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The Never Ending Story


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1 hour ago, turboplanner said:

.........followed the magenta line back to safe Harbour.

Suddenly he realised he was in Goulburn which is not on the coast..........................................


.... but such a thing is just a mere detail to Captain bull, and as usual he set about quickly addressing the issues that he could control by following the most valuable rules in aviation (avref).

He applied the most proven mnemonics ...... Eyes outside, and then he considered ......

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12 hours ago, Captain said:


.... but such a thing is just a mere detail to Captain bull, and as usual he set about quickly addressing the issues that he could control by following the most valuable rules in aviation (avref).

He applied the most proven mnemonics ...... Eyes outside, and then he considered ......

.................these new fangled ipads and that strange magic from the sky "GPS",,,,and whilste Bull waas swiping and sliding and opening etc the aircraft had started to..........................

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6 hours ago, bull said:

.................these new fangled ipads and that strange magic from the sky "GPS",,,,and whilste Bull waas swiping and sliding and opening etc the aircraft had started to .........

...... slip and slide almost in unison. 


Casual observers admired his crossed controls and his side slips, which provided a better show than the professionals at Avalon or the amateurs at Natfly.


Bull turned on his Eriksson flip phone, in expectation of a call from Red Bull, but all he got was a ......

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....quiet reminder from the helmsman that he was navigating a ship.

bull didn't like the raised eyes and made the mistake of taking his concentration off the ship; the cunning helmsman allowed him to run it into the North...........................

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16 hours ago, turboplanner said:

....quiet reminder from the helmsman that he was navigating a ship.

bull didn't like the raised eyes and made the mistake of taking his concentration off the ship; the cunning helmsman allowed him to run it into the North...........................

.... ern arm of the Don River so that his revered Captain could get off at Inveroona and go to the local .....

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RSL where a slightly mors shrivelled Mavis was allocating tables for dinner at the Bone RSL/

For those who might not know where thye Don River is, the entrance if a kilometre north of Dog-off leash Beach.

By default this meant the crew could wreck Bowen's iconic Grand View Hotel well into the night without being disturbed by that booming controlling bull voice box calling them .................


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7 hours ago, turboplanner said:

For those who might not know where thye Don River is, the entrance if a kilometre north of Dog-off leash Beach.

By default this meant the crew could wreck Bowen's iconic Grand View Hotel well into the night without being disturbed by that booming controlling bull voice box calling them ........

..... to account.


Then bull became The Count von Count, wrapped Mavis in his black leather cape, and said "One, .......


bull with his infinity sign


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8 hours ago, turboplanner said:

two, three er.........er [Joe Moment) er...four,,,,,then Count von Count forgot to count because across the Bone Bistro was .....

...... a vision of loveliness (a VOL) far hotter than anything he had seen, or experienced, anywhere in Tasmania (the Canteen Coffee Lady (the CCL) or Jaquie L even).


"Wow" thought bull, taking notice of his body's reaction and wheeling out his most suave chat-up line "How about a quick .....

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