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Guest Decca

......or lash a few TurboProps in the circuit........



......or lash a few TurboProps in the circuit........


..... but that is another tale." said Nanna's daughter at a family reunion up the Snake's Valley way.


"She might ........




So all is pretty quiet on the NES.


But why?


Could it be The Rat's HUGE appendage that has put the others to shame, as contact between the NES'ers has dropped off (except for the constant PM's from Nanna, her daughter and the Riverland Lass with the obvious appendage correlation question (to which the answer is a definite "yes") and asking for assistance and probing input with the "G" Force issue (to which the answer is also a definite "OK" ..... if Decca is unable to scratch their itch by 5 pm this arvo).


But Ahlocks and Decca, as fellow RotaryAxers had a cunning plan, which is to ......




……..The NES Rotary-axe committee have been in recess scheming - no - brainstorming several serious issues which have come to their notice.


One has been how to get around some fibre-optic cable-gnawing rodent destroying the ability of a certain ISP for the central/western Vic region to maintain internet services vital to one member of said committee.


Firstly The Rat, known for his voracious appetite for anything but his own appendage, must be protected from 600 (and counting) farmer’s wives who have already seen said appendage on the internet ……..


Then there’s fully accredited Doctor DeccaDense, who is more Dense than Decca, as the Rat’s last post may have gone completely over his head, with his able assistant Archibald Asoltan, gearing up to treat thousands of itchy-spots by a near-impossible deadline………


And of course the Rat’s last post which refers to a plan…………


Not to mention the committee’s concern, based on Post number one, something to do with aviation related stories of a never-ending nature.


“No - PLEASE let’s not go back to the conveyor belt” pleaded TurboProp……




.....who had been delayed due to a long search for his rubbish bin this morning. "At first I thought I'd been ratted" he said, "but then found it was just mouseplay."


"this Rotary Axe Committee sounds ominous" he said to the Rat


"sound like they intend to get us with a high wing, if the low wing runs low on rivets"......



....."this Rotary Axe Committee sounds ominous" he said to the Rat

"sound like they intend to get us with a high wing, if the low wing runs low on rivets"......

..... and like most RotaryAxe Committees, their converstaions turned to matters aeronautique and germain.


"If I hold our engines at 5,700 rpm all afternoon (at piston speed that would make Gerry Burgess blush) what do you reckon would be the result-ski?" asked Ahlocks.


"What do you mean?" responded The Dicker.


"Well" said the Locksie "If we held them flat knacker, with the throttle pushed thru the panel, at minimum fuel, with just one pilot, and all excess stuff removed from the cockpit (even the ERSA & maps, but don't tell anyone), pushed the prop up to max coarse ............... which one would be the slowest?"


The Dickster thought for a while, made sure no Jabiru owners where about, and said ".........




....."probably the first pot to let go, 'cuz it'd have to break through all that plastic and 'minium on it's way out. The other three would be a lot quicker..." :ne_nau:



....."probably the first pot to let go, 'cuz it'd have to break through all that plastic and 'minium on it's way out. The other three would be a lot quicker..." :ne_nau:

"Well whack in a new set of gudgeon pins" responded El Ratto "As you need to have the SportsSTAR prepared and ready to head off to the Rec Flying Fly-In at Cowra on Sept 18 - 20 ............ and wouldn't it be great if all of the other NES dead-beats could be there too?" he added.


"If the Turbodingledangler can make it our of Bangerville and the serialDicker & Nanna can bring the Gazelle up from Snake Gulley, we'll be looking good if GrandePierre comes over, if HiHo vto's over and Planey makes the trip ............... all to watch Tomo the Homo ..... sapian arrive after he finds the joint."


"We will have such fun" said .......


My Aunt is coming too, as she wants to look at the Slovenian's biro, out in the Garden at Cowra.



"We will have such fun" said .......

Akihiko as he addressed the small Cowra Breakout group.


"No Ret's see" he said "Four Jabiru coming - that will make good bonfire, fibreglass burn very well"


"I get padrock" said Shinichi who'd read about the fire at Bundaberg.


"What about Gazelle?" asked Nobushi


"Ah he berry berry srow, not get here intil next month" said Akihiko.


"What is Skyranger"? asked Taka who'd only ever been trained on Zeros.


"It made of scrap beer cases" (history, history), said Akihiko, "Maybe we put in chipper and make compost"


The brave little band of aviators was in for a big surprise when they reached Cowra.



Akihiko as he addressed the small Cowra Breakout group.

"No Ret's see" he said "Four Jabiru coming - that will make good bonfire, fibreglass burn very well"


"I get padrock" said Shinichi who'd read about the fire at Bundaberg.


"What about Gazelle?" asked Nobushi


"Ah he berry berry srow, not get here intil next month" said Akihiko.


"What is Skyranger"? asked Taka who'd only ever been trained on Zeros.


"It made of scrap beer cases" (history, history), said Akihiko, "Maybe we put in chipper and make compost"


The brave little band of aviators was in for a big surprise when they reached Cowra.


"This Japanese Restaurant is tops" said the Turboplanter, who is known as a bit of a conna-sewer of such things "Because I have been a broard (and still have the high heels to prove it) and I particularly like this WWII theme, with the Zeros and all. But I hope that there aren't heaps of Zeros on the end of the bill.", he added quickly doing mental high-jinks to convert Skippy$'s to Yen."


"They all fry funnie rittle pranes" said Aki to Taki as he took their orders for the 12th course.


"My Splortszar is a great machine" responded Ahlow in a bit of a huff "And don't call me tacky, either, as I am a lespected member of Wagga Wagga society"


"What this Wagga Wagga clap?" asked Nobu.


"It's .............



"What this Wagga Wagga clap?" asked Nobu. "It's .............

" ....nothing", said Aki, fearful that his weekend visits may be uncovered, not to mention the unmentionable.


"It go away after a while" he said hopefully....



"What this Wagga Wagga clap?" asked Nobu.

"It's .............

".......... simple, Nob" responded the Dicker. "In YSWG they clap whenever an RPT lands into the wind, whenever one of the Jab's lands stlaight, and whenever Ahlow gets a gate open. Now pass the Saki, don't mention the war, and tell me all about where you have been hiding for the past 55 years."


"Well Dicker, me old cobber, me old mate" responded Nobu "Me and the boys were shacked up with this Riverina sheila for 30 years (I think she must be a grandma by now) and with our aviation background we designed a few ...................




QUOTE: and with our aviation background we designed a few ...................


......things, with the glandkids in mind, a wheerballow to tend the lice fierds, and prastic pallots to mount on sticks to flighten the clows away. Then the idea of a hyblid hit us rike a whack on the head with a shover. A prastic pallot clossed with a wheerballow could.......



QUOTE: and with our aviation background we designed a few ...................

......things, with the glandkids in mind, a wheerballow to tend the lice fierds, and prastic pallots to mount on sticks to flighten the clows away. Then the idea of a hyblid hit us rike a whack on the head with a shover. A prastic pallot clossed with a wheerballow could.......

(Good one, Dickher)


...... could take the lecleational aviation world by storm. And so much simprer than bashing our way through the Owen Stanleys"


"We'll call it a Jabbaaloo" responded Shin as he renewed aquaintainces with Nann "And we'll ............



"We'll call it a Jabbaaloo" responded Shin as he renewed aquaintainces with Nann "And we'll ............


"......lent them in lows ebery time there is a major function" he said.



"......lent them in lows ebery time there is a major function" he said.

"As a lesult we will sell more than any other aircraft in Ozz" observed Acki "And a few smarties who don't have one, or don't own any aircraft, or who have never flown one, will be able to cliticise them to their heart's content."


"That be fine" replied Shintaro "But how the heck do we stop a wheelballow from turning left on landing?"


"That was the tlouble with the Zelo" answered Tacki "And that is why they pleferred that we crashed them into aircraft carriers, so that their left-turn landing weakness would not be exposed and so that JASA wouldn't ground them."


"In Japanese, Zelo is the word for "wild horse" and you can therefore see that our cunning plan in Cowla is coming together nicely .... Oh, hurro Nanna, what are you doing with that sword and headband?"


Nanna thought, smiled and responded "I'm gunna ................



Nanna thought, smiled and responded "I'm gunna ................

"...see what's going on here" she said entering the hideout, only to be greeted by four ex Geishas.


"Did he let one go?" asked Nanna holding her nose "Two!" said the geishas, so Nanna got the hell outa there.


"This the plan", said Nob "Pay attention to attached photos as we go.


"When pirates all in tin shed having dinnner, drinking, we grab four Jabaloos, repaint green to look like this one, but be very quiet - must avoid man called Captain (he not real Captain, just impersonator like Elvis impersonator). He pretend to be Rat, but you look picture and see four hands no feet. He walk up walls, and quickly grab nuts.


"Shin, you need grab four jumpers becaise Jabaloos never start when cold, not like Zelo (general laughter).


"After take off head for Fuji San, then when you get to Tokyo we'll meet up at Dad's beach shack"......














..."I velly much rike idea of lipping off Ostlarians when we serr Jabbaloos" say Alli "but I reaning to idea of to see Mt Fuji again"


This ranguage harder than English said Deccadense.


Darkcastic say "Why not put froats on Jabbaloos then we can go straight to beach house".


"Not necessally", said TurboSan, "We never put Zelo's on froats........


(Thanks G-spot)



Darkcastic say "Why not put froats on Jabbaloos then we can go straight to beach house".

"Not necessally", said TurboSan, "We never put Zelo's on froats........ /QUOTE]


"in past, rand on decks....nose first.....


"Why Darcastic want froats?" asked Turbosan, "she busy randing on hot dry earth


"Darcastic should post herself" said Shin "No not post herself in retter Box, post on website as Michio gave him a quizzical look.


Michio was as thick as a brick......

"Shin, you need grab four jumpers becaise Jabaloos never start when cold, not like Zelo (general laughter).

"After take off head for Fuji San, then when you get to Tokyo we'll meet up at Dad's beach shack"......

"Don't be such a dlopkick, Acki" said Shin "You don't need jumpers, (you dickweed), you need jumper reeds to start those J'loos"


"And" he added "Your old man's beach shack is now owned by a Chinese dot.com mirrionaire who wirr import J'loos to China for the masses. We sell hundleds of mirrions of them, just like they used to sell pushys over there."


"Then" said Shin, "We'll all get a AO for services to the Aussie aviation industly and settle down in this great sunburned rand with our caucasian girlfriends, have lots of little Aussie nippers and rive happiry ever after."


"If youze brokes were 18 when the war started, do youze rearize that youze are now about seventyflee and wirr have tlouble ploducing nippers?" said Nanna quizzically and with a partial Japanese accent.


Then they all lepried with one voice " Not if we ..........




Rooks rike the Tulbopranner and the Lat have crossed posts .... just rike ......

..ancient Samurai walking along this avenue in Imaichi pranted in 1625 AD, however Turbosan's ancestor used aruminium post, on this occasion, better proposition.


"Please Excuse Captain san" said Turbopranner "I mean jumper, woorry, to keep engine warm.


"We not have jumper REEDS in war, can only start with clank handle"





.."We not have jumper REEDS in war, can only start with clank handle"

"You can't handle the clank" said Jack Nicholson to Tom Cruise at a crucial time in the movie.


"Zelo start well when clanked" said Tom who was back in his Samarai movie instead of the other one in the courtloom "But with Jab's (those fine machines), you need reeds on a cord molning."


"But where does that leave me?" asked Jack, who had been quickly transformed from that officer at Guantanamo Bay to the Joker in Batman "As I am as confused as Turbopranner is when he comes north of the border."


"You are confused?" asked Acki "What about us dlinkum Aussie cockies up here in Cowla where the dlought is biting and the economic lecession is taking it's toll on our airclaft ploduction and cashfrow. We are .............."




So ........... forrowing on from this Japanese peliod of the NES, The Lat needs to know how many of the NES contlibutors are going to attend the Cowla Fry-In on Sept 18 - 20 and he will make a Lat booking at the Cowla Brue Gum Japanese Lestaulant for the Saturday night.


As they often say in Hokido "Be there or be square".


Well .... who's going?


And what about you GlandePierre?



"You are confused?" asked Acki "What about us dlinkum Aussie cockies up here in Cowla where the dlought is biting and the economic lecession is taking it's toll on our airclaft ploduction and cashfrow. We are .............."

"We are ... looted"


My aunt said that her nephew had just had his 1st triple bunger, out there in the garden



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