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.....castigated by the supreme wit of Suz Ooooki. Which isn't as painful as it sounds, especially as he had already been.....



Guest Andys@coffs

ridden quite gently but his auto box, his sound resonator and muffler had all fallen off which promptly caused his check engine light to come on even though that was the one component that hadn't...at that point in time.....done an aviation equivalent of the jaby through bolt toss......


It looked like Great Wall was badly named, at this point in time it would have been overstating to call him speed hump and as he lay there gasping and struggling for further life the AMWU turned up, stated they were here to help and then promptly........



Guest Andys@coffs

were on their way home from Natfry with a heap of left over tucker and this unplanned gathering of motor heads had more people in attendance than Natfry had for the entire looong weekend.......


AMWU had issues with caterers they were not card carrying members and in the opinion of the AMWU deep frying was manufacturing of sorts....I mean Heart attacks don't just happen, they have to be manufactured and as such.......




....could not allow the caterers to set up at Natfry.


"Don't worry" said Don Quixote, the AMWU Secretary, "no one was hungry; they said if people kept bagging the event there could be mass aviation starvation next year, and ................."



....could not allow the caterers to set up at Natfry.

"Don't worry" said Don Quixote, the AMWU Secretary, "no one was hungry; they said if people kept bagging the event there could be mass aviation starvation next year, and ................."

...because we're there for the little people, and aviators are all rich b*******ds, we'll consider setting up an Underpriviledged Worker in the Aviation Sector Union, or UWASU". As soon as he said the word "UWASU", there was a strange sound, and....




...............suddenly one of the Ratfly fires sparked up.


In the glow could be seen the tall concave figure of Ratso, mangy head and narrow squinting eyes as he looked out into the darkness.


"It was almost....." said Turbo, almost as if he responded to the word UWASU", and he, B12 Handles, and Bobby looked at each other in trepidation.


"We are directly between the Japanes and the Australians" said Turbo, "best we move quietly out of the way, but Handles tripped on a root as he often does these days, and........



...............suddenly one of the Ratfly fires sparked up.In the glow could be seen the tall concave figure of Ratso, mangy head and narrow squinting eyes as he looked out into the darkness.


"It was almost....." said Turbo, almost as if he responded to the word UWASU", and he, B12 Handles, and Bobby looked at each other in trepidation.


"We are directly between the Japanes and the Australians" said Turbo, "best we move quietly out of the way, but Handles tripped on a root as he often does these days, and........

...fell onto Great Wall, still in his Speed Hump identity. "Rook!" cried Hy Undai, "uuurgh, disgusting!", at which point the Rat's eyes narrowed...



Guest Andys@coffs

He went red in the face ...turned his bum towards the fire and promptly let fly with a 4Mj mini mushroom cloud that caused many singed eyebrows among the gathered throng........"Now that I've got your attention...... I'll have you know that Turdy..........




..............but the Japanese had broken up in stitches, for as Ratso turned around it became obvious that the flames had remodelled his rear end leaving a quite large bright pink area with external growths - not unlike to see with some monkeys.


Ratty was furious - this meant....................



..............but the Japanese had broken up in stitches, for as Ratso turned around it became obvious that the flames had remodelled his rear end leaving a quite large bright pink area with external growths - not unlike to see with some monkeys.Ratty was furious - this meant....................

...the fear normally inspired by his scarred and mis-shapen face had disappeared behind his new baboon's bum; he would have to resort to direct action. He spun around, crouched, and...




.......... picked nits from Turbo's thinning & dandruff encrusted hairline.




"You are a dickhead, Latso" yelled Nobu "I said that we will have a gloup picnic, not a nit-pick, you dopy plick."




"And talking of speed bumps" interjected Nanna "I have to say that Nobu is well named, even after all those years stuck in Cowla (which can be a bit of a turn-off on its own), I have just spent a little time with Nobu and am pleased to report that as a result he has a speed bump in his ............









.......... picked nits from Turbo's thinning & dandruff encrusted hairline. 


"You are a dickhead, Latso" yelled Nobu "I said that we will have a gloup picnic, not a nit-pick, you dopy plick."




"And talking of speed bumps" interjected Nanna "I have to say that Nobu is well named, even after all those years stuck in Cowla (which can be a bit of a turn-off on its own), I have just spent a little time with Nobu and am pleased to report that as a result he has a speed bump in his ............






...dorsal region, though he assures me the pain is fading." At this point, the earth began to vibrate, and a dull growl overlain with a shrill whining noise like Bernie Ecclestone on heat began to echo off the hangars. Turbo shook his head and shoved at Ratso, which resulted in...




....... Nobu's speed bump, but all El Ratpoo had to do was scurry up to Nobu and it was gone.


The camp and BBQ area west of the Nth/Sth strip went quiet, Ma Hindra was cooking up a storm, Mitch was practicing the dance of the 7 Veiled Threats and Nanna was ...........




....trying to fend off Major Maggott who had wandered onto the line, his beady eyes zeroing in on the Woodstock bandanna worn by Nana, and his...................................



....trying to fend off Major Maggott who had wandered onto the line, his beady eyes zeroing in on the Woodstock bandanna worn by Nana, and his...................................

...tight little camp shorts squeeking as he walked. Don Quixote sidled up to him and said, "NICE shorts... a bit like Don Dunstan...:. Tubbso was trying to sneek behind the toilet block for a quick fag, when suddenly...




....Maggott was confronted by Ratso, his golden incisor glowing in the firelight, From a distance it looked as if Ratso was giving Maggott a piece of his mind, when Magott brought his arms up in a fighting pose and started dancing around.


Ratso raced for his faithful friends and was seen to clear the tarmac fence in a single bound.


"Red Bum give you wings" said Yamaha and the Japanese all fell about laughing.


He give out position away!" whispered Suzuki San, "what we do?"


And, with Maggott approaching at the run, that was when they came up with the idea to......................................................




..... put on a blues gersey, tell cockroach stories and quote Jo Bjelke jokes.


"Erky perky" said Madge Jayco, who made the sign of an anti-vampire cross with his fingers and backed away, until he reversed into .....



..... put on a blues gersey, tell cockroach stories and quote Jo Bjelke jokes.

"Erky perky" said Madge Jayco, who made the sign of an anti-vampire cross with his fingers and backed away, until he reversed into .....

Ben Tley, who was standing in the shadow of a hangar, shuddering. Foam dribbled from his mouth, his face was slightly grey, and his fingers were twitching. "Undead!" screamed Madge. Ben smiled, and brought up one hand holding a can of...



Ben Tley, who was standing in the shadow of a hangar, shuddering. Foam dribbled from his mouth, his face was slightly grey, and his fingers were twitching. "Undead!" screamed Madge. Ben smiled, and brought up one hand holding a can of...

..... Start-ya-Bastard.


"Don't start that with me" said his Madgesty "As I am a Board Member, I am from f'n Q and I am .......



..... Start-ya-Bastard.

"Don't start that with me" said his Madgesty "As I am a Board Member, I am from f'n Q and I am .......

..."sexy" said Don Quixote, who was still looking a little stunned from the slap given him by Major Maggott. "Rook!" cried Hy Undai, "pansy cockroaches!". With a noise like an O-360 hydraulic locking, Hy fell to the ground. Over him stood the red-faced, sweaty figure of Maggot; and over him loomed the cadaverous red-eyed visage of the rat returned. Don looked around in shock, while Madge...




...... thought about the offer that he had to join in with the 2 Pitts in his Lightwing for the next day's airshow.


"I think I can, I think I can" he thunk, and went to have a chat with Ben in the .......




....the tent next to where they were judging "best board member outfit" behind "the hop skip and jump competition" which was in full swing since........



...... thought about the offer that he had to join in with the 2 Pitts in his Lightwing for the next day's airshow.

"I think I can, I think I can" he thunk, and went to have a chat with Ben in the .......

.the tent next to where they were judging "best board member outfit" behind "the hop skip and jump competition" which was in full swing since.........Ben had let off a can of "start ya bastard" in the men's room. At that point, the Rat dropped one paw on Maggot's shoulder and rasped, "let's see your ASIC, buddy!".



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