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As a matter of interest & as a complete coincidence, this morning's edition of VooDoo Community News has predicted that below will be the next phase of the evolution of the Tubbies, with Turbo/TinkyWank plunging to the depths of depravity, as you can see.


What shall we do to save Turbo?


Or who cares?


See the source image




14 minutes ago, turboplanner said:

....were from Wagga Wagga South, and we know what that means ..............................

... , which is that .....

Posted (edited)

....... in addition, he still had that rash that keeps coming back, which has been there since his time in Vietnam, not because of his time in the war (yet he still does love the smell of napalm in the morning), but from his brief time as a rugged looking LadyBoy in Saigon in 2015 (his body had lots of lumps, bumps & crevices, but they were all in the wrong places so he looked pretty crook), because .....

Edited by Captain

was always pretty broke ,and they only surgeons he could afford where, lest then the best ,so to say and the results where sometimes ....Alexis Stone Convinced Followers He Got "Botched" Plastic Surgery | Allure  less then desired ,,,,,[turdo,s latest work over] and this was causing major.......

Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, bull said:

[turdo,s latest work over] and this was causing major.......

....... issues with his passport photos .........


And bull's above post is, dear Readers, why we need to give Turdy additional moral support at the moment (as he has none [morals that is]) ........... but thank goodness for the lockdowns as you wouldn't want to be seen out in public with him, eh?


PS - I gave him those earrings some years ago.

Edited by Captain
  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, Captain said:

....... issues with his passport photos .........

....especially since he went one step further on his last visit to Thailand and had tiger stripes tattooed on his face and neck, and claws glued to his fingernails.


He did have some trouble getting back into Australia, even in the "favourites" queue, but he was able to answer all the questions correctly and he'd filled out the immigration forms, so he was allowed in, and wasted no time ......


Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, turboplanner said:

so he was allowed in, and wasted no time ....

.... rubbing Bepanthen cream on the rash and applying some Mercurochrome on the areas that had chafed up badly during the flight, not to mention that part of the tatt had been done using a rusty needle, which needed a ...........  


Turdo went Tiger on his face and inside-out twisted wormhole zebra on his shoulders (see below). He is multi faceted. But at least it partly covered up his stretch marks.

See the source image

Edited by Captain

........hack saw, but Turbo was tough; he used to strain fence wire with his teeth and use two hands to tie figures of eight knots, the hallmark of the very best Australian fencers, and Cappy envied him for .....

Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, turboplanner said:

........hack saw, but Turbo was tough; he used to strain fence wire with his teeth and use two hands to tie figures of eight knots, the hallmark of the very best Australian fencers, and Cappy envied him for .....

...... years until he discovered Tubb's fence straining secrets, which Turdo practiced in the smallest room in the house (even in the smallest of the 6 of them in the Turbine mansion set well back from Toorak Rd), by straining on the .......

Edited by Captain
4 hours ago, Captain said:

PS - I gave him those earrings some years ago.

And nice ones they are too mister rat,,,,,,,[you are giving very small  signals there ratty? are you coming out of the closet or something ?]

15 minutes ago, Captain said:

...... years until he discovered Tubb's fence straining secrets, which Turdo practiced in the smallest room in the house (even in the smallest of the 6 of them in the Turbine mansion set well back from Toorak Rd), by straining on the .......

shower fitting to the dunny , was always fun to watch Mavis try and have a s#^t he said while rolling around in...

Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, bull said:

And nice ones they are too mister rat,,,,,,,[you are giving very small  signals there ratty? are you coming out of the closet or something ?]

As a response to our beloved bull, who is driving the progress of the NES hard these days, I am pleased to respond with the well known term "Don't knock it if you haven't tried it", and bull has obviously never met Turbo, otherwise bull would appreciate Turdy's magnetic personality and the fact that he is a very attractive man (plus he drives a red sports car).


Now just harking back to bull's dangerous dabbling in the occult, I am advised that when bull came to Tazzy he was drawn in to be a member of the Launceston Amish and this gave him an unhealthy disdain for Samsung and Apple tablets.


As a result, since joining the LA, bull has always carried out his flight planning using a Ouija Board and he also has a smaller version as his kneeboard, but modified to show his checklists plus a crude voodoo insignia meaning "Clear Prop".

16 hours ago, bull said:

while rolling around in..

...... a pagan love ceremony that is unique to the Lonny Amish cult, which is dedicated to .......






See the source image

Edited by Captain
  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

NOTE FROM ADMIN - The fact that our beloved Skipper, thru his excellent investigative powers, has been able to disclose that the AUF is actually a voodoo cult organization is astounding and to think that it has spread thru the UL aviation community Australia wide, but strongest around Perth, is mind blowing to us at Wreck Flying central office.


However when we discussed it at this morning's management meeting, Eeeeaaann set the scene perfectly by succinctly stating "Well after all, Western Australia is really just like Haiti, but with iron ore." 

Edited by Captain
  • Haha 1
On 18/09/2021 at 8:00 AM, Captain said:

However when we discussed it at this morning's management meeting, Eeeeaaann set the scene perfectly by succinctly stating "Well after all, Western Australia is really just like Haiti, but with iron ore." 

.or more ?who knows, bit like knowing if turdo really does believe in teletubbies or not, really not that important to the story of a decadent group of aviators who for whatever reason choose to GTFAFTE as often as possible usually only by a couple of thousand feet but it is enough to forget lockdowns/coronas virus and beer etc and escape to a world only pilots understand at least for a little while...quote. [from the website GTFAFTE support group formally know as wreckflying.]  Wow exclaimed OT from way over in the corner, Is that what it is......

1 hour ago, bull said:

Wow exclaimed OT from way over in the corner, Is that what it is.....

..... all ......

44 minutes ago, bull said:

...this time i thought it was......

...... a much bigger issue, that had potential to .....

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, turboplanner said:

....wreck flying which relied on Bernouli's theorem vs gravity with ...............

..... with that enigmatic and puzzling relationship to Pi (π), which is why so many Wreck Flyers choose to go for a $100 pie on a nice Sunday morning (it used to be known as a $100 hamburger until all AUF members realized that they could buy a pie for $2.70 less than the cost of a basic airport café burger), but that was until Turbine Catering, in cooperation with Bull's Pastry Emporium, changed the .....

Edited by Captain

.......recipe and the sales rocketed off. They were calles Flyers Pies, designed specifically for pilots and came with a packaging guarantee which allowed you to sit on them without that tell tale brown and yellow stain that had caused so many pilots to be branded cowards, when it was just a squashed pie. The killer was the whine recorder where the pilot could record an hour of whining about CASA, airfields, other pilots, the cost of living, prices and anything else and send it off in the Australia Post package provided and preaddressed to Scomo c/o Canberra. For months you couldn't buy a FP anywhere, the demand at Flying Clubs  was so substantial. Then TC released the Flyer Pie Lite, which only recorded for thirty seconds which was enough for a spit at Scomo, but gave you enough time to eat the pie, and sales soared again. Some clubs were raking customers off the nearby roads from people who wanted to send messages direct to Scomo, and get a taste of what real flyers ate. Soon the Clubs could afford new aircraft, and .....................

3 minutes ago, turboplanner said:

Soon the Clubs could afford new aircraft, and .......

.... offered free fuel with every .....

Posted (edited)

only be disappointed to find that the CFI,s

was none other then..............

Edited by bull

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