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Interesting mod for the 601XL nose gear


Thrust Bearing of Nose Gear


The nose gear turns easily if thrust bearings are used. These are small sleeve bearings from Aircraft Spruce with 1/4 inch ID. One drills a hole through the nose gear tube and installs the bearings, one in front and one in back of the tube, with an AN4 bolt and nylon stop nut. Care must be taken when tightening the nut so that the tube does not become distorted. Sealer must be used with the bolt and nut to prevent moisture from entering the tube.


In addition, one must create a support surface for the two bearings. The support surfaces are a bit indented so that the bearings require a bit of force to move from the straight-ahead position. We have found that without such indentation, the rudder gradually moves off-center in flight. Ball bearings instead of sleeve bearings must not be used since the shocks imposed on the bearings during touchdown destroy ball bearings.


[ATTACH]5436.vB[/ATTACH] Cheers T87






Better to build a tail dragger, then you don't have to worry about the rather agricultural nose wheel setup.






The bottom fork bearing has now been changed. The old one was just two pieces of angle for the fork to rest on, the new one is made out of a solid piece of Teflon. The new one is a far better idea.




Thruster 87 when is your kit scheduled to arrive.








Hi Ianrat my kit is due to arrive at Port Botany on the 6th April.Not sure how long after that I can pick it up or the procedures /hoops to go thru. Cheers T87




arrival in port


My kit arrived in Port Botany.


I was given about three days notice. The providor would only hold the kit in store for two days before he charges for storage at about $50 per day - or was it $100, I forget. You can pick it up yourself with a car trailer, or you can arrange for it to be freighted. The providor would not arrange freighting.


Jack. :):)



  • 3 months later...
Guest lawriebj

Lawrie bj


G'day Zenith worshipers!! I've just landed on sight and am interested in all zodiac 601 ul information. I own zodiac 1601 reported to be the first 601 certified by CASA and RAA in Australia, my location is Tasmania southern end and have visited your north island numerous times, ie Narromine,Avalon Wagga Wagga etc. one thing i'm in need of is a nose wheel bungie ring if any one can help please drop me a line. Look forward to any contact ......Lawrie BJ.



  • 8 months later...

Heavy Nosewheel


Just been reading this thread. It seems the nosewheel bearing has been redesigned several times. I've just got my XL quickbuild kit and it has the nylon bearing with the V to keep the nosewheel straight. I'm doing the wheels first to give me some ability to move the fuselage. I have got the nosewheel on tonight but with the bungy on it seems to be very hard to turn. I haven't connected the rudder pedals yet but I'm concerned the effort to move the rudder in the air will be excessive. Any comments?


Paul Toone




We have not had ours flying yet but with the rudder peddles connected and the front lifted off the ground it moves OK. There is a lever action so to speak from the peddles to the front fork.








[ATTACH]8852[/ATTACH]Here's what I ended up doing and it seems a lot smoother and easier to turn while on the ground.Can't wait to see how it performs in flight.Cheers T87




Looks very good. Any details available? What's the shaft made of? Steel rod? Did you turn the 'bearings' or are they off the shelf? I've been told the nosewheel arrangement has been changed again but I don't have any details yet.


Paul Toone




Shaft 1/4" SS, bushes phosphor bronze [turned on lath ],side/end plates 4130 1/16"[tig welded].Machined [milled] the plastic bearing lower so everything stays at the same height[nearly] and affixed a 4130 bearing plates using 10/32" counter sink screws,and made it a lesser angle then the original bearing.It still has a groove for centering the nose wheel but smaller to suit the bronze bushes which are about 3/8" OD. Currently I'm working on push/pull rods [1 1/4" od .058 wall out of 6061 T6] for the ailerons. Cheers



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