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  'facthunter said:
 IF the survey is skewed , What they are trying to do might be an issue. There's an "IF" there but it's reasonable to discuss it.  Nev


Some people have said the survey is skewed but others seem to be indicating this isn't an issue, it's just nice that they got the opportunity to fill out a survey, because other organisations don't sent them out.



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IF it is a "cooked" survey it does matter as it will serve the purpose of the organisation only and they will able to claim members were surveyed and WANTED/approved XYZ being done. Manually commenting at length MAY help unless the survey is evaluated automatically and nothing out of the ticked boxes registers. (as in multi choice exams).  The name survey MONKEY is unremarkable . THAT format is used by plenty of reputable organisations  Nev




I have said "IF" but I wonder WHY and HOW you are so sure they wouldn't?  I've prepared many surveys and it's quite difficult to avoid bias. Haven't you notice the beahaviour of the BIG Banks recently?  Why would the RAAus be immune? IS it as accountable and responsive to the members as it was before the restructure? Nev




I did the survey as soon as it came out, so I don't remember everything.  It was open to Members, ex-Members and non-members.  As I fitted most categories (PC, L1, owner, etc) I think I saw most questions.  Ranking things 1-8 was similar to previous years, and will show priority changes over time.  There were adequate opportunities to tick Other or fill in free-form boxes.  Much better than surveys I have done for others eg Super, Insurance, Telcos etc. where you are forced to assess or choose with no opportunity to explain or tick Not Applicable or I Don't Know, so you go for a 5 or neutral and they say We were rated 8.3 by our customers and the opposition got rated 5 .... now that's skewed.


The results come out some time after.  If I remember I'll link to it here.  It will probably be mentioned in the email to members. 




That reminds me of an important point with such surveys. You have to change as little as possible so that valid trends can be identified from one survey to the next




What survey??


Has it been sent to ALL members, or just a sample, selected by means unknown? I certainly haven't received it, nor have I been able to find it on the RaAus website. I used to receive e-news emails, but haven't seen them for months. Now that there is no longer a monthly magazine I am the classic mushroom! And no, none of my contact details have changed in years. Where is this RaAus that I read about on this forum?




It's a web based survey hosted by SurveyMonkey. It is Here


An email was sent to members with the above link. Anyone can complete it. It is completely anonymous.


You must have fallen off the radar. Just email RA-Aus & tell them you no longer get emails etc & they will fix it up ( so long as you are  paid up member). This happened to me at one point. There was no reason or explanation. They just added my details in again.




Thanks KG


Yes, I must have fallen through the cracks, and yes, I have been continuously paid-up since 1992. I have also just done the survey and added my comments at the end in the hope that they will be taken on board. I agree that the options on many questions were insufficient to allow an  accurate response.



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  'bushcaddy105 said:
What survey??


Has it been sent to ALL members, or just a sample, selected by means unknown? I certainly haven't received it, nor have I been able to find it on the RaAus website. I used to receive e-news emails, but haven't seen them for months. Now that there is no longer a monthly magazine I am the classic mushroom! And no, none of my contact details have changed in years. Where is this RaAus that I read about on this forum?


It would be interesting to do nothing until you have a renewal due $$$$ and see if they can get in touch with you, I know I should not be so cynical. 



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Better to be cynical, than have the wool pulled over your eyes.


Many often claim when choosing intent or accident for such things, it must be a mistake.


I doubt so many mistakes happen, at least with big business and government- bet on malign intent.


For now I put RAAus in the keep a very close watch basket.


Trust and respect must be earned.



  'fly_tornado said:
pretty sneaky putting the magazine as the #1 priority on question 8




But you still have the option of making your own comments on that.




If you are stupid enough to just rank them in the order that they are presented in you should not be doing surveys.




the majority of surveys respondents tend to click "all of the above" so by placing it #1 its guaranteed to be the #1 service, its not a bad strategy if you don't want to cut SP. If they'd placed it last, SP would be in a massive world of trouble. understanding bias is just part of critical thinking.



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  'kgwilson said:
If you are stupid enough to just rank them in the order that they are presented in you should not be doing surveys.


Stupid is a strong word but politicians kill for the donkey vote.




Anyone posting here, because they take the trouble to comment to is not likely to be affected by such placings,  but are they  a bias? Yes. Is it done deliberately.?Your guess is as good as mine. I would think yes, but it cannot be proven easily. This sort of thing is done everyday and one form is called PUSH polling. Nev




I suspect Survey Monkey randomizes the order for each respondent for that type of question.




It may and it may not. Do you have a good reason to SUSPECT it does?  It IS a commonly used format and I have no reason to suspect it of anything untoward but whether it's as proactive as you suggest ,I don't know. If that's one of it's conditions, good on it, but such intrusion would scare off a lot of potential users. I've seen some surveys done under it's banner that were downright clumsy and nearly useless for any purpose so I think the commissioning person or entity has a broad scope in how it's used. Nev




Survey Monkey - it is up to you to decide how to frame your questions, they don't do it for you.  I have seen some terrible surveys, some along the lines of "Have you stopped beating your wife?" Yes / No


It was a while since I did the RAA survey, but I don't think Sport Pilot was at the top of the list, so maybe random.  You can't go past without filling in 1-8 so you do have to put some thought into it, even if that is 1 2 3 ...  I suspect the donkey voters would give up.  Then there are others who would want to be able to give more than one thing a 1, and similarly with an 8.



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Ranking your preconfigured responses alphabetically is doing it without bias. I'm just pointing out the bias for those that don't see it, having SP at the top of the list is a huge head start.




Management wants to kill off the paper  magazine so it makes no sense to place it at the top. I would have preferred to be able to rank each item separately, not important, neutral, important, very important etc.     



  'facthunter said:
It may and it may not. Do you have a good reason to SUSPECT it does?


It wasn’t the first option when I looked.


It’s an obvious thing to do, I would be very surprised if Survey Monkey didn’t do it. Their marketing angle would be to get the most accurate answers to your survey  which would require randomised order.


Maybe there would be an option to disable it, I don’t know, but that would require an active choice to bias the survey.




 Maybe its rotated on different (for each person) surveys.   Random, as you say. That would be an excellent way to cancel the Bias. From some comments here that appears to be the case. Nev




I have just done the survey and consider it relevant, but a couple of the questions requiring ranking would not allow me to answer in a way that would show my feelings. No doubt because I am also a PPL holder flying an experimental and therefore RAAus is not the be all and end all.


I did make comments where able to and at the end.


Overall it was fairly done.



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