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The Never Ending Story


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4 hours ago, turboplanner said:

He instead went for something most people wouldn't have thought of .......

..... and he formed a private army, hence the creation of "Turbine Duntroon Officer Training College" in the leased Moorabbin Masonic Lodge, where he commenced by recruiting vocal, disenchanted AUF Members, however they proved to be .....

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.....a bunch of undisciplined rabble (a great term that my old Sgt. taught me .... with frequent use, I might add) - who could not, and would not, follow instructions, regularly failed to salute Turbo (many claimed it was because they didn't recognise him - getting a Dragon tattoo will do terrible things to your appearance) - wouldn't keep their weapons clean, regularly called their rifle "a gun" (remember the old Army saying, as you were told to hold onto your rifle in one hand, and your privates in the other? - "this is my rifle, this is my gun! - this one's for shooting, this one's for fun").


It wasn't much fun for Turbo trying to beat some AUF rabble into a disciplined fighting force, but after 6 mths of hard slog, Turbo was starting to see some results - apart from the.........


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1 hour ago, onetrack said:

It wasn't much fun for Turbo trying to beat some AUF rabble into a disciplined fighting force, but after 6 mths of hard slog, Turbo was starting to see some results - apart from the .....

.... fact that they would all bugger off in various rag and tube contraptions to get there $100 hamburger (avref) every Saturday or Sunday, and they would all take their weapons with them to pot some bunnies, or anything else that moved, the aerial (avref) way.


The issue with this was that all of the TDOTC weapons were made from cheap Chinese 5-ply, and the trainees didn't yet realize that yelling "BANG" wasn't actually firing the gun.


So the bunnies, cats, grunters and deer all messed themselves laughing when buzzed by a Drifter with the pilot yelling "BANG" several times, or calling "RAT A TAT TAT" if he had shifted the weapon to full auto.


Some pilots even showed their inexperience with these 5-ply rifles by shooting holes in their Drifter skins.


But what was Commandant Turdy to do next, as this mob certainly weren't ready for real weaponry, but always chasing a bargain, he had bought a few containers of US weapons from the Taliban for a good price and ......

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.....started training them to hunt.

For the first six weeks no one shot anything because they'd all get out of the Drifters etc and fire off a test shot like they'd read about in the stories of Spitfires in WW2. Of course the guns rifles now are way better than the ones Doug Bader was given.


Then there was a breakthrough..................

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6 hours ago, turboplanner said:

.....started training them to hunt.

For the first six weeks no one shot anything because they'd all get out of the Drifters etc and fire off a test shot like they'd read about in the stories of Spitfires in WW2. Of course the guns rifles now are way better than the ones Doug Bader was given.


Then there was a breakthrough..................

.... as Turdboy was able to arrange a short term lease for all of the weapons, and ammo, to the Melbourne crime gangs, on condition that he has exclusive rights to produce the resultant version of Underbelly ..... plus a holiday in Fiji with Lawyer X.


This meant that the TDOTC would ......

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Turbo has forgotten who TDOTC are NTTIAWWT.


"Do we know them? Are they our friends or their enemies, he said winding some duct tape around 28 sticks of gelignite."


..... be hitting up OT any time now for some Cat Grousers to .................


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3 minutes ago, turboplanner said:

Turbo has forgotten who TDOTC are NTTIAWWT.

DEAR TURBOPLANNER. We appreciate that you may find it difficult, however it is one of the unique features of Wreck Flying that members can scroll back through, or to, previous posts within a thread to check what was advised, and in your case,the meaning of TDOTC. We hope that you find this advice to be helpful and that it adds to your enjoyment of our site. Sincerely MODERATOR 8.

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6 hours ago, Captain said:

DEAR TURBOPLANNER. We appreciate that you may find it difficult, however it is one of the unique features of Wreck Flying that members can scroll back through, or to, previous posts within a thread to check what was advised, and in your case,the meaning of TDOTC. We hope that you find this advice to be helpful and that it adds to your enjoyment of our site. Sincerely MODERATOR 8.

DEAR COLLEAGUE. I and the rest of the Wreck Flying Management Team agree that this is of substantial concern, as the TDOTC is one of the TurgidPlonker's own organisations. We therefore suggest that we change his membership status to "Monitor and Watch" in order to see if he has any other "difficulties" that might need sanction. Sincerely MODERATOR 6.

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25 minutes ago, Captain said:

DEAR COLLEAGUE. I and the rest of the Wreck Flying Management Team agree that this is of substantial concern, as the TDOTC is one of the TurgidPlonker's own organisations. We therefore suggest that we change his membership status to "Monitor and Watch" in order to see if he has any other "difficulties" that might need sanction. Sincerely MODERATOR 6.

ESTEAMED COLLEAGUES. I also agree with the inplementation of a "Monitor & Watch" status on Turbo's membership, as he has always been a bit of a worry, even when he was not so forgetful. MODERATOR 3

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14 hours ago, Captain said:

ESTEAMED COLLEAGUES. I also agree with the inplementation of a "Monitor & Watch" status on Turbo's membership, as he has always been a bit of a worry, even when he was not so forgetful. MODERATOR 3

....And there you have it !! The deep state has infiltrated our NES and are now censoring   members,,next they will take our........................................... 

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.......rights to fly highly modified kit-built aircraft away from us, and only allow professionally-built factory aircraft to fly. This, of course, will lead to a vast underground movement of illegal kit-built aircraft, flying at odd hours, with unregistered pilots - and outlaws will rule the sky!!


And amongst the biggest of the rebellious aerial outlaws, will be the one known far and wide as, "bull of the tasmanian backwoods", whose daring disobeyance of Govt rules and regulations pertaining to flying will become the stuff of Legend, as he thumbs his nose at all type of Govt controls and regulation, and he'll carry firearms with him to back up his rebel stance.


As part of his new modus operandi, bull will have a large decal applied to his illegally-built and illegally-flown aircraft, with the words "Don't Step On Me!" emblazoned in 36 point Sans Serif, with the Brotherhood message screaming "Danger", to any Govt official who dares to........


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..... criticise bull's rebellious movement.


bull did make a couple of errors early on, as all members were required to have a "Don't Step on Me" tattoo and also the logo on the empennage of their aircraft.


As we all know, bull is very polite and there was a bit of a mixup when he asked his VP to arrange the logo, so instead of a rattler with the words emblazened, they had 5000 stickers and 2000 members with the below tattoo.


The organisation ......




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9 hours ago, bull said:

....And there you have it !! The deep state has infiltrated our NES and are now censoring   members,,next they will take our........................................... 

In light of the recent Zuckerberg admissions, Wreck Flying have come clean and have now admitted to suppressing the use & dosage levels of Castrol R in Blue Head engines, and that the last Board Elections were interfered with by the Turbinebook organisation. Will the NES recover from these bitter blows?

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20 hours ago, turboplanner said:

A cunning plan was hatched to ......

..... attempt to, eventually, steer the NES back to matters aviation.


"Now, hang on there, let's not go too far" was the reply (or words to that effect) from ......

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.......bull, who wanted the NES to continue broadly along the lines of his story involving the Gubbmint taking every right and possession off every upstanding citizen, in a slow and stealthy manner, over many years, under the guise of, "we're from the Gubbmint, and we're here to help you.......


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1 hour ago, onetrack said:

.......bull, who wanted the NES to continue broadly along the lines of his story involving the Gubbmint taking every right and possession off every upstanding citizen, in a slow and stealthy manner, over many years, under the guise of, "we're from the Gubbmint, and we're here to help you.......


.... , However, Turbine's Shiny Arse'd Public Servants P/L were now supplying most Public Servants under contract to the Gubbmint, and there was therefore a clash of interest within the NES.


Onesie and Cappy were divided, but after their 3-hour Zoom (avref) hookup (Gliding avref) to discuss the issues, they decided to back ......

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.........down because Turbine Resources Inc were also supplying rougher staff, Cappy and OT types to work for ASIO and we all know that ASIO used the carrot method on dissidents. Harold Holt disappeared not because he drowned but because he was carroted then thrown into the surf and a long line of politicians who didn't perform or disagreed with Bob Menzies were carroted. ASIO had carroted politicians and crime figures in the US too. Why do you think they never found Jimmt Hoffa? He'd been carroted then cremated.


So they patted bull on the shoulder, grabbed three Thrusters and flew off through the mountains where ...........

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........the major carrot farms were located, looking to haul back a decent supply of carrots, to enable them to carrot a few more of the........

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4 hours ago, onetrack said:

........the major carrot farms were located, looking to haul back a decent supply of carrots, to enable them to carrot a few more of the........

..... more senior public servants.


ASIO were then asked by the Five Eyes to explain their carrotting techniques, which of course starts with growing very long carrots, concealing them within special pouches in the ASIO operator's clothes, making them easily accessible once the operator is up behind the target individual, and then for the carrot to be strong enough when wrapped around the target's neck and pulled tight using the wooden handles that are molded into the carrot.


The technique is slower than using wire, but softer on the neck (just consider the result when tested on Jeffrey Epstein), and the operative can have a carrot dinner afterwards to get rid of the evidence.


As an option, the ASIO Field manual shows how the carrot can also be used effectively by inserting it into .....

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.....the victim's mouth and down his windpipe thus silencing him at the same time.

They'd been discussing this on rhe radios as AUF flyers tend to do as they go along when there was a short, sharp, transmission from Sydney Centre .......................................

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8 hours ago, turboplanner said:

.....the victim's mouth and down his windpipe thus silencing him at the same time.

They'd been discussing this on rhe radios as AUF flyers tend to do as they go along when there was a short, sharp, transmission from Sydney Centre ......

..... that said "Hey, g'day to the AUF dude that is flying in Class D, as usual, at 45 knots ..... if you don't bugger off we will have ASIO exercise their carroting discretion once you land, and then we will have CASA take that carrot and use it to ......

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On 29/08/2024 at 12:05 AM, Captain said:

..... criticise bull's rebellious movement.


bull did make a couple of errors early on, as all members were required to have a "Don't Step on Me" tattoo and also the logo on the empennage of their aircraft.


As we all know, bull is very polite and there was a bit of a mixup when he asked his VP to arrange the logo, so instead of a rattler with the words emblazened, they had 5000 stickers and 2000 members with the below tattoo.


The organisation ......




Could be messy,,,just saying......

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18 hours ago, Captain said:

..... that said "Hey, g'day to the AUF dude that is flying in Class D, as usual, at 45 knots ..... if you don't bugger off we will have ASIO exercise their carroting discretion once you land, and then we will have CASA take that carrot and use it to ......

.subject you to all kinds of ...............

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,,,,,,,,, and Turbo agreed with bull, alyhough he did seem a little dazed and confused, whereas the razer sharp mind of Cappy had been focused on that radio transmission which finished with "plug an exhaust of your Bluehead, and then we'll see how fast you can fly."

Knowing Airbus drivers, Cappy and Turbo side-slipped out of the way but was at heart a Queenslander and we know what they're like on the road.

"That's not correct radio procedure; get your act together he barked into the mike".

When those words came through in the effeminate tone that come from all RA aircraft with their Chinese radios, The Captain twitched his moustache and looked at the suntanned FO who looked down at the dash, searched for a while and pressed the "DOWN" button and then as they zoomed under bull, the "Levelle" bouton, then the "Take off power" button, and bull was going through space like a cigarette button thrown out of the window.

bull however was a trawler Captain, a real one, and one of the best and he kept control of the Drifter and he flew done under the trees and let go a Tasmanian  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX xxxxxxx x XXXXXXXXXXX into the mic.

The FO blushed, the ............

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