bull Posted September 22, 2021 Posted September 22, 2021 .could do with all those nice new flouro gear ,as it gets pretty dark on the apple isle sometimes ,said Bull ,and the bodies will really perk up the crayfish industry. Sign me up Turdo said sounds like the crays are a good investment but we will have to get Dan old mate nto talkto Xi about removing the trade restrictions. That wont work said OT we will have to.......................................
Captain Posted September 22, 2021 Posted September 22, 2021 (edited) 1 hour ago, bull said: That wont work said OT we will have to......... .... clean up the symbolism of the NES which, after all, is just an accurate reflection of wider Australian society, because Eeeeeann & I have been contacted by the head of the Victorian Constabulary, Commissioner Vic Pol, and he has made the point that recently in the NES we have included mention of Chairman Dan and the CCP, the Mafia controlled Tasmanian Opium Poppy trade, the WA KKK who control the southern rock lobster business, anything to do with Queensland, bull's leadership of the South Island Independence Front, the Darraweit Guim Separatist movement, the Moorabbin Masonic Lodge, the Remnark Farmer's Federation and most alarming of all has been the inclusion of the brother of the leader of the CFMEU whose name is Swoss". "There is nothing more inflammatory than that" said Vic "As we don't want Swoss Setka & his family symbol mentioned anywhere, or the flags will come out and the Nazi sympolism, which is so often a part of the secret meetings & rituals of AeroClubs Australia wide, plus their satanic & Adolph worship forums on the dark web, will see the destruction of ...... Edited September 22, 2021 by Captain 1
bull Posted September 22, 2021 Posted September 22, 2021 Coffee and snags flyins everywhere [avref] as people turn to the dark side the effect is being felt all .....
Captain Posted September 23, 2021 Posted September 23, 2021 (edited) 5 hours ago, bull said: Coffee and snags flyins everywhere [avref] as people turn to the dark side the effect is being felt all ..... ....... and with that post, bull's promotion of his new musical, "The Devil's Chalice" hit new booking records at the Hobart Masonic Centre (bull has now committed to rent the Centre for the next 2 years, after following Andrew L Weber's business model, which includes buying one of his BBQs), however the HMC is also where the Right Wing (avref) Tazzy Neo-Nazi's Party (the RWTNNP) meet each quarter, so a bit of a blue is expected at their next meeting where, during interval, the Devil Worshippers will be forced to listen to Swoss Setka, who has been invited to speak about the benefits of .............. Edited September 23, 2021 by Captain
bull Posted September 23, 2021 Posted September 23, 2021 being vaccinated,,,,now did,nt that cause a fuss NES chambers looked like a hen house with feathers flying [avref] as all its members looked for an exit from this madness brought on by none other then the Chairman himself Old Dan boy...the chambers quickly emptied [ escaping NES members led by none other then OT himself]and soon only ratty and turbs was left , me i,m still trying to start that bloody jackaroo!!but i,ll hang around to find out what ratty intends to do about it................
Captain Posted September 23, 2021 Posted September 23, 2021 (edited) 15 minutes ago, bull said: i,ll hang around to find out what ratty intends to do about it..... .......... which was to emulate bull, but this time with a children's pageant which he cleverly & catchily titled "The Black Death" (see advertising poster below), for which the narration was akin to the early Enid Blyton novels and the musical score, which was written brilliantly by Cappy, but widely acknowledged to be in the manner of .......... Edited September 23, 2021 by Captain 1
bull Posted September 23, 2021 Posted September 23, 2021 (edited) .of an ancient custom of the Wherthefluckarewe....tribe pigmies from the long grass areas of New Guinea , By nessecity ,being so short they had developed a beat by which to jump up to with the exact same high tempos as Cappys rendition. They did this to be able to navigate and was widely believed to have developed the telescope using cracked zero windscreens[avref] and bamboo! Thats not true said Cappy,,, I have shared genes with my PNG cousin who is a member of the WTFAW tribe and passed it on to me ,,true story [here,s my cousin in the long grass]why i reckon i,m............... ......... Edited September 23, 2021 by bull
Captain Posted September 23, 2021 Posted September 23, 2021 4 hours ago, bull said: ]why i reckon i,m....... ..... better looking, less grey, more adonis & Jedi looking, and what's more I have a .....
bull Posted September 23, 2021 Posted September 23, 2021 .much more appealing body odour, something akin to..............
turboplanner Posted September 23, 2021 Posted September 23, 2021 ......Swos Setka who is currently undergoing councilling and anti-fear treatment after the shocking Anto-Vaxxer invasion of his headquarters. People said the CFMEU were brutal, but they were just fairies compared to this group of misfits. bull was still trying to get the Jackaroo started and his mood hadn't been iproved by Cappy suggesting he put a match to it. Finally is coughed into life, emitting clouds of smoke (avref), backfiring and settling into a coughing, wheezing rhythm which allowed him to drag it into the air. He had just made Humping Island in Bass Strait when.....................
bull Posted September 23, 2021 Posted September 23, 2021 (edited) He remembered he had left the kettle on back at Wreckflying headquarters,[that old brick shed way over in the corner of Pt Cook airfield in pricktoristan] and proceeded to return to WFHPC for a nice cup of tea but the wind had got up and the jackaroo was tossed until Turdo came out in some scary yellow machine and guided the way in for Bull and all was............... Edited September 23, 2021 by bull
turboplanner Posted September 23, 2021 Posted September 23, 2021 well, or so bull thought, but Turbo had paid a terrible price because his yellow machine was a Cat D7 dozer, and they don't float, and he now had to pull all 117,000 parts apart, part the parts which hadn't parted and get the salt out. As he dropped a bull gear on his toe, he realised ............
Captain Posted September 23, 2021 Posted September 23, 2021 (edited) 2 hours ago, turboplanner said: As he dropped a bull gear on his toe, he realised ........ ...... that he should have done more to pull apart the sub-parts that were part of the parts that he had parted, because, as Turbo well knows ......... PS - Meanwhile Turbo stood in the doorway with no dacks on, having pulled his pants apart. "I knew that I should have worn my glasses when I read that" he said apologetically. Edited September 23, 2021 by Captain
turboplanner Posted September 23, 2021 Posted September 23, 2021 ......in working on Caterpillar products, before you try to part an unparted part, you have to part-loosen the part so it's partly parted, in part because the part may drop on your toe, partly severing it. In short it's wholly important for the long run, that ................
Captain Posted September 23, 2021 Posted September 23, 2021 (edited) 13 minutes ago, turboplanner said: ......in working on Caterpillar products, before you try to part an unparted part, you have to part-loosen the part so it's partly parted, in part because the part may drop on your toe, partly severing it. In short it's wholly important for the long run, that ................ ....... your partner be ready in the apartment, and in particular they need to be impartial if she (or he, NTTIAWWT) (or they if it is a tripartite relationship NTTIAWWTE, but with 3 it does need to have been bipartisan) however that also demands it to have been a "she" if it is to have been postpartum, because ........ Edited September 23, 2021 by Captain
Captain Posted September 24, 2021 Posted September 24, 2021 (edited) RatFeatures and Turdboy wonder whether Onesie, the CT and bull are going to participate in this wordplay with impartiality. Will they take part or stay apart? Edited September 24, 2021 by Captain
onetrack Posted September 24, 2021 Posted September 24, 2021 OT is indicating that it's partly because the partition of this thread, from partying about in aircraft, to making up sentences based around particular words, that he has decided he will become an impartial party to the proceedings, and let the relevant department controlling the NES, sort out the deviation from participation in a continuing story about aviation. In addition, there are particular grievances that OT is nursing, relating to particlples that have no right to be used in the NES, marking a major departure from the entire previous storyline, which was centred around partygoers and participants in staged shows involving multipart plays. Meanwhile, back at the Gumly RSL, those particular parties involved in repartee were....... 1
bull Posted September 24, 2021 Posted September 24, 2021 wondering WTF was going on !!! ..and decided to just ignore the part time partners and go on with the story.......Now Cappy woke up from his part nightmare and realised that it was not the d9 that he saved bull in but a humble little 447 rotax and ignoring the wordsmiths here he embraced another money making scheme with the .................
turboplanner Posted September 24, 2021 Posted September 24, 2021 .......with the production of the Twister. This was a very sound Ultralite [OldAvRef], and the first one was bought be Rev F.W. Wimp who got it home and immediately started tinkering adding a couple of air horns and LEDs to fly at night. He was yet to have his first flying lesson, but he'd figured he could teach himself. "What could possibly go wrong?" he told people. Someone suggested it was so slow that if anything went wrong you could just jump out, but he realised that if he jumped ..............
Captain Posted September 25, 2021 Posted September 25, 2021 8 hours ago, turboplanner said: but he realised that if he jumped ..... ...... his membership of the AUF (and his subscription to Wreck Flying) would be changed to .....
turboplanner Posted September 25, 2021 Posted September 25, 2021 .......part time until it was clear where he'd landed and where the Twister had landed. Then the Rev realised that his terminal velocity might have a different meaning if he jumped, so he decided to ...................
onetrack Posted September 25, 2021 Posted September 25, 2021 .....keep going, up and up, as the Twister roared away happily. But the Rev spotted some strange-looking clouds. He consulted his meteorological handbook. Yes, there they were - fluctus clouds. "I wonder why they called them that?", he mused, as he got closer and closer to them. Meantimes, Turbo, bull and Cappy were on the ground, watching. "He's going to fly straight into those fluctus clouds!", cried bull. "He'll be flucked for sure, then!", said Cappy sagely - "And what's more......
turboplanner Posted September 25, 2021 Posted September 25, 2021 .....if he jumps, it's going to need a particularly quick prayer, but the Rev did what all good Ultralight flyers do, and stopped before he got within the 5000 metres of fluctus clouds. This wasn't a good idea either because the Twister was now descending in a spin, but with the natural grace that Revs had he pulled it out and landed. On the ground there was a general discussion about what would have happened to a Heathen, BRS had been tried but BRS had killed more people through going off prematurely or turning a perfectly good aircraft upside down in normal flight, and that's when Turbo came up with the idea of the arrestor wire [Naval AvRef]. He explained; "If you get into the fluctus, run out of fuel, have a coughing fit, haven't had time to fix the skins since the rats got them etc, you'll be able to radio 122TURBO from anywhere and call for an ARREST. Since no life is in imminent danger it's not a MAYDAY so you don't have to be interviewed like a murderer, or even report the incident. Within three hours there will be a Turbine Aviation helicopter on the scene with an errestor cable, and you'll just glide down and into the cable like the US Navy did with their observation aircaft in WW1, pay a small fee to Turbine (or be dropped off the arrestor), and you'll be on the way ....................... 1
bull Posted September 25, 2021 Posted September 25, 2021 (edited) .something similar to this,https://alpoma.medium.com/landing-with-cables-the-systems-of-blériot-brodie-and-reitsch-114009ce036e [very scetchy] said Bull ,who was the technical adviser to Turbine arrestor system [not really an arrestor wire ,more like a cable snatch but i wander again,,, back to the story] It is a sure fire system to help save lives,[bit like lockdowns] and keep you............. Edited September 25, 2021 by bull 1
Captain Posted September 25, 2021 Posted September 25, 2021 (edited) 41 minutes ago, bull said: It is a sure fire system to help save lives,[bit like lockdowns] and keep you...... ....... from becoming on fire. This innovation was opposed by Ahlox and the Firefighter's Union (the FU), who felt that they were being unfairly targeted, particularly post Covid, where all of the best pyromaniacs were staying at home and there is a shortage of good matches (and a resultant shortage of good fires). Ahlox and the head of the FU appeared on The 7.30 Report and, after having been seen during the rehearsal playing with each other's helmets, they linked arms, held hands and said "......... 2 hours ago, turboplanner said: but the Rev did what all good Ultralight flyers do, and stopped before he got within the 5000 metres of fluctus clouds. SAFETY NOTICE - Over his many years of flying (avref), teaching and C'ing, F'ing & I'ing, your beloved Captain has noticed that when plying the aviation arts, it is never a good idea to "stop", no matter what distance you are from the fructose clouds. Cappy is surprised at the slackness of the WF Moderatti in allowing this misinformation to have been posted on such a high profile and influential Aviation Forum and therefore suggests that Turbo's above post be deleted, in case it adversely influences students or other forum members. "Just image if a 747 Pilot saw that and thought that it is now OK?" Cappy said in his submissions to CASA, the FAA & the NTSB (NTTIAWWTBTW). Edited September 25, 2021 by Captain 1 1
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