BrendAn Posted October 5, 2023 Posted October 5, 2023 does anyone really know what qnh stands for. we all know qnh is the pressure setting on an altimeter but it seems impossible to find the actual meaning of the letters. i found one explanation that is question nil height, another that says q is the morse code for question but doesn't give a clue to what the n and h are.
Roundsounds Posted October 5, 2023 Posted October 5, 2023 QNH is part of an aeronautical code covering QAA - QNZ. Similar Q codes are used in military and nautical functions. Here’s a link for your reference. 1 1
Ironpot Posted October 5, 2023 Posted October 5, 2023 UK Military always taught that QNH is Q “Newlyn Harbour”. ( Newlyn Harbour is where zero sea level is calculated from for the UK based on the observations taken there for many years) QFE is Q Field Elevation 1 1
kasper Posted October 6, 2023 Posted October 6, 2023 2 hours ago, Ironpot said: UK Military always taught that QNH is Q “Newlyn Harbour”. ( Newlyn Harbour is where zero sea level is calculated from for the UK based on the observations taken there for many years) QFE is Q Field Elevation Not quite. It’s Nauntical Height in practice it’s the current pressure at MSL which allows your instruments to do exactly what you expect - tell you a height relative to sea level you can compare to maps etc which are given with elevation relative to MSL
Jabiru7252 Posted October 6, 2023 Posted October 6, 2023 It goes back to the days when reports were sent via morse code and teletype. The 'Q' code made things easier to send... 1 2
old man emu Posted October 6, 2023 Posted October 6, 2023 I remember an article in the, then, Dept of Civil Aviation Safety Digest entitled "QNH Queer Notion of Height?". The theme was the danger of buzzing people, especially on arrival or departure from private farm strips. 1
Old Koreelah Posted October 8, 2023 Posted October 8, 2023 A similar, but unrelated acronym VKG was traditionally used to signify Police HQ radio. We were told it originally meant Voice of King George. 2
turboplanner Posted October 8, 2023 Posted October 8, 2023 What is the meaning of QNH? It is one of the Q Codes developed for Morse Code acronyms in the early 20th century, that all start with “Q” denoting a question. QNH stands for Question Nil Height (Sea Level) It’s a measurement of atmospheric pressure, so it falls into MET (Meteorology) training, which usually starts before Navigation Exercises start. QNH is the Atmospheric Pressure at sea level. QNH is normally obtains from ATIC at major airfields. When the QNH is set on the altimeter sub scale it will show the height above sea level. If you’re at a small country strip and you know the altitude of the strip, you can adjust the sub scale until the altitude is correct and read the QNH in the Kollsman window. Area QNH is used on cross country flying and in Australia is defined as airspace for which area QNH forecasts are prepared. Zones, boundaries are found on Airservices Australia’s Planning Chart (PCA). That usually equates to a new Met station every 100 Nm, so on a four hour cross country flight you’ll usually be re-setting your QNH about four times during the flight, hence the benefit of doing a Flight Plan using the correct charts before you leave. QAA to QNZ were allocated for aeronautical use. QOA to QNZ were allocated for maritime use. QRA to QUZ were allocated for all services. Question? Answer or advice QAB May I have clearance (for ____) from ____ (place) to ____ (place) at flight level/altitude ____ ? You are cleared (or ____ is cleared) by ____ from ____ (place) to ____ (place) at flight level/altitude ____. QAF Will you advise me when you are (were) at (over) ____ (place)? I am (was) at (over) ____ (place) (at ____ hours) at flight level / altitude ____. QAG Arrange your flight in order to arrive over ____ (place) at ____ hours. or I am arranging my flight in order to arrive over ____ (place) at ____ hours. QAH What is your height above ____ (datum)? I am at ____ flight level / altitude ____. or Arrange your flight so as to reach flight level / altitude ____ at ____ (hours or place). QAI What is the essential traffic respecting my aircraft? The essential traffic respecting your aircraft is ____. QAK Is there any risk of collision? There is risk of collision. QAL Are you going to land at ____ (place)? or Has aircraft ____ landed at ____ (place)? I am going to land at ____ (place). or (You may) land at ____ (place). or Aircraft ____ landed at ____ (place). QAM What is the latest available meteorological observation for ____ (place)? Meteorological observation made at ____ (place) at ____ hours was as follows ____.[a] QAN What is the surface wind direction and speed at ____ (place)? The surface wind direction and speed at ____ (place) at ____ hours is ____ (direction) ____ (speed). QAO What is the wind direction in degrees TRUE and speed at ____ (position or zone/s) at each of the ____ (figures) ____ (units) levels above ____ (datum)? The wind direction and speed at (position or zone/s) at flight level/altitude ____ is: ____ (vertical distance) ____ degrees TRUE ____ (speed). QAP Shall I listen for you (or for ____) on ____ kHz (____ MHz)? Listen for me (or for ____) on ____ kHz (____ MHz). QAQ Am I near a prohibited, restricted, or danger area? or Am I near area ____ (identification of area)? You are ____ (number) area ____ (identification of area). 1. near 2. flying within QAR May I stop listening on the watch frequency for ____ minutes? You may stop listening on the watch frequency for ____ minutes. QAU Where may I jettison fuel? I am about to jettison fuel. or Jettison fuel in ____ (area). QAW I am about to carry out overshoot procedure. QAY Will you advise me when you pass (passed) ____ (place) bearing 090 (270) degrees relative to your heading? I passed ____ (place) bearing ____ degrees relative to my heading at ____ hours. QAZ Are you experiencing communication difficulties through flying in a storm? I am experiencing communication difficulties through flying in a storm. QBA What is the horizontal visibility at ____ (place)? The horizontal visibility at ____ (place) at ____ hours is ____ (distance figures and units). QBB What is the amount, type and height above official aerodrome elevation of the base of the cloud [at ____ (place)]? The amount, type and height above official aerodrome elevation of the base of the cloud at ____ (place) at ____ hours is: ____ eights (____ type) at ____ (figures and units) height above official aerodrome elevation. QBC Report meteorological conditions as observed from your aircraft [at ____ (position or zone)] [(at ____ hours)]. The meteorological conditions as observed from my aircraft at ____ (position or zone) at ____ hours at ____ (figures and units) height above ____ (datum) are ____.[b] QBD How much fuel have you remaining (expressed as hours and/or minutes of consumption)? My fuel will endure for ____ (hours and/or minutes). QBE I am about to wind in my aerial. QBF Are you flying in cloud? I am flying in cloud at ____ flight level/altitude ____ [and I am ascending (descending) to flight level/altitude ____]. QBG Are you flying above cloud? I am flying above cloud and at flight level/altitude ____. or Maintain a vertical distance of ____ (figures and units) above clouds, smoke, haze or fog levels. QBH Are you flying below cloud? I am flying below cloud and at flight level/altitude ____. or Maintain a vertical distance of ____ (figures and units) below cloud. QBI Is flight under IFR compulsory at ____ (place) [or from ____ to ____ (place)]? Flight under IFR is compulsory at ____ (place) [or from ____ to ____ (place)]. QBJ What is the amount, type and height above ____ (datum) of the top of the cloud [at ____ (position or zone)]? At ____ hours at ____ (position or zone) the top of the cloud is: amount ____ eights (____ type) at ____ (figures and units) height above ____ (datum). QBK Are you flying with no cloud in your vicinity? I am flying with no cloud in my vicinity and at flight level/altitude ____. QBM Has ____ sent any messages for me? Here is the message sent by ____ at ____ hours. QBN Are you flying between two layers of cloud? I am flying between two layers of cloud and at flight level / altitude ____. QBO What is the nearest aerodrome at which flight under VFR is permissible and which would be suitable for my landing? Flying under VFR is permissible at ____ (place) which would be suitable for your landing. QBP Are you flying in and out of cloud? I am flying in and out of cloud and at flight level/altitude ____. QBS Ascend (or descend) to ____ (figures and units) height above ____ (datum) before encountering instrument meteorological conditions or if visibility falls below ____ (distance figures and units) and advise. QBT What is the runway visual range at ____ (place)? The runway visual range at ____ (place) at ____ hours is ____ (distance figures and units). QBV Have you reached flight level/altitude ____ [or ____ (area or place)]? I have reached ____ flight level/altitude ____ [or ____ (area or place)]. or Report reaching flight level/altitude ____ [or ____ (area or place)]. QBX Have you left ____ flight level/altitude ____ [or ____ (area or place)]? I have left ____ flight level/altitude ____ [or ____ (area or place)]. or Report leaving flight level/altitude ____ [or ____ (area or place)]. QBZ Report your flying conditions in relation to clouds. The reply to QBZ ? is given by the appropriate answer form of signals QBF, QBG, QBH, QBK, QBN and QBP. QCA May I change my flight level/altitude from ____ to ____ ? You may change your flight level/altitude from ____ to ____ or I am changing my flight level/altitude from ____ to ____. QCB Delay is being caused by ____. 1. you're transmitting out of turn. 2. your slowness in answering. 3. lack of your reply to my ____. QCE When may I expect approach clearance? Expect approach clearance at ____ hours. or No delay expected. QCF Delay indefinite. Expect approach clearance not later than ____ hours. QCH May I taxi to ____ (place)? Cleared to taxi to ____ (place). QCI Make a 360-degree turn immediately (turning to the ____). or I am making a 360-degree turn immediately (turning to the ____). QCS My reception on ____ frequency has broken down. QCX What is your full call sign? My full call sign is ____ . or Use your full call sign until further notice. QCY I am working on a trailing aerial. or Work on a trailing aerial. QDB Have you sent message ____ to ____ ? I have sent message ____ to ____. QDF What is your D-Value at ____ (position)? or What is the D-Value at ____ (place or position) (at ____ hours) for the ____ millibar level? My D-Value at ____ (position) at ____ (figures and units) height above the 1013.2 millibars datum is ____ (D-Value figures and units) ____ (specify plus or minus). or The D-Value at ____ (place or position) at ____ hours for the ____ millibar level is (D-Value figures and units) ____ (specify plus or minus).[c] QDL Do you intend to ask me for a series of bearings? I intend to ask you for a series of bearings. QDM Will you indicate the magnetic heading for me to steer towards you (or ____) with no wind? The magnetic heading for you to steer to reach me (or ____) with no wind was ____ degrees (at ____ hours). QDP Will you accept control (or responsibility) of (for) ____ now (or at ____ hours)? I will accept control (or responsibility) of (for) ____ now (or at ____ hours). QDR What is my magnetic bearing from you (or from ____)? Your magnetic bearing from me (or from ____) was ____ degrees (at ____ hours). QDT Are you flying in visual meteorological condition? I am flying in visual meteorological condition. or You are cleared subject to maintaining own separation and visual meteorological conditions. QDU Cancelling my IFR flight. or IFR flight cancelled at ____ (time). QDV Are you flying in a flight visibility of less than ____ (figures and units)? I am flying in a flight visibility of less than ____ (figures and units) at flight level/altitude ____ QEA May I cross the runway ahead of me? You may cross the runway ahead of you. QEB May I turn at the intersection? Taxi as follows at the intersection ____. (straight ahead DRT turn left LEFT turn right RIGHT). QEC May I make a 180-degree turn and return down the runway? You may make a 180-degree turn and return down the runway. QED Shall I follow the pilot vehicle? Follow the pilot vehicle. QEF Have I reached my parking area? or Have you reached your parking area? You have reached your parking area. or I have reached my parking area. QEG May I leave the parking area? or Have you left the parking area? You may leave the parking area. or I have left the parking area. QEH May I move to the holding position for runway number ____ ? or Have you moved to the holding position for runway number ____ ? Cleared to the holding position for runway number ____ or I have moved to the holding position for runway number ____. QEJ May I assume position for take-off? or Have you assumed position for take-off? Cleared to hold at take-off position for runway number ____. or I am assuming take-off position for runway number ____ and am holding. QEK Are you ready for immediate take-off? I am ready for immediate take-off. QEL May I take-off (and make a ____ hand turn after take-off)? You are cleared to take-off (turn as follows after take-off ____). QEM What is the condition of the landing surface at ____ (place)? The condition of the landing surface at ____ (place) is ____.[d] QEN Shall I hold my position? Hold your position QEO Shall I clear the runway (or landing area)? or Have you cleared the runway (or landing area)? Clear the runway (or landing area). or I have cleared the runway (or landing area). QES Is a right-hand circuit in force at ____ (place)? A right-hand circuit is in force at ____ (place). QFA What is the meteorological forecast for ____ (flight, route, section of route or zone) for the period ____ hours until ____ hours? The meteorological forecast for ____ (flight, route, section of route or zone) for the period ____ hours until ____ hours is ____. QFB The ____ 1) approach 2) runway 3) approach and runway lights are out of order. QFC What is the amount, the type and the height above ____ (datum) of the base of the cloud at ____ (place, position or zone)? At ____ (place, position or zone) the base of the cloud is ____ eighths ____ type at ____ (figures and units) height above ____ (datum). QFD 1. Is the ____ visual beacon [at ____ (place)] in operation? 2. Will you switch on the ____ visual beacon [at ____ (place)]? 3. Will you extinguish the aerodrome visual beacon [at ____ (place)] until I have landed? 1. The ____ visual beacon [at ____ (place)] is in operation 2. I will extinguish the aerodrome visual beacon [at ____ (place)] until your landing is completed. QFE What should I set on the subscale of my altimeter so that the instrument would indicate its height above the reference elevation being used? If you set the subscale of your altimeter to read ____ millibars, the instrument would indicate its height above aerodrome elevation (above threshold, runway number ____). QFF [At ____ (place)] what is the present atmospheric pressure converted to mean sea level in accordance with meteorological practice? At ____ (place) the atmospheric pressure converted to mean sea level in accordance with meteorological practice is (or was determined at ____ hours to be) ____ millibars. QFG Am I overhead? You are overhead. QFH May I descend below the clouds? You may descend below the clouds. QFI Are the aerodrome lights lit? The aerodrome lights are lit. or Please light the aerodrome lights. QFL Will you send up pyrotechnical lights? I will send up pyrotechnical lights. QFM What flight level/altitude ____. 1. should I maintain? 2. are you maintaining? 3. do you intend cruising at? ____ ____. 1. Maintain (or fly at) flight level / altitude ____. 2. I am maintaining flight level / altitude ____ 3. I intend cruising at flight level/altitude ____. QFO May I land immediately? You may land immediately. QFP Will you give me the latest information concerning ____ facility [at ____ (place)]? The latest information concerning ____ facility [at ____ (place)] is as follows ____.[e] QFQ Are the approach and runway lights lit? The approach and runway lights are lit. or Please light the approach and runway lights. QFR Does my landing gear appear damaged? Your landing gear appears damaged. QFS Is the radio facility at ____ (place) in operation? The radio facility at ____ (place) is in operation (or will be in operation in ____ hours). or Please have the ____ radio facility at ____ (place) put in operation. QFT Between what heights above ____ (datum) has ice formation been observed [at ____ (position or zone)]? Ice formation has been observed at ____ (position or zone) in the type of ____ and with an accretion rate of ____ between ____ (figures and units) and ____ (figures and units) heights above ____ (datum). QFU What is the magnetic direction (or runway number) of the runway to be used? The magnetic direction (or runway number) of the runway to be used is ____.[f] QFV Are the floodlights switched on? The floodlights are switched on. or Please switch on the floodlights. QFW What is the length of the runway in use in ____ (units)? The length of runway ____ now in use is ____ (figures and units). QFX I am working (or am going to work) on a fixed aerial. or Work on a fixed aerial. QFY Please report the present meteorological landing conditions [at ____ (place)]. The present meteorological landing conditions at ____ (place) are ____.[g] QFZ What is the aerodrome meteorological forecast for ____ (place) for the period ____ hours until ____ hours? The aerodrome meteorological forecast for ____ (place) for the period ____ hours until ____ hours is ____.[h] QGC There are obstructions to the ____ of ____ runway ____. QGD Are there on my track any obstructions whose elevation equals or exceeds my altitude? There are obstructions on your track ____ (figures and units) height above ____ (datum). QGE What is my distance to your station (or to ____)? Your distance to my station (or to ____) is ____ (distance figures and units). QGH May I land using ____ (procedure or facility)? You may land using ____ (procedure or facility). QGK What track should I make good? or What track are you making good? Make good a track from ____ (place) on ____ degrees ____ (true or magnetic). or I am making good a track from ____ (place) on ____ degrees ____ (true or magnetic). QGL May I enter the ____ (control area or zone) at ____ (place)? You may enter the ____ (control area or zone) at ____ (place). QGM Leave the ____ (control area or zone). QGN May I be cleared to land [at ____ (place)]? You are cleared to land [at ____ (place)]. QGO Landing is prohibited at ____ (place). QGP What is my number for landing? You are number ____ to land. QGQ May I hold at ____ (place)? Hold at ____ (place) at flight level/altitude ____ (datum) and await further clearance. QGT Fly for ____ minutes on a heading what will enable you to maintain a track reciprocal to your present one. QGU Fly for ____ minutes on a magnetic heading of ____ degrees. QGV Do you see me? or Can you see the aerodrome? or Can you see ____ (aircraft)? I see you at ____ (cardinal or quadrantal point of direction). or I can see the aerodrome. or I can see ____ (aircraft). QGW Does my landing gear appear to be down and in place? Your landing gear appears to be down and in place. QGZ Hold on ____ direction of ____ facility. QHE Will you inform me when you are on ____ leg of approach? I am on ____ of approach. 1. cross-wind leg 2. down-wind leg 3. base leg 4. final leg QHG May I enter traffic circuit at flight level/altitude ____? Cleared to enter traffic circuit at flight level/altitude ____. QHH Are you making an emergency landing? I am making an emergency landing. or Emergency landing being made at ____ (place). All aircraft below flight level/altitude ____ and within a distance of ____ (figures and units) leave ____ (place or headings). QHI Are you [or is ____(place)] ____. 1. waterborne? 2. on land? I am [or ____ (place) is] ____ at ____ hours. 1. waterborne 2. on land QHQ May I make a ____ approach [at ____ (place)]? or Are you making a ____ approach? You may make a ____ approach [at ____ (place)]. or I am making a ____ approach. QHZ Shall I circle the aerodrome (or go around)? Circle the aerodrome (or go around). QIC May I establish communication with ____ radio station on ____ kHz (or MHz) [now or at ____ hours]? Establish communication with ____ radio station on ____ kHz. (or MHz) [now or at ____ hours]. or I will establish communication with ____ radio station on ____ kHz (or MHz) [now or at ____ hours]. QIF What frequency is ____ using? ____ is using ____ kHz (or MHz). QJA Is my ____ reversed? 1. tape 2. mark and space Your ____ is reversed. 1. tape 2. mark and space QJB Will you use ____. 1. radio? 2. cable? 3. telegraph? 4. teletypewriter? 5. telephone? 6. receiver? 7. transmitter? 8. reperforator? I will use ____. 1. radio. 2. cable. 3. telegraph. 4. teletypewriter. 5. telephone. 6. receiver. 7. transmitter. 8. reperforator. QJC Will you check your ____. 1. transmitter distributor? 2. auto-head? 3. perforator? 4. reperforator? 5. printer? 6. printer motor? 7. keyboard? 8. antenna system? I will check my ____. 1. transmitter distributor. 2. auto-head. 3. perforator. 4. reperforator. 5. printer. 6. printer motor. 7. keyboard. 8. antenna system. QJD Am I transmitting ____. 1. in letters? 2. in figures? You are transmitting ____. 1. in letters 2. in figures. QJE Is my frequency shift ____. 1. too wide? 2. too narrow? 3. correct? Your frequency shift is ____. 1. too wide. 2. too narrow (by ____ cycles). 3. correct. QJF My signal as checked by monitor ____ is satisfactory ____. 1. locally. 2. as radiated. QJG Shall I revert to automatic relay? Revert to automatic relay. QJH Shall I run ____ 1. my test tape? 2. a test sentence? Run ____ 1. your test tape. 2. a test sentence. QJI Will you transmit a continuous ____. 1. mark? 2. space? I am transmitting a continuous ____. 1. mark. 2. space. QJK Are you receiving ____. 1. a continuous mark? 2. a continuous space? 3. a mark bias? 4. a space bias? I am receiving ____. 1. a continuous mark. 2. a continuous space. 3. a mark bias. 4. a space bias. QKC The sea conditions (at ____ position) ____. 1. permit alighting but not take-off. 2. render alighting extremely hazardous. QKF May I be relieved (at ____ hours)? You may expect to be relieved at ____ hours [by ____]. 1. aircraft ____ (identification) (type ____) 2. [vessel whose call sign is ____ (call sign)] and / or [whose name is ____ (name)]. QKG Will relief take place when ____ (identification) establishes ____. 1. visual, 2. communications, contact with survivors? Relief will take place when ____ (identification) establishes ____. 1. visual, 2. communications, contact with survivors. QKH Report details of the parallel sweep (track) search being (or to be) conducted? or In the parallel sweep (track) search being (or to be) conducted, what is (are) ____. 1. the direction of sweeps, 2. the separation between sweeps, 3. the flight level/altitude ____ employed in the search pattern? The parallel sweep (track) search is being (or to be) conducted ____. 1. with direction of sweeps ____ degrees ____ (true or magnetic). 2. with ____ (distance figures and units) separation between sweeps. 3. at flight level/altitude ____. QKN Aircraft plotted (believed to be you) in position ____ on track ____ degrees at ____ hours. QKO What other units are (or will be) taking part in the operation [____ (identification of operation)]? In the operation [____ (identification)], the following units are (or will be) taking part ____ (name of units). or ____ (name) unit is taking part in operation [____ (identification] (with effect from ____ hours). QKP Which pattern of search is being followed? The search pattern is ____. 1. parallel sweep. 2. square search. 3. creeping line ahead. 4. track crawl. 5. contour search. 6. combined search by aircraft and ship. 7. ____ (specify). QLB Will you monitor ____ station and report regarding range, quality, etc.? I have monitored ____ station and report (briefly) as follows ____. QLH Will you use simultaneous keying on ____ frequency and ____ frequency? I will now key simultaneously on ____ frequency and ____ frequency. QLV Is the ____ radio facility still required? The ____ radio facility is still required. QMH Shift to transmit and receive on ____ kHz (or ____ MHz.); if communication is not established within 5 minutes, revert to present frequency. QMI Report the vertical distribution of cloud [at ____ (position or zone)] as observed from your aircraft. The vertical distribution of cloud as observed from my aircraft at ____ hours at ____.(position or zone) is : lowest layer observed* ____ eights (____ type) with base of ____ (figures and units) and tops of ____ (figures and units) [*and similarly in sequence for each of the layers observed.] height above ____ (datum). QMU What is the surface temperature at ____ (place) and what is the dew point temperature at that place? The surface temperature at ____ (place) at ____ hours is ____ degrees and the dew point temperature at that time and place is ____ degrees. QMW At ____ (position or zone) what is (are) the flight level(s)/altitude(s) ____ of the zero Celsius isotherm(s)? At ____ (position or zone) the zero Celsius isotherm(s) is (are) at flight level(s)/altitude(s) ____. QMX What is the air temperature [at ____ (position or zone)] (at ____ hours) at flight level/altitude ____? At ____ (position or zone) at ____ hours the air temperature is ____ (degrees and units) at flight level/altitude ____.[i] QMZ Have you any amendments to the flight forecast in respect of section of route yet to be traversed? The following amendment(s) should be made to the flight forecast ____.[j] QNE What indication will my altimeter give on landing at ____ (place) at ____ hours, my sub-scale being set to 1013.2 millibars (29.92 inches)? On landing at ____ (place) at ____ hours, with your sub-scale being set to 1013.2 millibars (29.92 inches), your altimeter will indicate ____ (figures and units). QNH What should I set on the subscale of my altimeter so that the instrument would indicate its elevation if my aircraft were on the ground at your station? If you set the subscale of your altimeter to read ____ millibars, the instrument would indicate its elevation if your aircraft were on the ground at my station at ____ hours.[k] QNI Between what heights above ____ (datum) has turbulence been observed at ____ (position or zone)? Turbulence has been observed at ____ (position or zone) with an intensity of ____ between ____ (figures and units) and ____ (figures and units) heights above ____ (datum). QNO I am not equipped to give the information (or provide the facility) requested. QNR I am approaching my point of no return. QNT What is the maximum speed of the surface wind at ____ (place)? The maximum speed of the surface wind at ____ (place) at ____ hours is ____ (speed figures and units). QNY What is the present weather and the intensity thereof at ____ (place, position or zone)? The present weather and intensity thereof at ____ (place, position or zone) at ____ hours is ____.[l] 3 5
old man emu Posted October 8, 2023 Posted October 8, 2023 6 hours ago, Old Koreelah said: A similar, but unrelated acronym VKG was traditionally used to signify Police HQ radio. VKG was the radio callsign for New South Wales Police. It wa issued by the Postmaster General Department. The VK part is the international code for Australia from 1 January 1929. I think Victoria Police was VKC. Ham operators were VK and a number which indicated their State. 4
facthunter Posted October 8, 2023 Posted October 8, 2023 The "Q" code is related to the use of morse code. I think telegrams were sent that way, but that was by wire.. I've not heard of it being used in Civil Aviation outside of QNH, QFE, QNE all related to Altimetry in Aviation. Demonstrated ability in transmitting and receiving in Morse Code was required in Commercial Aviation as late as the 60's. Nev 2
danny_galaga Posted January 6, 2024 Posted January 6, 2024 On this Morse code thing, one of the things that always scared me about even starting to learn how to fly when I was young was that apparently you had to learn it, and I thought that seemed impossible. I was pleasantly surprised when I did decide to learn to fly that you didn't have to know anything about Morse code anymore 😄 1
danny_galaga Posted January 7, 2024 Posted January 7, 2024 2 minutes ago, facthunter said: How did you identify the Nav Aids? Nev I did ONE nav lesson in 1996. From memory the Warrior had a VOR thingy. Nothing I did seemed to involve any of that stuff. I figured it was all commercial stuff. Still haven't done my navs. Do I need to learn morse code? If so, my dream may still be over 😄 1
facthunter Posted January 7, 2024 Posted January 7, 2024 I think it's printed down the side of a WAC (chart). Use whatever you have available to assist your navigation.. Nev 2
facthunter Posted January 7, 2024 Posted January 7, 2024 It had been reduced to 12 WPM trans and receive when I entered the scene. Nev 1
danny_galaga Posted January 7, 2024 Posted January 7, 2024 Just now, facthunter said: It had been reduced to 12 WPM trans and receive when I entered the scene. Nev I have no idea what that means but it sounds simpler. I guess 😄 1
facthunter Posted January 7, 2024 Posted January 7, 2024 "Words per Minute". At fast rates it "sings" to you. It's Dah's and Dit's. SOS is ... --- ... Nev 1 1
danny_galaga Posted January 7, 2024 Posted January 7, 2024 (edited) DIB DIB DIB DOB DOB DOB DIB DIB DIB! everyone knows SOS 😄 Edited January 7, 2024 by danny_galaga 1
facthunter Posted January 7, 2024 Posted January 7, 2024 You have the accent wrong . Dit dit dit, dah dah dah, dit dit dit. It's your heart that goes Lub Dub if you're lucky. Nev 1 1
danny_galaga Posted January 7, 2024 Posted January 7, 2024 7 minutes ago, facthunter said: You have the accent wrong . Dit dit dit, dah dah dah, dit dit dit. It's your heart that goes Lub Dub if you're lucky. Nev Not if you watched The Goodies 😄 1
facthunter Posted January 7, 2024 Posted January 7, 2024 I have but if I've applied it to flying, it must have been subliminal.. Nev 1 1
Bosi72 Posted January 7, 2024 Posted January 7, 2024 How many Ham radio operators are on this forum? 73's
Jabiru7252 Posted January 7, 2024 Posted January 7, 2024 (edited) 2 hours ago, facthunter said: How did you identify the Nav Aids? Nev The morse sent from the navaids was so slow you didn't need to know the code. A good pilot would simply have a cheat sheet, listen to the code (da da da di di dit dah di dah dah - that's MBY). I learnt morse to get my Ham Radio Licence and never used morse since. Note how morse is 'spoken' Dits and Dahs not dots and dashes. Edited January 7, 2024 by Jabiru7252 1
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