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The Never Ending Story


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vne so he set about fooling the raa dilots into letting arhlocks fly his kite over weight and too fast as this was all right by the lsa standard of the day ,one must remember this was 1863 and the kite that leo divinty had submitted to the raa where still being proccessed {2 years to date} but...........



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....since aircraft hadn't been invented at that point, all those in the saloon paused. One let his hand go slowly down to his six gun.


"Hu ar u?" asked Beauregarde looking down at the ragged bull.


"Don't know who he are, but I'll wager he comes from Queensland" said Horace, "they all look the same......"



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...... to me.


bull was offended and drew himself up to his full height.


"Ah says, stand up boy" yelled Beauregard sounding like Foghorn Leghorn.


"I am" said bull doing an impersonation of Rob Bridon's little man in a box (Here bull at



"Leave him to me, Beau" said Scarlet "As I didn't use my vial on those other 2 (because they didn't need any encouragement) and this bull fellow seems to be ............



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....a little bit lost, or he's fallen out of a time machine which..................

.......... is what f'n Q is all about, as their promotional slogan used to say "Fine one day, 1956 the next ....... eh."


"Too right ..... eh" said bull as he stepped from the great silver-tubed and ragged bird once when he accidentally crossed the border near St George after a nor-easter had blown him south for a week and he observed "This is like I have gone forward 50 years ......... eh, what with this ...........



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plastic thingy ,dont tell me you call that an ULTRALIGHT, Na said Nana ,It,s really too heavy for that ,but shooose dont tell anyone ah



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Guest Andys@coffs

named it "Dead Horse" and I intend to flog it until its back in the air....or the damn time machine takes you back 3 days so I can rinse and repeat from post 10106 to 1010106.......


Rat suddenly looked unwell, and Turdy started contemplating his belly button fluff as the thought of repeating the R&T story for a mere million more times........


Rat said " We are in NES land known to repeat ourselves from time to time! but do we really need to........



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named it "Dead Horse" and I intend to flog it until its back in the air....or the damn time machine takes you back 3 days so I can rinse and repeat from post 10106 to 1010106.......

Rat suddenly looked unwell, and Turdy started contemplating his belly button fluff as the thought of repeating the R&T story for a mere million more times........


Rat said " We are in NES land known to repeat ourselves from time to time! but do we really need to........

....... repeat ourselves from time to time occasionally every now and again, so often? As we are in NES land & saying things over and over again is like repeating ourselves from time to time!


"Now now now now, don't you you you worry about that (are you you from the ABC?)" said Madge who had buggered off from the NES for a while to partake of higher office ....... and make a run for an OA for services to something or other.


"You must do wait and balance calcs on wait and shift aircraft" repeated Turbs.


"Geeeez those ducks nearly nipped my plonker" restated Andy.


But Lord Byron, the Mayor of Dandy-nong, was the only one to come up with anything fresh and he proclaimed ".................



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"...hear the same old same old"


"Heaar, Heaar" said Foghorn, "Ahm hungry!"


"Ah'l fix thet", said General Turbine "Hey prisoner, come over here!"


A slightly overweight Confederate soldier, saved only because he was parked on Sh!tters Ditch when the rockets arrived came up.


"What's your name son?" asked the General.


"Harland Sir, Harland P. Sanders" the young soldier replied.


"Go out to the kitchen and cook us up some chicken" ordered the General.


"Ah aint ever cooked" replied the soldier.


"Just frah it for 15 minutes, and add ever sparce in the reck, and you'll be fahn" General Turbine said, and so.......................



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"..."Just frah it for 15 minutes, and add ever sparce in the reck, and you'll be fahn" General Turbine said, and so.......................

......... well why do you write and sound like a kiwi?" asked Harland, who had just come back from a weekend at his baaatch on the river at Sh!tter's Ditch wearing his swanny and his jandals. "There's an apostrophe in Shitter's you waaaanka, the spices are in the reck, your sister has a fine reck, your car should be at the reckers, and reck off bro." he added for effect.


Garrett Turbine looked at the disrespectful Harland in the same way that some of the Board (particularly Miles & Miles) looked at those that called the EGM and said .............



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......"Thet frahd chicken ready yet punk?"


Harland brought out a tray of steaming spiced chicken and accents were forgotten.


"This is finger-lickin' good!" said Corporal Loxoff.


The prisoner had a thought.........................



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Hey i,ll give some of this to bull ,maybe he will come around and into the future so to speak,Well after a big feed of that finger lickin chicken i,ve gotta say, Holy toledo batman i,ve been a right dickhead ah cried Bull ,and i,ll post nothing negative anymore about anybodys choice of flying machine again and i,m sorry ,he proclaimed. What about my zelo cried Sir Nobu, its been in the shed for 2004 posts now am i allowed to fly that,Dont know mate said Bull ,but i,ve got some spare aerostart if you need it. OK said Sir Nobu i,ll...................



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.......... clank it over while you sit up on the cowl and splay the aelostart into the carbuleters."




This cooperation between this well known ex-Cowla prisoner and a worldly wise but somewhat intolerant Queensrander brought tears to the eyes of many observers and showed the good that is in all of us ........... yet reminded some of the more cynical bastards of that well known biblical tale of the fawn pulling the barbed-wire out of the foot of the lion (or Nanna spending time in Rygon St with Turdy as he became aroused).




All was sweet until the Zero sprang into life and bull was immediatery blown 300 metres backwards with his can of aelostart held ploudry aroft.




"Sorong sucker" yelled Sir Nobu as he gunned the Zelo on Bone's well known yet infamous spaceshuttle length lunway 27 right which was rined with emergency services vehicles "I shall raunch down this lunway and shall fry all the way to ................



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"Cookies Town (Turbo San tell me tellible stoly).


At Cooktown, ASIO, who make CASA look like a bunch of girls, were waiting, assault rifles at the ready.


"FREEZE!" yelled.........



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ASIO,s finest Elrato as the pilot with the rag rapped round his head{this was why ASIO got involved in the first place] climbed down from the zelo ,,then all hell sprang loose as the zelo exploded blowing all of the ASIO stormtroopers aside,Hehe said SIR Nobu as he fled down the front wharf at cookie town and commandered a live trout boat that was just about to unload. What a bonus he thought as he steamed out through the leads,thinking ,i,ll get a velly ghood price in fong cong for ..



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.......... yelled Tristan, a trusted ASIO Operative "If youze don't freeze you will make an AS out of I and Others" he added with somewhat opaque logic. "It's similar to making an Ass out of U and Me if you "assume" something" he added in an attempt to clarify the ASIO in-joke (but it did make them both titter a tad).


"And those CASA guys ARE a bunch of girls." contributed Algernon Clive-Crudgington, Tristan's partner "Although when we say "partner" we mean that we are a crack (NTTIAWWT) operative team, not that we co-habitate or touch each other or anything while on duty."


"We remember Turbo (or "Agent Orange 06.5" as he is better known) from a number of his famous Old-Bag Ops when he was a section head running our SE Melbourne Office where there was ...........







Our beloved Tink (Agent 0.5 3/4), in disguise during one of his Old Bag Ops.



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a mix up in turbo ,s posting as he was beaten to the punch by that qweenslander Bull,so he contacted Sir Nobu on the radio and said...........



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that bloody qween slander bull keeps beating all us higher known folks to the punch ,Arhlocks then said..............



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.......... "What's a vip? But I like living on the edge so I'm game for a private gaming room at the Crown, as anything that is "private" has connotations of .............



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