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Posted (edited)

Choxaway was just making a comment, due to the CT's momentous accusations, most of which pointed a digit at Choxy's best mate.

Choxy was not writing a contiguous comment meant to flow seamlessly, in the manner that he usually does.

Same with this one.

Choxy is very disappointed that Turdboy would try to deflect, in this manner, from his own inadequacies, which were pointed out so effectively & accurately by the CT.

Edited by Captain
On 21/03/2021 at 11:24 AM, CT9000 said:

got on to Ebay to find that Air Asia is selling multi engine endorsements for about $100 + GST. It is a full on one day course but for that you get a MECR,  full IFR/night, a G1 instructor, ATPL, piston/turbine/rocket, and 300 hrs. signed off in the log book. Not bad for a days work but it does not include formation.  ................

To assist Turbo ...... but it does not include formation .......


..........of ice and what to do about it.

"Would you put gin on it? asked Turbo helpfully, knowing taht he wouldn't ave given CT any mercy, or a full IFR, even at night,  or ................

23 hours ago, turboplanner said:

..........of ice and what to do about it.

"Would you put gin on it? asked Turbo helpfully, knowing taht he wouldn't ave given CT any mercy, or a full IFR, even at night,  or ................

........ , and this is where Turbo's F16 experience came to the fore, when his response was .......


.....no of course you would not put gin on ice because that would dilute the gin. Gin is strictly for adding to beer. You can, if you like add Glycol to ice because it tastes terrible so it dose not matter if you waste that on ice for some petty aviation related reason......

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, CT9000 said:

.....no of course you would not put gin on ice because that would dilute the gin. Gin is strictly for adding to beer. You can, if you like add Glycol to ice because it tastes terrible so it dose not matter if you waste that on ice for some petty aviation related reason......

..... CASA now has a Gin, Glycol and Ice Ramp Check protocol (Form # 1432.65.73339.a.iv.17, subset 3.5.iii).


"why did you set that up" asked bull, who knows the CASA blokes and blokettes really well from his time working undercover.


"We noticed that that 9000 CT mentioned that this as a "petty aviation related reason". We at CASA are from the government and we are here to help you all, plus we are experts on "petty" so this is right up our ........

Edited by Captain

alley, and aside from paying CT9000 a visis and guaranteeing a ramp check in the near future, we are seriously considering making Gin [CappyRef], Glycol [avref] and Ice the official CASA beverage to be stocked in our board rooms around the country and carried on the entity's vehicles.

Turbo pulled out a large bottle with a beautiful Label "CASAGGI" with scrolling letters and showing European peasants tending to vines, pointing CO2 guns at glasses of water, and lying down flat on their backs, and announce that the CASA boys would soon be getting packs of these produced by The Old Turbine Distilling Coy (Est 1832), which should give them a ....................


......wingover themselves, reminiscent of the days when they used to have Aero Commanders, and bend the wings off them.

These days of course they didn't get to fly real airctraft, but were given a subscription to Flightsim, which saved a lot of lives and was just as real as...................

Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, turboplanner said:

......wingover themselves, reminiscent of the days when they used to have Aero Commanders, and bend the wings off them.

These days of course they didn't get to fly real airctraft, but were given a subscription to Flightsim, which saved a lot of lives and was just as real as...................

..... when oneroot heads into Perth, stands with his back to the clocktower and .....


BREAKING NEWS ... It is understood that the 4 Canberra staff, who did stuff on the Minister's desks in Parliament House, were supplied under contracts by Turbine Industries and were previously part of the Turbine Security's team for the Vic Quarantine Hotels. It hasn't been a good week for TI (and they still need to find the dosh for the Apple, FB & Google purchase.)

Edited by Captain
3 hours ago, Captain said:

BREAKING NEWS ... It is understood that the 4 Canberra staff, who did stuff on the Minister's desks .....

Erky Perky .... Just say'n. 


BREAKING NEWS.....Speaking from New York after breaking off an important speak to the General Assembly of the United Nations exhorting all Nations to do more about improving Children's health, Mr Turbine has conformed that he has not supplied any staff to Parliament House, and that a company Captain's Anchors had the current contract for staffing offices.


Cappy desperately tried to deflect the crisis he had slipped into. Staff around Australia held demonstrations in every Capital City. Ten thousand staffers on the steps of Victoria's Parliament cried "Enough is Enough!!" not realising that this new crisis had nothing to do with them, but ........

Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, turboplanner said:

Cappy desperately tried to deflect the crisis he had slipped into. Staff around Australia held demonstrations in every Capital City. Ten thousand staffers on the steps of Victoria's Parliament cried "Enough is Enough!!" not realising that this new crisis had nothing to do with them, but ........

..... was based on fake news reporting by the ABC.


"Yes mate" said one of the accused Staffers "It should have read that we masticate on the desk, as that is where we always meet to eat our lunch, although afterwards we give thanks to our beloved Cappy for the precious jobs that we have and then we sometimes give each other a .......

Edited by Captain

.........test on the Ocuupational Health and Safety Manual, particularly in respect to those ambiguous clauses 602.3, and 1321.5.


"I'm ambiguous" confessed Salty, who was still lying low on the river in Remnark with his friend Gerald, who ........

1 hour ago, turboplanner said:

.........test on the Ocuupational Health and Safety Manual, particularly in respect to those ambiguous clauses 602.3, and 1321.5.


"I'm ambiguous" confessed Salty, who was still lying low on the river in Remnark with his friend Gerald, who ........

...... also masticates 3 times a day while looking at the centerfold in the OH&S Manual, using his .......


.........binoculars to study wildlife on the other side of the river, while practicing his gender-equality skills.

By now, Salty had tired of the whole scene amd was about to pull the old Jab out of the shed, clean the possum nests out of it and ...............

1 hour ago, turboplanner said:

.........binoculars to study wildlife on the other side of the river, while practicing his gender-equality skills.

By now, Salty had tired of the whole scene amd was about to pull the old Jab out of the shed, clean the possum nests out of it and ...............

..... count how many thru-bolt heads he can see.


"I know the rules on this" said Brine proudly "If there is an odd number, then I may be in the ......


[Warning; disturbing story of how the original population of Australia got their lunch]


.......mulga leaves and an 8 hour walk from the Murray River. There's no other water, so when that happens the only thing to do is hide beside a kangaroo pad, grab one by the tail, ignoring him kicking you in the balls, rip his heart out and drink his blood, as well as whatever you can lick off of your own, because I usually finish up so scratched that cars hurry by, but life has to go on .....................


[We apologise to the many thousands of NES readers who will be shocked by reading this, but Salty was one of the old brigade that didn't need doctors; he just sticthed himself up. In fact he also left us in stitches a few times.]

Posted (edited)

G'day. My name is Ratty and I think it is (just) OK to be a wreck on Wreck Flying. I was borne in a hospital and was educated by Mavis.


I'm normally a bit of a lazy XXXX but this term I've hit the pub instead of visiting any of my family (who are all in Risdon jail), and who never really liked me anyway.


Now that we know about the 2nd rate thesis online writing service, as kindly recommended by Juicy Brant, Ridge (avref) and poor dim Galen we can see that it is a pretty crook service that uses 2nd rate engrish, but is obviously where Turdboy & bull buy their posts from.

Edited by Captain
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, turboplanner said:

...mulga leaves and an 8 hour walk from the Murray River. There's no other water, so when that happens the only thing to do is hide beside a kangaroo pad, grab one by the tail, ignoring him kicking you in the balls, rip his heart out and drink his blood, as well as whatever you can lick off of your own, because I usually finish up so scratched that cars hurry by, but life has to go on ..........

...... so I always attend one of the hundreds of clinics which are run by Turbine Medical Centres Inc Plc.


Dr Turbo is therefore the Geoffrey Eddelstone of the 2020's, where he owns football teams, airports (avref), goes out with voluptuous 25 year old models (NTTIAWWTBTW) and sticks his ........

Edited by Captain

....thermometer into places we don't really want to know about. Regardless, Cappy has now revealed that Turbo was awarded an (obviously honorary) Doctorate from one of those online Universities that also specialise in supplying ready-made theses (and of course, with my top-grade, online Uni qualifications, I know that the plural of thesis, is theses).


However, it appears that Turbos constant demand to preface any address to him as "Doctor" is starting to grate - particularly when he does it in radio communications (loose avref).


"It's bad enough that he already has this Walter Mitty view of life - but when he constantly demands to be addressed as 'Doctor Turbo' over the airwaves, that it really starts to get up your nose", said one aggrieved ATC operative.


"Did I hear someone say 'Nose'?", said Turbo, popping his head around the corner. "Did you know I specialise in olfactory issues? - particularly relating to smells that........

Posted (edited)

My Uni, when I did my multiple Doctorates, defined the plural of thesis as thesii, but then again I went to multiple latin Univerii and the lady friends (NTTIAWWTBTW) often had multiple orgasmii. Just say'n. 

Edited by Captain

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