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The Never Ending Story


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.......more strident and insistent, as regards the truth behind the 7.62mm bullet with no rifling marks!  


Turbo stayed silent as the furore increased, and more and more stories came out, about how he'd found a stray un-expended 7.62 mm bullet near the firing range at Kapooka, when he'd been up visiting Cappy, and he'd carefully removed the bullet and fabricated the whole story about his limp, and the Pashtun bullet reportedly extracted from his hip.


Of course, Cappy drove the furore by feeding the journos titbits about Turbo's constant character flaws, and the fantasy land he lives in. "We all know AK-47's and M60's weren't around in the 1880's!" exclaimed Cappy - "so who's going to end up with egg on their face?"


"You are!", retorted Turbo, when he finally broke his silence. "Your talk about the 1880's Khyber Pass stoush, was the story of my grandfather! I was there again in the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, and I taught the Russians all they know about fighting tactics!"


"So ... that'd be the reason they lost the war with the Afghans?", sneered Cappy. Turbo blanched. This was one insult too much, and it'd be the last time he gave Cappy any bottles of gin for his birthday, because he'd finally.........

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18 minutes ago, onetrack said:

"So ... that'd be the reason they lost the war with the Afghans?", sneered Cappy. Turbo blanched. This was one insult too much, and it'd be the last time he gave Cappy any bottles of gin for his birthday, because he'd finally........

....... tumbled to the fact that Cappy is a craven ......

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