Scotch goggles on.


"He looks crook" said Madge "As it looks like he should have yelled the warning "Queer Plop", because .............




".....he was wearing tartan knickerbockers, tan shoes, a frilly shirt, and smoking a cheroot."


"Elementary, my dear man" Salty replied, and the emaciated rat shuddered, drew back and............




.... took up his position, one pace back and once pace out, as Brine's Doctor Watson.


"Stop smoking Cheroots and stop rooting Cher" was the Doctor's initial advice to Sherlock Salty, and ..........




.........Sherlock recoiled, the cheroot dropping from his mouth.


"How did you know, Watson/" he..............




...was just wondering if Mr Ford Prefect was still around as he hasn't posted since 2008, is he still living at Watsonia?



...was just wondering if Mr Ford Prefect was still around as he hasn't posted since 2008, is he still living at Watsonia?

"Why does the Cardigan want to speak with me after all these years?" asked Ford, who had a stuck up attitude, played chess at lunchtime (NTTIAWWT) and always had shiny shoes, just like all of the other prefects at my school.




"It's been 5 years, mate" replied the Football Jumper "And I thought that you .................




........had been ignoring me"


"Not at all" said Ford, "and since I'm leaving Australia shortly to set up in Bangladesh, we must catch up and....POOH! you could do with a wash or very dry clean, and.......




............. you pong like the dog has been sleeping on you, or one of our Rats (either Tunnel of The) have made a nest inside you. Have you been dropped on the garage floor and become a forgotten item of clothing, or worse still a cleaning rag, or have you .................




.... that suggestive message printed on both sides, which indicates that you smell like Tink's socks and says .............



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