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Posted (edited)

Ladies and gents


I’m genuinely interested in what people think about the latest congressional hearings on UAPs. (The new term for UFO).


Some are claiming the evidence for UAPs is becoming much more credible, with new forms of  complementary data recordings and such. Some are saying the US government is basically accepting  that there is compelling evidence for UAPs… Meanwhile the  same old whackos are insisting the US government holds physical and material evidence for space-aliens, Little Green Men and the saucers they fly in.


Pilot testimonies seem to be an important part of the evidence under discussion.

Most of us on this site are older people with extensive experience. We are also practiced observers of other aircraft in the sky. So I’m wondering if anybody on this site has spotted an inexplicable object or phenomena while flying? I’ll receive any such reports with an open mind.


Or anybody been abducted and probed? 🤣





Edited by NT5224
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I think there's a fairly big thread over in Social Australia about this.

For me Occam's Razor informs.  What's more likely - aliens that have the technology to travel thousands of light years yet can't drive properly in Earth's atmosphere and only appear to Daily Mail readers, or existing phenomena - weather balloons, auroras, ball lightning, light patterns, electronic glitches and hoaxes?


As for US congress - half of them seriously believe Trump is their best hope, so not a lot of logic going on in those heads.

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I carried a camera for most of my life, ready for Yowies, UFOs, etc, but saw narry a one.

That proves nothing; I’m still open to evidence, but skeptical- especially about the timing of this supposed US openness.

Could this be just another distraction from what American authorities are really up to?

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There are millions of dashcams around the world now. If something appeared up ahead (UFO, big black cat, Thylacene) then it would be all over the social media. Hasn't happened.

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Posted (edited)

It's the size for me,
If there was a craft capable of light speed travel. I highly doubt it would be the size of a car.
and the speed differential too. its one thing to do lightspeed in the vacuum of space. but to then fly through an atmosphere.

seems unlikely. more likely they would have an asteroid size ship, clearly visible. and then use shuttles for the atmosphere work.

and if there was such technology we should be very very scared, as we probably seem like apes at best to them with intelligence.
and we all know what we have done to lesser advanced cultures throughout human history - it hasn't been help and peace
we should be praying that we go un-noticed if there is life out there

Edited by spenaroo
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They went smaller ! . Just DNA , chemicals AND  the best ' AI ' ever , to bring a " humanoid " all seeing Godlike being to ' life ' ,  to gather ' intel ' .On our Animal world .


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IF they are capable of getting here like that I'd say "how high" IF they said "Jump".  Nev

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 Same as if the real god turns up in front of me I'll do the quickest conversion ever known. I'd have a fully OPEN mind. Not some preconception. I don't expect Him, Her IT to say "Hey, I need 15 million by  Friday" or be a friend of Scott Morrisson.. ' nev

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Just like religions, all belief in something they are unable to substantiate or prove in any way except in their own minds.

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We see plenty of PROOF of people believing the most UNBELIEVABLE things constantly. Reading the Quoran till you know it off by Heart. It's straight out brainwashing or indoctrination. Plenty of Americans believe the BIBLE is the ABSOLUTE word of god. No If's or Buts. Do we really want such people running the show.?   Trump doesn't seem to have much to do with God except symbolically  holding the Bible (upside down) once but he's NEVER read any books (HE says) and the bible is a book and THE Donald is a god anyhow Nev

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2 hours ago, facthunter said:

We see plenty of PROOF of people believing the most UNBELIEVABLE things constantly. Reading the Quoran till you know it off by Heart. It's straight out brainwashing or indoctrination. Plenty of Americans believe the BIBLE is the ABSOLUTE word of god. No If's or Buts. Do we really want such people running the show.?   Trump doesn't seem to have much to do with God except symbolically  holding the Bible (upside down) once but he's NEVER read any books (HE says) and the bible is a book and THE Donald is a god anyhow Nev

Well we certainly don’t want heathens running the show.

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Heathen is a fairly out dated term .What is your concept of what one is in todays context. Turbs?  Nev

1 hour ago, facthunter said:

Heathen is a fairly out dated term .What is your concept of what one is in todays context. Turbs?  Nev

This is a flying forum.

I'm not getting sucked into a hateful, bigoted debate on religion.


You introduced the term .You should therefore explain what YOU mean by it. No one's trying to suck you in to a Hateful "anything'" so don't lob that one on me. Nev

On 03/08/2023 at 11:57 AM, NT5224 said:

Ladies and gents


I’m genuinely interested in what people think about the latest congressional hearings on UAPs. (The new term for UFO).


Some are claiming the evidence for UAPs is becoming much more credible, with new forms of  complementary data recordings and such. Some are saying the US government is basically accepting  that there is compelling evidence for UAPs… Meanwhile the  same old whackos are insisting the US government holds physical and material evidence for space-aliens, Little Green Men and the saucers they fly in.


Pilot testimonies seem to be an important part of the evidence under discussion.

Most of us on this site are older people with extensive experience. We are also practiced observers of other aircraft in the sky. So I’m wondering if anybody on this site has spotted an inexplicable object or phenomena while flying? I’ll receive any such reports with an open mind.


Or anybody been abducted and probed? 🤣





Not long after the second world war the military was playing about with 'quad-copters', that is, with drones of the sort you can now buy in hobby shops. They were not as sophisticated as todays UAVs but, because of the way they could hover, dart about, climb and descend rapidly bla bla bla they were described as 'alien technology'. Nobody had seen things flying about like this before. As more and more 'UFOs' were reported, it was in the interest of the military to let folks think they were from outer space - keeps the heat off the secret stuff occurring here on Earth. Has anybody ever wondered why today with our high resolution cameras we still only ever see blurry crap images of 'UFOs'? 

Dick Smith's offer of $100,000 to anybody who can prove UFO's from outer space exists stills stands as far as I know. Some folks will believe so intensely in something (flat earth, UFOs, visiting aliens etc.) they will totally ignore any scientific explanations to the contrary. It's human nature I suppose. 

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Posted (edited)

I keep an open mind, but with a healthy dose of scepticism. There are simply too many reports from highly qualified and sensible aircraft pilots who have sighted aerial objects that travelled at speeds that were astonishing - and which objects also carried out aerial manoeuvres that defied physics. But as far as sighting little green men, or other fantastic-looking creatures, they all have to be made up. The Roswell "aliens" are fantasy, promoted by a handful of people for reasons unknown.


As for my own experiences, I was a total non-believer in anything described as a "UFO", because I worked in many remote and rural places at all hours of the day and night, and certainly had plenty of opportunity to sight UFO's and aliens - but I never saw anything even remotely odd - until one Sunday night in the W.A. Wheatbelt, in the late 1970's.

The brother had married a local farm girl and her (step)father had died some 2 or 3 years previously and her mother still lived on the farm, about 10kms West of a small country town named Kulin, where I lived from 1972 to around 1985.

This Sunday night, we all visited the SIL's mother for dinner, which we did fairly regularly. The brother, SIL and their 3 boys travelled in their HX Holden Statesman, and I was driving one of our HZ Holden utes (we owned several, as business vehicles).


We had dinner and left the farm to go home to Kulin around 9:00PM, travelling North on the Jitarning North Rd, then turning East onto the Kulin West Rd. I was leading in my ute and the brother in the Statesman was about a kilometre behind me, just far enough to allow my dust to settle. 

It was a dark but clear night, and no moon. As I approached a small triangular, un-named Nature Reserve on my left quarter at about 100kmh (this Nature Reserve is at -32.679757, 118.001518 on Google Maps), I was suddenly amazed to see a huge green "fluoro-coloured" glow appear amongst the trees in this Reserve. The trees there are a mixture of Jam, York gum, Morrel, and large Salmon Gums, with a fairly open understorey.


This absolutely brilliant green, fluoro coloured light was bigger than a large house. It was the colour of the best neon sign you'd see in the city. It just suddenly "appeared" - out of nowhere, amongst the big trees. The glow was just stunning to see.

As I watched in amazement, it took off - directly upwards, like a NASA rocket. But there was no smoke, no flame, no indication of any kind of propulsion. It had no identifiable or discernable shape, it was just a huge glowing light, like a big light globe. As it went up, it travelled at a rate that was totally unbelievable. It just went up, straight up, 100 times faster than any NASA space rocket.


Stunned, I watched as it clearly disappeared into the upper sky, becoming a pinpoint, that then vanished - all within the space of 5 to 6 seconds. I was gobsmacked. It did not jell with anything I could recognise or relate to. I kept driving, because there wasn't much point in stopping - the "object" was just simply gone!


When I got home, I asked the brother, SIL and their small boys if they had seen what I saw. They all said, "Yes, we saw it too!". We stood around and discussed it for a minute or two, but nothing about it made sense, and we simply shrugged it off as one of those things you just simply can't identify - and we went to bed.


There were no other reports from that night, of "strange lights in the sky", or "UFO spotted in the wheatbelt" - nothing. We were obviously the only people to have seen this amazing "light show". Funnily enough, East-West commercial airlines travel over the top of Kulin regularly, there was an NDB at Pingelly to the West, the aircraft are starting their descent into Perth, between Kulin and Pingelly. Sunday night would have seen commercial aircraft heading into Perth on that route at around that time - but no-one in the aviation sector apparently reported seeing anything.


To this day, I'm still confounded by what I saw. I just can't explain it, I've seen lots of strange things at night in the bush, meteorites, weather balloons, even "Min-Min" style lights (which were at ground level and which looked like headlights) - but nothing I've ever seen in my work and travel in all the remote wheatbelt and Goldfields areas of W.A. has ever produced a colour, or a display of fantastic speed, like I and my family members sighted that night.


Edited by onetrack
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There you are , And no "  dashcam " to record it .

Funny how those prolific cameras , are not there when  needed. 


Posted (edited)

No dashcams in the 1970's, Spacey - and even though I often carried my 35mm Canon FT QL SLR camera around with me, it only took 35mm slide photos - in good lighting conditions - and there's no way I could've pulled a camera out in time and set it to photograph this amazing light event, it just happened all too fast. 


An interesting point re the "cams". There are a multitude of fixed, constantly recording cameras in place today - even on the Nullarbor there's cameras recording meteorite displays, so they can track where they fell and maybe find a new and exotic meteorite. But nary a one of those cameras ever seems to record a UFO!


Edited by onetrack
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The thing is, when CCTV or dashcam photos or videos are posted, everyone decries them as fake or CGI.

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There was a guy at Alice Springs, a real down-to earth guy, who had a similar experience to onetrack's. I have no doubt that they are honest guys and alien ships are the best explanation of what they saw. But just maybe we are putting our own interpretation on them as alien ships. After all, we have lots of fiction about interstellar travel these days.

There is a lot of good reasoning against the idea of alien ships too,  although Marty's list does not seem to cover onetrack's case.

Alas, until and unless I see something similar to what onetrack saw,  you will have to include me among the skeptics.

I just wish that mobile phones had been around so we could see some pictures. Here's an interesting fact... UFO's became a big thing for the short time in history that we wanted them.( 1950's was a heyday ). They replaced religious sightings, and they have all become much less with the advent of mobile phones with cameras.

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21 minutes ago, red750 said:

everyone decries them as fake or CGI.

Not without reason. Often there are faults. In the video posted earlier where the creature crosses in front of vehicles with their headlights on I would expect a pronounced shadow.  Since almost everyone carries a camera on their phone I would expect n there to be more than one version.

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