jackc Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 On 01/01/2021 at 12:22 AM, spacesailor said: CAN I BUY A LICENCE I see everything else for sale, but no license, No fling, No buying. spacesailor Expand You DONT need a licence to fly, it just comes in handy when authorities want to see it 🙂 Hint, stay away from the authorities! 1
skippydiesel Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 On 01/01/2021 at 12:21 AM, Wirraway said: What am I looking for? Something i can fit into for starters....exclude Aeropup, CH200, side hinged canopy Zenair 601. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. We are fortunate in having a range of aircraft capable of cruising at 80+ knots, just a matter of waiting for something. Expand Why limit yourself to 80+ knots when you could be Cruising at 134 knots 5400 rpm @ 18 L/h (75 % power). Stall 27 knots (single pilot) ATEC Faeta NG
Wirraway Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 On 01/01/2021 at 2:12 AM, skippydiesel said: Why limit yourself to 80+ knots when you could be Cruising at 134 knots 5400 rpm @ 18 L/h (75 % power). Stall 27 knots (single pilot) ATEC Faeta NG Expand Why indeed?? I would love to. 🙂 Well Sean, comes down to one thing. Cash....or lack thereof.
Butch Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 On 01/01/2021 at 2:12 AM, skippydiesel said: Why limit yourself to 80+ knots when you could be Cruising at 134 knots 5400 rpm @ 18 L/h (75 % power). Stall 27 knots (single pilot) ATEC Faeta NG Expand Gee Skippy, How about making your New Years resolution the following......" I will not try and turn every post on this forum into a bloody ADVERTISMENT for the aircraft I sell ! " cheer's and Happy New Year. 3 1
slb Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 On 31/12/2020 at 1:16 PM, Wirraway said: Well it has worsened. As of a few minutes ago, down to 10 ads, including one hangar for sale, and one trike. So only 8 aircraft. so sad, been looking fir two years. Expand I noticed the Trike is also listed on Gumtree eBay and facebook so it is possible that owners of aircraft for sale may be using other methods of advertising rather than aviation classifieds.
Wirraway Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 Indeed, I check on a dialy basis, aviationclassifieds.com.au Aviationtrader.com.au planesales.com.au gumtree ebay lightaircraftsales sportaircraftsales bovationaircraftsales a couple of cluib newsletters and marketplace fora. Not forgetting on FB, aircraft for sale Australia, and aviation buysell and swap Australia, plus a couple more. There are classifieds on the aopa website, but they don't appear to be updated. Anywhere else I should be looking?? 🙂
skippydiesel Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 On 01/01/2021 at 3:13 AM, Butch said: Gee Skippy, How about making your New Years resolution the following......" I will not try and turn every post on this forum into a bloody ADVERTISMENT for the aircraft I sell ! " cheer's and Happy New Year. Expand Thanks for the advice Butch - I will do as you request, when Forum members cease to make the occasional (ie infrequent) statement or ask a question, that leads very nicely into me making a very infrequent a gentle suggestion or two. You would appear to fly an excellent all metal Italian job - evidence would suggest that you are given to gross exaggeration - so why not put your talents in this area to good use - give us a Tecnam spruik or two or do you feel the mark may not stand up to scrutiny?🤣
Butch Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 On 01/01/2021 at 7:57 AM, skippydiesel said: Thanks for the advice Butch - I will do as you request, when Forum members cease to make the occasional (ie infrequent) statement or ask a question, that leads very nicely into me making a very infrequent a gentle suggestion or two. You would appear to fly an excellent all metal Italian job - evidence would suggest that you are given to gross exaggeration - so why not put your talents in this area to good use - give us a Tecnam spruik or two or do you feel the mark may not stand up to scrutiny?🤣 Expand Glad to get your reply Skippy. It all comes back to "would you buy a used car from this guy! " Only you can answer that question! For a start I only hire aircraft from my local Flying Club ( I have done the sums, for me it works out cheaper! ) As for " evidence would suggest that you are given to gross exaggeration " I am not bagging the Aircraft you are trying to flog to death on this forum, they are probably a nice aircraft! Maybe seeing your such a great guy at making " gentle suggestions" on a frequent basis, you could support this great site that Ian provides and become a First Class Member ! It's the least you could do seeing you get to offer a GENTLE SUGGESTION OR TWO. But then again what would I know I'm prone to over exaggerate ! 😁 1 1
skippydiesel Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 " I will not try and turn every post on this forum into a bloody ADVERTISMENT for the aircraft I sell" your words not mine - gross exaggeration by any measure.
Butch Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 On 01/01/2021 at 9:41 AM, skippydiesel said: " I will not try and turn every post on this forum into a bloody ADVERTISMENT for the aircraft I sell" your words not mine - gross exaggeration by any measure. Expand My apologies Skippy, I retract the word "every" and replace it with "most" ! 3
skippydiesel Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 On 01/01/2021 at 2:34 AM, Wirraway said: Why indeed?? I would love to. 🙂 Well Sean, comes down to one thing. Cash....or lack thereof. Expand Wirraway - there is more than one way to skin a cat/obtain an aircraft. If you have good practical skills or can access them through friends/associates, check out this Forums Classifieds and my add for a Zephyr project - I would very much like to see this aircraft fly again and will negotiate accordingly.
Butch Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 (edited) On 01/01/2021 at 9:47 AM, skippydiesel said: Wirraway - there is more than one way to skin a cat/obtain an aircraft. If you have good practical skills or can access them through friends/associates, check out this Forums Classifieds and my add for a Zephyr project - I would very much like to see this aircraft fly again and will negotiate accordingly. Expand Not bad ! 😇 " ANOTHER GENTLE SUGGESTION " Sorry, I can't stop crying from laughing ! 😂 Edited January 1, 2021 by Butch
skippydiesel Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 (edited) On 01/01/2021 at 9:46 AM, Butch said: My apologies Skippy, I retract the word "every" and replace it with "most" ! Expand Butch - this is my last response - I like to think I am an active contributor/supporter of this Forum. I respond to every topic, where I feel I might have something worthwhile to say, to seek clarification, or give support. I do not intend to try and quantify the number of response I have made where I have mentioned my interest in or promoted ATEC aircraft but would hazard a guess that it would be less than 25%. If that is" every "or even "most" in your world please be good enough to stay out of mine. One other thing - I do not attack on my fellow Forum members - I vigorously disagree from time to time , will pursue a reasoned debate, sometimes using colourful language and regretfully respond to attacks on my person - it is a shame, that any member of this Forum must on occasion be pressed to defend their reputation. Thank you Edited January 1, 2021 by skippydiesel 1
Butch Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 (edited) On 01/01/2021 at 9:54 AM, skippydiesel said: Butch - this is my last response - I like to think I am an active contributor/supporter of this Forum. I respond to every topic, where I feel I might have something worthwhile to say, to seek clarification, or give support. I do not intend to try and quantify the number of response I have made where I have mentioned my interest in or promoted ATEC aircraft but would hazard a guess that it would be less than 25%. If that is" every "or even "most" in your world please be good enough to stay out of mine. Thank you Expand This is not a personal attack, it's just that most users of this forum are here for the social aspect and get a bit sick of your repetitive inclusion of the Aircraft you have to sell ! First Class Memberships are still available, cheers and good luck with your sales. Edited January 1, 2021 by Butch
jackc Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 On 01/01/2021 at 10:00 AM, Butch said: Spoken like a USED CAR SALESMAN ( they always bail out when they are cornered ) First Class Memberships are still available, cheers and good luck with your sales, you will need it with an attitude like yours ! Expand Butch, That’s not fair......in the time I have been on this forum, Skippy has posted a lot of stuff I have learned from. Used Car Salesman? I worked for Toyota 40 years ago when my company cars were FJ40s etc and I had a reputation second to none, I even got into trouble for refusing to sell some second hand cars I knew were junkers. So don’t tar all used car salesmen with the one brush. Anyway, I bet you would like to be in a position where you dealt in aircraft, I know I sure would 🙂
Butch Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 (edited) On 01/01/2021 at 10:22 AM, jackc said: Butch, That’s not fair......in the time I have been on this forum, Skippy has posted a lot of stuff I have learned from. Used Car Salesman? I worked for Toyota 40 years ago when my company cars were FJ40s etc and I had a reputation second to none, I even got into trouble for refusing to sell some second hand cars I knew were junkers. So don’t tar all used car salesmen with the one brush. Anyway, I bet you would like to be in a position where you dealt in aircraft, I know I sure would 🙂 Expand My apologies Jack, I have a mate that's a used car salesman ( it was meant to be a tongue in cheek comment ) I didn't say Skippy wasn't a good contributor to this forum, I just wish he wouldn't use it as a platform to try and sell aircraft ! A prime example was his response to Wirraway 30 minutes ago. cheers. Edited January 1, 2021 by Butch 2
jackc Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 On 01/01/2021 at 10:33 AM, Butch said: My apologies Jack, I have a mate that's a used car salesman ( it was meant to be a tongue in cheek comment ) I didn't say Skippy wasn't a good contributor to this forum, I just wish he wouldn't use it as a platform to sell aircraft ! A prime example was his response to Wirraway 30 minutes ago. cheers. Expand Well, he is not blatantly advertising with pics and prices etc, and given the tough times we are in I don’t begrudge people who might be struggling, to advertise their wares. Unfortunately, this year may not be kind to people in business....... 1
Geoff13 Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 On 29/12/2020 at 7:14 AM, jackc said: I bought my plane in March ‘20 realising that the pandemic could cause me problems sourcing one out of state in the future, I just sucked it up facing financial uncertainty as well. It’ was a case of make a quick decision in case I missed out. Took investment money out to do it, realising I don’t have a stack of life left on this earth.......it was now or never. Sometimes you just have to make a decision and run with it........the future is never guaranteed. Expand I had a very good friend in 2008 make that same decision. He decided that life was short and he was not getting any younger. In a totally out of character move he cashed $80,000 worth of shares and bought 2 of his bucket list motorcycles. A HD Ultraglide and a Goldwing. 2 weeks later his shares would have been worth less than $10,000. His opinion is that he just got the best bargain of his life. Now he and I realise that long term his shares may have rebounded but in his words who cares that is 2 off the bucket list. 3 2
Jerry_Atrick Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 On 01/01/2021 at 6:52 AM, Wirraway said: Indeed, I check on a dialy basis, aviationclassifieds.com.au Aviationtrader.com.au planesales.com.au gumtree ebay lightaircraftsales sportaircraftsales bovationaircraftsales a couple of cluib newsletters and marketplace fora. Not forgetting on FB, aircraft for sale Australia, and aviation buysell and swap Australia, plus a couple more. There are classifieds on the aopa website, but they don't appear to be updated. Anywhere else I should be looking?? 🙂 Expand You could try a wanted ad in a couple of the above publications/sites... You would be surprised at the response you can get... sometimes people don't put their aircraft on the market because they don't want to have to deal with tyre kickers and dealers or they are thinking about it but haven't committed to sell; but when they see a well worded wanted ad, they think a loit less hassle and can sometimes sell. 1 1
Wirraway Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 To add some context, i had previously discussed with “Skippy” last week, or the week before. Re his Atar. I am not capable of undertaking a “project”, which I explained, I did not think Skippy’s post was OTTL FFS people, lighten up. spend more time flying. Not talking. I am just trying to find something in my price range, which meets some parameters. skippy’s aircraft meets them all, apart from cost.
old man emu Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 On 01/01/2021 at 1:13 PM, Wirraway said: I am just trying to find something in my price range, which meets some parameters. skippy’s aircraft meets them all, apart from cost. Expand Ah! The flaw in the otherwise flawless plan - cost. It is the bane of us all. 1 2
skippydiesel Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 On 01/01/2021 at 1:13 PM, Wirraway said: To add some context, i had previously discussed with “Skippy” last week, or the week before. Re his Atar. I am not capable of undertaking a “project”, which I explained, I did not think Skippy’s post was OTTL FFS people, lighten up. spend more time flying. Not talking. I am just trying to find something in my price range, which meets some parameters. skippy’s aircraft meets them all, apart from cost. Expand Wirraway - happy to send photos, have an inspection (You or trusted agent) discuss cost with you (not in open Forum) but for you and any other interested parties, this Zephyr has been my privilege to own & fly for about 10 years (it is not part of ATEC Australasia Aircraft Sales) - I have not put a price on it, as I am open to fair/realistic offers, however the minimum I will accept is the parts value (as a package ie not sold individually which potentially makes more $$)
facthunter Posted January 2, 2021 Posted January 2, 2021 There are several assured ways of being separated from your money. Marriage , planes, boats and new cars would have to head the list. You don't INVEST in a plane and what you pay for it maybe just the start. Nev 2
spacesailor Posted January 2, 2021 Posted January 2, 2021 Surely. That would have to depend on What Were & How you aquire those toys. I built a Dingy, second hand materials, cost $ 10 or there ABOUTs. I built a Larg ocean going yatch, mostly second hand, plus hand me downs.outlay less than $30,000. I built 1.& a half aluminium aircraft, cost (shuush don,t tell, the wife thinks it,s free ) Training ( FAILED ), less than $ 5,000. On going cost $20 ish a month for fuel AND my dream sits awaiting for it,s freedom to Soar like an eagle. Cheaper than a car that cost $20,000, and $thousands a year in statitory fees, and thats just to park beside my Dream Bird. AND I,ve never Sold anything. Always give them away. PS: THE ENJOYMENT IS WORTH hundreds of thousands more than just watching others do their thing !. spacesailor 2 1
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