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Positive story on ABC Just in

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Last paragraph ...... “He and his wife, Peta, added two car seats in the back to accommodate their two favourite passengers


"They really love it. They sit in the back in their car seats and have their little headsets on and hang out the window," Mr Wulff said.


"We use it to bribe them quite regularly.”

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Last paragraph ...... “He and his wife, Peta, added two car seats in the back to accommodate their two favourite passengers


"They really love it. They sit in the back in their car seats and have their little headsets on and hang out the window," Mr Wulff said.


"We use it to bribe them quite regularly.”

A couple minutes with Google (well, the CAsA register anyway) shows he owns a Tri-Pacer. Completely legit, VH-EMW.
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When the reporter (Bec) asked about the aircraft she obviously accepted everything she was told without question. Why else would she just print Rag & Chew? That is funny though.

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Not a good look though, we all know what it means, and can have a laugh about it, but someone who knows nothing about flying? "I fly in a rag-and-chew airplane", their first thought would be "WTF?!? No thanks, I'll stick to me tinny!"


When dealing with reporters, or the general public, brevity and aviation-specific jargon is probably best avoided for this reason.

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For a Local or State newspaper I always send a confirming email with the facts and two or three photos to choose from and have never had any trouble.

There's not enough time for that if they phone you and tell you they're writing a story for a deadline in an hour, but most of the time this system works well, particularly if you're being asked to respond to an allegation which is not true, gives you time to research and provide proven facts.

I'm told in Pitman shorthand "tube" would have been taken down as "tb", but I doubt any journalist uses shorthand so tube was just misheard.

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Wait till the fun police read this story. To them “10000 pilots” is a threat. They will do what they can to destroy recreational aviation the same way they destroyed GA.

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Wait till the fun police read this story. To them “10000 pilots” is a threat. They will do what they can to destroy recreational aviation the same way they destroyed GA.

Last time I checked GA was not destroyed, plenty of us are still doing it in VH aircraft, VH owner since 1996.

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You certainly have more "stability" with VH.. Rag and tube is not even well understood as a description amongst US . What % "Build" today? Some used to do it "OFF" the most basic plans.. The weight limit is probably the biggest factor there plus the desire to"travel" widely. Just how much of it is actually done is another matter. Nev

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You certainly have more "stability" with VH.. Rag and tube is not even well understood as a description amongst US . What % "Build" today? Some used to do it "OFF" the most basic plans.. The weight limit is probably the biggest factor there plus the desire to"travel" widely. Just how much of it is actually done is another matter. Nev

Maybe the Rag and Tube guys should promote trailering to competitions for local flying competitions

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It is likely to render your "Kite in distinctly more dangerous shape. I'd caution against it except when absolutely necessary and them only with very adequate and informed preparation.. Nev

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The idea has merit, but as discussed in a previous thread, trailering tends not to be nice to your airframe.

I was thinking of the simpler machines then yours. e.g. I saw about 30 in a mass take off at Mangalore.

However, if that's a problem maybe there are other ways to get the machines out of the sheds and ecourage more people at the grass roots level.

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I think you need a "friendly atmosphere "social side as well as good strip in you flying "Life".. I think today, most get a plane "off the hook". preferably but may discover they'd have been better to build it themselves in the first place. It's easy to bite off more than you can chew, in Aviation. The longer you delay committing big money the wiser your decision has a chance of being. I don't mean procrastinate ... Look around and ask questions I don't mean just on line either. Nev

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I was thinking of the simpler machines then yours. e.g. I saw about 30 in a mass take off at Mangalore.

However, if that's a problem maybe there are other ways to get the machines out of the sheds and ecourage more people at the grass roots level.

Good point, Turbs. Aircraft are a bit like motor vehicles in that one type doesn't do everything you want to do. Unlike ground vehicles, rego cost is no excuse for not having an extra fun machine. Much as I love my Jodel, I've come to the realisation that it will never do the sort of flying I'd most like to do: low level, slow, landing wherever I please.


I've been offered a rag and tube airframe which needs a bit of TLC. It would do the job, then winch up to hang from the rafters, out of the way...

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