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The Never Ending Story


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........military exercise called "south pacific") 

"This time" bull said "I want to see some action!"

The original "south pacific" had been a disaster; his Uncle, Will Rogers had been retained by the US army to write a cover up story, said there were things that happened there you wouldn't even see at the Henty B&S ball.


"Firstly" he said in Arabic "we aren't going to walk ashore right under the guns of the enemy!"


We're going to organise a Fancy Dress Ball and simply come along, enjoy the fun and towards the end of the night reluctantly walk inland towards the hills where drifters, supplied by auf volunteers will be waiting for the dawn attack when .......................................



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..... we will use Onesie, dressed as Bloody Mary & swearing like a Khyber Pass trooper, to lead the attack, which will then be .......


Onetrack in costume (on the left) preparing for the attack. He is actually taller than that, and the same height as the skinny bloke in the middle, so they stood him in a deep hole.

OT likes shells and provided his own necklace with shells collected from Rotty.


Edited by Captain
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