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Flight around Australia in an Aerochute

Guest kevin

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Guest Fred Bear

Hey you blokes, look at Jerry's flight plan and see that stacks of locations state 'support still needed'. C'mon guys, put the bloke up for the night if you have a spare bed or shed. You may get a fly in the chute out of it! I know there are lots of us Rec guys up North!!!



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Guest Fred Bear

At this point folks it looks as though Hoxton Park tomorrow morning at around 0830. He is in Wollongong now doing some minor bits to his aerochute.



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Guest David C

Marilyn and I will be there .... really looking foward to seeing Jerry and offering a 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif and support for this great cause ..


Dave C



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Guest Fred Bear

Well Jerry finally made it to Hoxton Park this morning. Graham Lea (from these forums) was also there but had to leave before Jerry arrived. Nice to meet though Graham :big_grin: Dave and Marilyn C were there as well as Ashley from Sydney Jabiru Flying School (who has kindly supplied a hanger for the night) :thumb_up: and a couple of other people. Jerry arrived at around 1020am with a real short-but-sweet landing roll. Jerry is staying with us this evening. The media has been terrible with their support of this. The Seven News director stated "This sort of thing happens all the time". What a load of 088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif. Jerry has made 4 records so far unassisted in an aerochute. Hopefully news.com.au will run a bit of a story with my video later today/tomorrow. Don't forget to visit his web page and give him all the support you can whether it be in the form of a donation or somewhere to rest his head for the night. There are lots of you guys up North that could lend a hand.:thumb_up: Here are a few pics from this morning.







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Guest aircraft1

I don't know how it will fit into his planes there is a big open day on the 31st of May and the 1st of June at Heck Field - Jacobs Well. I'm sure he would find a lot of support in this area if he could manage to be passing through this area during this event. My only concern is he may be further north by this time



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Guest Fred Bear
I don't know how it will fit into his planes there is a big open day on the 31st of May and the 1st of June at Heck Field - Jacobs Well. I'm sure he would find a lot of support in this area if he could manage to be passing through this area during this event. My only concern is he may be further north by this time

I will pass it on. Thanks mate :thumb_up: Any others?



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Guest David C

This morning we too had the great privilege of meeting Jerry Farsoun on his arrival at Hoxton Park . What an inspiration and breath of fresh air this guy is . Mental illness can and may strike any of us at any time . His flight around the Continent is a great opportunity to bring the awareness of this scourge to all . I say to all , if you have the chance, look at his schedule , and make the effort to go and say G'day to who is one of the most likeable and honest people you will ever meet . He has a looong way to go , but with all our support and encouragement I have no doubts he will triumph . Well done mate . A few shots from Hoxton Park


Cleared to Land



Almost Down



Ahhh Hoxton Park



G'day Darren



The reception commitee !!



Dave C



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Guest Fred Bear

Nice shots mate! Looks as though Jerry will be leaving from Hoxton Park early tomorrow morning (around 0700) and tracking further North, probably not stopping @ Hawkesbury. Here is an audio interview from today.


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Keep going Jezza. :thumb_up:


Anybody here got contacts with John Laws or Jeff Kennett?


If we could get those 2 on side, I'm sure that would ramp up the media interest....







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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest David C
I see from the tracking on his website that Jerry is now into Mt Isa. 


Bloody good going I reckon. What's that, about 30% of the way around the lap?

Couldn't have put it better myself ... A great effort from a top bloke .


Dave C



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Bloody good effort, and with determination like he's got, he deserves to succeed against all odd's from the few knockers.


Wishing him the same progress for the rest of the trip.


Good on him and thats an understatement!!!


Keep going Jerry, were proud of you mate, and you should rightly be so, for what you represent.



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  • 1 month later...

Anyone got the latest on how Jery is going, as he appears to be spending a lot of time in NW of the NT and I see on his website that he is now over the WA border?




Has everything been going OK since the woopsie in Tennant Creek?



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Jerrys Progress


Jerry is currently in Warmun (tennant Creek). He is stuck there for a while as his chute has a hole (dont know how it happened) and has been sent back to be repaierd. For up to date info check out his website at www.overdownunder.com.au. If you register you will get a copy of his diary each time he posts.


He has really done well to fly an aerochute that far!! I consider a 30km trip from home a long trip!









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