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The radio receives clearly, but transmit is unreasonable. Have tested with new radio and the problem has disappeared. There must be something internally wrong with the radio. Is there anyone out there that can repair radios?


"unreasonable" ? unreadable or unreasonable  ?

SO - identical radio model, changed out, and problem fixed ?


Jeff , only problem with those  radios is they really need the "HEAD" to make them walk and talk .

However, as I read the manual, it is possible to put it into some modes with a little programming and direct access to the RS232 port. So that's easy from my POV. Send it to me if you like, but not until after first week in June. I am a little choked up right now, just moved my factory, got a new plane etc etc
MGL are very easy to deal with so I'm happy to look at this. 

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