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That only goes to pay the registration on the cars and trailers you can't use. You can buy a useable car for the price of a years rego. so it's not a question of have car, you are rich... Nev.

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If you want to see why the only ones who are making a real effort with social distancing and preventive measures, go to any shopping centre carpark and observe the driving habits of the under-30's. Absolutely no consideration for either other people, nor safe operation of vehicles in confined spaces. If the laneway ahead is clear, full speed ahead and the Devil can take to runaway child and the sedan reversing out of a parking spot beside a bulky SUV.


Large car parks are scary places! Observations to me show that we are an a angry society these days, it shows every day we drive on a public road!


When the light goes green they hit the throttle. Too bad if you have a pram stuck or something holding you up on the pedestrian crossing. I'm sure they learn to drive on Playstation. Others in expensive BLACK SUV's on your rear bumper at limit plus 15 kms and honking with the lane left of you full. They are ON something or psycho. It's a WAR zone out there. Nev


" Money thrown at them in an effort to get them to spend, while suggesting it would be safer to stay at home. "

I wondered were All those rooftop solar panels are going up like crazy. at least five at the same time in two streets.

AND the first all electric car in my street, a very pleased Older lady.

SO some money is being spent in my area. Nice new Kitchens, ( mine included ),bathrooms and other improvements, that I haven't seen in quantity for a long time.



Couple of interesting things this week:


CASA has been in neutral since lockdown 1 in terms who can fly and who can't in deference to each State's Chief Health Officer.

In Victoria the CHO calls the shots and the Deputy CHO is the Commander who gives the orders

This morning the Queensland Government demonstratedits Sovereign powers after 185 people were found to have entered Queensland then disappeared from Quarantine etc, announcing that it may deport them and ban them from ever returning to Australia, ie the Federal Government can deport or ban a non-Australian, and maybe a State might do the same thing to someone who wasn't a Queenslander but entered illegally.


Lockdown 2 looks to be almost 100% observed in Melbourne's east with the Moorabbin Training Area and D Zones tapering off pretty much to nothing for the last two or three days.

You would think that would make anyone in the air very obvious from ADS-B equipped aircraft, to radio traffic to simply looking up and seeing a C172 in the sky.

The Pilot and passenger of an aircraft that flew from Moorabbin to Mount Hotham will be fined.


It seems Draconian, but shouldn't we (i.e. the Government) just bite the bullet and make it compulsory to wear a face mask when outside your own home (including your residence within a high rise)? By making it compulsory, everyone is treated equally, one of the goals of a democracy.


It's ironic that we decried the wearing of the niqab, which is a face veil that leaves the eyes uncovered, by devote Muslim women, and now at least one State Government has mad face coverings compulsory.

Posted (edited)

The whole debacle is draconian! Masks not required last time, this time the boffins say its so! Continious Govt stuff ups we all pay for! Still at least the skies are open?

Edited by Flightrite
  old man emu said:

It seems Draconian, but shouldn't we (i.e. the Government) just bite the bullet and make it compulsory to wear a face mask when outside your own home (including your residence within a high rise)? By making it compulsory, everyone is treated equally, one of the goals of a democracy.


It's ironic that we decried the wearing of the niqab, which is a face veil that leaves the eyes uncovered, by devote Muslim women, and now at least one State Government has mad face coverings compulsory.

Perhaps in the proximity of other people. It’s pointless wearing it while driving alone in your car, or when no one else is around and police cannot be trusted with discretion.

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  Flightrite said:

The whole debacle is draconian! Masks not required last time, this time the boffins say its so! Continious Govt stuff ups we all pay for! Still at least the skies are open?

Have a look at the daily US death rate where they thought all you had to do was put on a mask.

The achilles heel of that is that people thought if they wore a mask they could mix shoulder to shoulder with others but they picked up droplets from money, untensils, tables store stock, groceries etc.


Then have a look at the Australian death rate where we were trained on "social" distancing - standing out of the range of aerosols and droplets.

We are better prepared to go the next step to masks for public mixing, without relying on them, because we sanitise our hands before we touch shop stock so we don't contaminate others and we sanitise them when we leave the store so we zap the droplets others may have left on the products/shelves etc.

It's a reasonable progression, but we know we still have to stay as far away from aerosols as we can, and we know masks leak.


In the first round, there was a shortage of face masks. But why make them compulsory? Why not make them really cheap and if people didn't wear them, well they didn't get taxpayer-paid hospital services either.

I want people to take some responsibility for their own health.

Alas, my wishes are in the same category as not paying for smokers for smoke-induced conditions. Why do people want to protect those who are hell-bent on self-harm? ( There was a shock-horror bit in the paper some years ago about this awful surgeon who required people to give up smoking before he would operate on them. )

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  Bruce Tuncks said:

Alas, my wishes are in the same category as not paying for smokers for smoke-induced conditions. Why do people want to protect those who are hell-bent on self-harm? ( There was a shock-horror bit in the paper some years ago about this awful surgeon who required people to give up smoking before he would operate on them. )

I think you'd be surprised, haven't you been asked if you drink or smoke when you're about to have some procedure in a hospital. Nothing is usually said, but I know a few who have been told Sorry, you're not eligible for a transplant, operation etc and they are sent away inevitably dying earlier than the rest of us.

  Bruce Tuncks said:

In the first round, there was a shortage of face masks. But why make them compulsory? Why not make them really cheap and if people didn't wear them, well they didn't get taxpayer-paid hospital services either.

I want people to take some responsibility for their own health.


The majority of the benefit of the mask is to others - if you are infected it keeps your virus out of the air and off surfaces.


There is also some protection to the wearer, but it is less than the protection you get from infected people (who may not know they are infected) wearing masks.


There is most benefit when everyone is wearing a mask - to get infected particles containing the virus need to pass through 2 masks.

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However some masks have an exhaling valve which allows the wearer to breathe out their germs to anyone nearby. These have not been listed as unsuitable by the authorities.


They do specifically say make sure your mask does not have a valve.


We loose a 100 or so a week thru Bowel cancer, hardly any one batters an eye lid at that! The grubby media love focussing on the few deaths that they can tie in with CV!

The masks just create another Level of fear & hysteria! Until a vaccine is found and proven long term this virus ain't going anywhere, lockdown masks or whatever other fear factor the Govt want to throw at the sheeple better get used to it!


The number of bowel cancer cases doesn't double every few days. Infectious diseases are different.


The USA is back to 1000 COVID deaths per day, from infection trends it looks likely to increase to 2000 deaths per day. These numbers might be under counted by 30-50% based on the number of deaths compared to a typical year.


Several vaccines have reported good trial results in the last week or 2. But the more people who catch the disease before a vaccine is rolled out, the longer it will be to get back to normal when a vaccine is available.

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Flightrite, trying to compare bowel cancer to an airborne and surface-borne virus is comparing apples to oranges. We have a serious problem with this virus, and trying to say it's of no consequence, defies the record of the major amount of social and economic damage, and the serious numbers of deaths it has caused, worldwide.


If people adopted a whole lot more commonsense as regards restricting their movements, and indulged in paying attention to the health experts recommendations as regards germ spreading, and not gathering in large numbers of closely-spaced people, we would not have the resurgence of the virus.


W.A. is totally isolated and will stay that way and we keep a tight rein on newly-introduced virus transmission from outside the State.


We have recorded over 100 days in W.A. with no community transmission of the virus - the only cases in W.A. have rolled up from outside the State.


But the Govt relented on social restrictions and allowed a football game to be played, with 30,000 attendees. It will be interesting to see how many cases of virus come out of that game attendance over the next fortnight.



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It is illogical to say X number of people die of disease Y so therefore it makes no sense to tackle disease Z. This logic would suggest we only tackle one disease at time. Bowel cancer while it is a big killer is not wrecking the economy. Whilst we are on bowel cancer we do routinely offer tests to people over a certain age this has not ceased due to concentrating on coivid.


I find it hard to believe that wearing a mask or face covering is a major source of "fear or hysteria." There is plenty of evidence that wearing masks does cut down infections. Earlier in this thread some people who were whining about the lockdown pointed to Asian countries that had done well without harsh lockdowns but it is interesting that these countries also have a high level of wearing masks. Wearing masks does not confer 100% protection it definitely does reduce infections and that is good enough for me.


Hairstylists with COVID-19 didn't infect any of their 139 clients. Face masks may be why.


I am personally optimistic about a vaccine and in fact there are some promising results in the last few days from the Oxford trials however this cannot be relied upon to be available soon or to be be 100% effective. Just like when we fly our planes we have to employ multiple procedures which all add up to improving safety.


Reducing the burden of this disease involves:


Isolation, either selective or wide spread when necessary.

A major effort to develop and test a vaccine, even a vaccine with a relatively low success rate would be helpful.

Better treatment for the disease itself such as Remdesivir or Dexamethasone which reduce the numbers ending being critical.

People taking sensible personal measures such as hand washing, masks, working from home where possible.

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  turboplanner said:

trained on "social" distancing

I find this amusing. In QLD if you stand closer than around 1.5 metres when you’re talking to them or in any case really we will get annoyed, and it’s been that way for longer than I’ve been alive. I suspect most of Australia is the same.





W.A. is totally isolated and will stay that way and we keep a tight rein on newly-introduced virus transmission from outside the State. "


WA is the only state with the African tick, thats deadly to canines.



I know (oops! very strongly suspect) that I'm not infected. It wearing masks outside your residence was made compulsory, then I'd happily wear one. Not because I don't want to infect anyone, but its a sign to the next bloke that I'm not prepared to accidentally endanger his health. Isn't that one was we can show respect to others, or is showing a modicum of respect passe ?

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  M61A1 said:
It’s pointless wearing it while driving alone in your car, or when no one else is around and police cannot be trusted with discretion.


I agree that your car is an extension of your residence, but you never know if you will cross the path of someone in an apparently deserted public place.


I find police cannot be trusted with discretion unnecessary and somewhat offensive.

  aro said:

They do specifically say make sure your mask does not have a valve.

I haven’t seen this on the Vic Health web page.

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