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........ who wants to be hold'n on to Holden when you can buy an I20 for less than the Rat charges to rub his sack (and he doesn't give a 5 year 100,000 km money-back guarantee either), when GM's annual turnover is larger than the Aussie annual GDP, when Poxy Loxy buys a Axe instead of the Bundy product, when nobody give a rats about buying local, and when ...................




...a rub of a Rat's sack could well end up as a criminal charge....especially when the rubber is only.....



...a rub of a Rat's sack could well end up as a criminal charge....especially when the rubber is only.....

..... Ratty himself.




"At least I know what I like" the rubbing Rodent replied, "And this will all be made illegal once the High Court decides about the ACT Gay Marriage Act, which includes Turdy's & Bull's penchant for .............




........... attempt to crack onto whichever partner in the relationship is playing the lady (NTTIAWWT)."




"Whereas Brine's & Bandy's motives are altogether different & nefarious, being ..................




....very secretive.


"We all thought our gym teacher was a nefarious" said Turbo, "because he used to smack us with......"



....very secretive.

"We all thought our gym teacher was a nefarious" said Turbo, "because he used to smack us with......"

.......... his "wand", or at least that is how HE described it, as his name was Nev and he was a bit of a fairy (NTTIAWWT etc)."




"That's not a "wand"" said the 12 Incher "THIS is a wand, and I can do ......................



....loops, immelmanns, dutch rolls, sandwiches and focacias, and not only that but...................

...... various other creations from le Patisserie du Pompadour, including a shameless rip-off of an Aussie Pavlova with une French name which gives a hint that it was derived from .............




somewhere near Le Bangholme (which is Francais for Le Knocking Shoppe)


This relevation (sp) raised Turdy's ire (NTTIAWWT) to such a point that he......




......posteured en Facebook that La (not sp) Ratte was un oef et un pomme de terre with a face like a .................



....quince, with.............

......... cumquat jam (CWA recipe # 236a) and a hint of ...........




.....Quokka crap.


The Rat wasn't too pleased and this public rubbishing.


These days he had a champoo at the Wagga Wagga PetsRus (which they weren't) every day followed by a fur combing at "Guys, Gals and Rats" at Gumley Gumley, so Turbo was forced to come up and gently scratch his cheeks which made him tilt his head in delight. Getting him to walk round the office while Turbo loaded up with sweets from the gnomes was a bit harder, but soon Turbo was back in the air, chewing rat's gifts, when..........




...news of the forthcoming Quocka Socca game filtered through on the Ratphones


Turdbros first thought was..."Maybe we could use Elratto as......



...news of the forthcoming Quocka Socca game filtered through on the RatphonesTurdbros first thought was..."Maybe we could use Elratto as......

...... as the new Governor General once we flick that blonde sheila. Then we can all go to Gov't House and have a mocha while we discuss making Occa Quokka Socca the new national game after we make Recreational Aviation compulsory for all Aussies, using the catchcry of .............







....mooms in the direction of the BOB, the holy of holies (religious ref) where Poxieloxie and Elratto are....



....on the Committee fighting like cats and dogs, and preventing..................

........ Andy from arguing with them, as he does with most committees, & from crapping on them at the same time (both figuratively and literally).




But it started raining, with the same cats & dogs being involved, thereby also preventing ..............




.....the naked rat from getting back to his onesie, which was being fought over by Andy and the committee.


"You can't have it without a fair and equitable process!" shouted Andy, as he jerked the onesie (ripping it in two), and shat in his hat at the same time.


"Ewww....." groaned Madge, "now who is going to clean up all this mess?"




.......(Madge, like new school prefect had begun to throw his weight around).


"You are!" yelled Salty, still sung by the outburst of an uneducated FNQ who said he wouldn't taking any orders from a Southerner, even though no orders had been issued.


This took Madge completely by surprise because....


[There's a thread about a fuel smell inside Jabs that's gone on far too long with far too much tippy toeing around rather than just spend the $10,000.00 and fix it, so Turbo has offered to go around testing each one with a lighted match, and giving the all clear to those with successful test results. This is done in the spirit of Christmas, and community service]




...he was expecting Nobu to respond.


Madge was known to fancy something oriental to eat at times, and Nobu was quite proficient at procuring whatever he wanted


It is said.....that in the full light of the moon, and with the clouds reflecting on the water, the Madge has been seen to take on the aura of......




......... The Great White Hope (well, he is actually mostly a dirty brown colour) of all downtrodden RAA members (and Andy the downtrodden ......................



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