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I use Garmins' Mapsource program to review my past flights as recorded by my GPS (Garmin Ique 3600a). :thumb_up:


The PC Base Map as supplied is very basic and not that accurate. :yuk: I understand I can buy electronic versions of VNC's, WAC's etc, but where from question.gif.c2f6860684cbd9834a97934921df4bcb.gif


Do they last past the use by date question.gif.c2f6860684cbd9834a97934921df4bcb.gif


As I use them to review and not plan my flights I don't feel the need to replace them every six months as I do with my paper ones - if you get my drift. :big_grin:






Hi Big Pete,


I use OziExplorer on my PC and PDA to do the same - also use the PDA for inflight navigation assistance...one of the 2 mentioned in another thread.


MapTrax (www.maptrax.com.au) are an Australian group that produce electronic aeronautical charts for use with a few different programs - not sure about Mapsource though. Worth investigating as it's a great bit of software - you can view your track in OziExplorer with standard charts but can also export to Google Earth - I'm a real fan of that bit!










I too also use Oziexplorer on a laptop. Great value for money program and it connects well with the Garmin 296. I have the windows CE version on an Ipaq, but can only seem to find a North up orientation. Do you know how to get track up?






Good question Alan, just had a look around the PC and CE versions with no luck...Googling didn't seem to help either for a change.








There's always good information on this site!


I was not aware of Maptrax so thanks very much for the information. Do you use this with a PDA or laptop on board as a sort of electronic flight bag?


Not so long ago I was at an Airservices public seminar and they mentioned that they would be making charts available online. They also said they are planning some new double sided VTCs, with information on the back that is an updated version of sections of the local guides. For example, in Sydney it could show Victor 1 (with photos), the lane of entry etc.


I use the AirNav VFR software which includes the Airservices charts. When you use the software you plan on these charts and can print out the chart with your track and any notes you make, plus flight plans, flight schedule, fuel caculations etc. The people at Airservices said the double sided charts would go to AirNav etc.



  • 2 weeks later...



Running OziExplorer on a MAC


OziExplorer can run on a Mac using a PC emulator. For older Macs use Virtual PC or for new Macs with the Intel CPU use software called Parallel.


Using Virtual PC Version 6.1 or later.




However Virtual PC on the Macintosh needs an option enabled before running.



Before the code of an application is executed Virtual PC for the Macintosh pre-translates the blocks of i386 code to PowerPC code to achieve higher performance, this is not compatible with the code security method OziExplorer uses so it will not run.




To use OziExplorer within Virtual PC on a Mac, you need to disable this pre-translation. This is can be done on Virtual PC 6.1 and later versions.


Instructions to disable pre-translation


  • Start the Virtual PC session as normal
  • In the Mac Finder, navigate to the Documents folder in your Home folder. Open the Virtual PC Scripts folder.
  • Open the Toggle Compatibility Mode script by double clicking it.
  • The script opens in Script Editor.
  • Click the Run button at the top of the script window.
  • Click OK to the informational dialog that appears.
  • Click Enable in the next dialog.
  • Return to the PC session, which is now running in compatibility mode, and start OziExplorer.





MattI too also use Oziexplorer on a laptop. Great value for money program and it connects well with the Garmin 296. I have the windows CE version on an Ipaq, but can only seem to find a North up orientation. Do you know how to get track up?


Hi Alan,


I had this issue some time ago, and I got the distributor to ring the OE man direct. The short answer is NO. However he said is working on it on a "spare time available" basis. (years away) The problem is with the Raster maps (as distinct to vector maps) Raster take MASSIVE amounts of code to re-orientate the map, really making this option not viable.


I have purchased and run AS electronic aviation charts with OE, using a $99 usb gps engine from Johnie Appleseed for moving map. I use the small Asus Eee PC running XP. Be aware there is a check box in OE that defaults to the best scale automatically. If you want to stay on one chart you need to un check the box.







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