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......... liked to combine D's and C's, in an effort to make .............

.......... something of the fact that Andy, Ahlox, bull-with-a-boner and the 12 Incher have not been seen on the NES for yonks.




"Andy has an explanation" said Ratso who would always be totally loyal to his fine mate from Coughs "As Andy is now on the Board, thinks that he is a cut about Turds and me, and as a result he thinks that his hat no longer pongs."




"I was wondering where they have all been" replied Turbo with concern and passion (AvRef).




"We have always known that Ahlow was a bit up himself since his admission to the Magnificcenti Moderattori Splendiferoci but I've always assumed that Ian will flick him quick-sticks once Admin sees the Poxter's true colours ..... even though I still meet with GoldyLox twice a week for a chat over coffee and cake." replied The Rodent "But as I understand it, Andy, PoxyLocks, the 12 Incher and bull ..... plus Nobu, Acki, Doubtfire, Salty, my Aunty & her Jardin are all off participating in a thread that is reserved for the Recreational Elite (plus Endo and E Paul) called "The Potentially Goes on Forever Story" (Po-GOFS) where the main thrust (NTTIAWWT) of the story line is .................



Guest Andys@coffs

that despite wishing it were so, the ability to exist in a world where costs are greater than revenue only exists in the Barbra from Bankworld advertisements. Turdy was takenaback, by many things, why these was the teamAmerica Humada Humada Jihad Jihad gang down at the local bangItHolme constabulary that had him spinning at high speed, and then there was the cunning CASA plan whereby more and more and more roles at RAAus where required to meet the CASA obligations for L1 training, SMS reporting, and all other forms of CASA lead in recruitment for real jobs paid for by members.......Why that's outrageous Yelled Turdyboy...Those guys need to cough up an extra........................




...kilo or two of phlegm to really understand the feeling of being part of the great unwashed


"Hey, you be careful of what you say" yelled Epaulette, "I resemble that remark, and I will have you know that here in Taswegia we..........




...... preconceptions and let it all hang out.




"Talk about letting it all hang out" said Andy "It is now clear that Turbo has exploited a business opportunity that I have been developing for some time via my deposits in the hats, however Turbo has stolen the march and is marketing his Aussie wide ............. AND he is offering a "commercial grade" which is thicker and stronger, as well as a home handiman's grade where I was about the market mine. Turbo's looks like this .....







... whereas mine looks like .....................




"..........sh$t" said Andy, and how will I ever complete.


This was true because (don't tell anyone), Turbo used a formula of eating pistaccio nuts every day, followed by a teaspoon of white expoxy.


"You have to be quick" he said because expoxy goes off quickly in warm conditions, but the end product is worth the risk because............"



"..........sh$t" said Andy, and how will I ever complete.This was true because (don't tell anyone), Turbo used a formula of eating pistaccio nuts every day, followed by a teaspoon of white expoxy.


"You have to be quick" he said because expoxy goes off quickly in warm conditions, but the end product is worth the risk because............"

....... I have registered the product name of "Pis'tPoxy" and the business name of "Pissed & Poxy Enterprises" with Poxy Loxy as a Board Member, Ocky Pistorius as Chairman of the Governance Committee and a ........




.....team of 18 managers that we can order round, make work, and generally focus on the issues while we lay back drinking lattes and reading assorted newspapers.


"We certainly never intended working" said Turbo, "we believe governance is everything, where you think up a bright idea, tell someone else to do it, ask them why they haven't finished yet, and point straight to them when it all turns sour."


Poxy Loxy gave a satisfied burp and said "Governance is never having to say you're sorry, and............................"




.......... was the central mantra of RA-Oz that got them through the dark years between ...............












Guest Andys@coffs

The time when governance was never saying anything, let alone sorry, under pain of excommunication as eeeen was well aware, right throughout to the current time when governance was shaping up to be like a pendulum that has swung too far the other way knocking E Paul well on his way into the Antarctic, where his treasuring, like the 3 coconut shuffling trick, was sure to captivate a penguin or..........



Guest Andys@coffs

Meanwhile at CASA del bumble the team were running around in panic! Jonandthan Alex was dressing down the Younger Mann " our cunning plan requires us to foist much more than a mere 18 additional managers" he yelled, " why 18 will only require RozAus to ...........




......... be used as a Case Study at the Central Repository of Accounting Practices, located in Devonport (with Branch Offices in Fingal and Stanley) where ............



Guest Andys@coffs

an air of naive expectancy as E-Paul said "round and round and round we go, where it stops......no no that's the spinning wheel patter.....Now what was it I'm supposed to say as I shuffled the 3 empty coconuts........."


"Hang on!" yelled Tubs "Whadda ya mean 3 empty cocconuts....."


E-Paul looked affronted and said ...................



Guest Andys@coffs

I was thinking that perhaps a move to deck chair rearranging while having a splash about was more appropriate and in any event are you absolutely sure I have to do something at all? Because




......... I've been the association's Bean Counter AND El Prezidente a couple of times, so I have been involved since the Wright Bros 1st called a tail an empennage, so don't you worry about those figures as we have it all under control ................ ooooops, I just had a rewind of my stuff from the EGM ...... now where was I for 2014 ........... oh, I know, I was about to tell you all about ..................




"...registrations. You MUST have a photo of each side of your aircraft. This means if it has six sides you will need six photos"


"So",said Turbo, "If mine only has one side, I can send in just one photo?"


"Exactly" said Epau, ".................



Guest Andys@coffs

"Its the flying wings we have trouble with, our paper based system doesn't cope so well with zero sides. With Zero sides there is zero photos and our standard paper based approach requires photos to be lost at regular intervals and how can you loose them if they weren't there to begin with????? I mean there isn't a file yet where we haven't inexplicably lost track of at least one photo....." he said trailing of to a whimper.......Fortunately the Younger Mann, who was known to wear his undies on the outside with a big C in the middle of his chest at that moment leapt forward suggesting ".........




........"that he go and live in Florida so he can study space shuttles and the new rockets so see how they cope with wingless or nearly wingless craft in terms of Registration Photos."


"But we have aircraft with no fuselages, not space craft with no wings" said the Rat who was clearly ahead in the flying knowledge stakes if you disregard the mighty and all-conquering flying geek.


"I used to fly aircraft which had both" said Foxhunter who could always be relied upon to add a salient point here and there.


"What's the difference" asked Hatso who had not yet been through the Initiation and Secrecy Ceremony, and so .........



Guest Andys@coffs

was still prepared to post to NES until posting privileges were subsumed with free sandwiches, abundant oxygen and an organisation to not run......Hatso was seen to think for a moment (the beads of sweat on his brow, and lack of Hat suggesting that thinking...and not another thing were occurring) "I think we need another 11 managers, who manage no-one, another 4 CEO's who manage the staffless managers and at least a half dozen disposable temps who, can only report to the office manager cause no one else manages staff directly, and in turn can be blamed for all that is unwell with us at the moment as crisis occur in coming months...It wont help our deficit, but Im sure CASA del Bunble will make up the difference, as they've always done in the past, in our deed of boning......" Oh Indeed" added Epaul....as helpful as ever


There was a stunned silence in the room as the other dimwits tried....and failed....to catch up to Hatso's thinking......


After a moment of Andy looking pleased with himself.....Major was heard to suggest...........................




"Why would someone choose to brand themselves "as"?" asked Salty "As those branding irons hurt and the only thing that I can think "as" stands for is "ah sole", but ............



Guest Andys@coffs

I think brands are like SMS's where you are limited to a certain number of characters before you have to pay shedloads more...... explained Salty


"That probably explains why Younger Mann has only a capital C on his undies...it costs more for more letters and there are any number of C words that fit from time to time" said Ratso. "Why at times it probably means..........."



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