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This is something that most Ultralight  Pilots fly to, but is relevant to larger aircraft, too




An instance for me, I was doing Glider training at Benalla in an ASK21, My instructor came from France for the Gliding Season.

Unfortunately, myself and  EVA did not get along too well. 🤢

We get the aero tow from the LS1 V8 powered Pawnee, and we are away. Here I am doing as she asked fly out near Lake Makoan, she is not happy and in a terse voice say ‘you are gonna kill us both’  rest of the lesson was less than ordinary.

Next flight she decides I don’t need much in the way of instrumentation. 
Pre take off instrument check I say ‘panel inoperative, instruments missing, don’t need ‘em anyway ‘

Cut  the air with a chainsaw 🤩 terse instructions  to fly the lesson.

God part was, I greased the landing and not a word was said……

Who needs instruments?  Fly by the seat of you pants, worked for me 🤩






Did the stall warning operate?


No instruments sounds bloody dodgy.

Would you fly a powered aircraft with none operating?


Sounds like a instructor seeking death, don't be anywhere near her.


A good pilot should make a fair go of it in clear conditions. Adding a bit of speed is acceptable and desired. IF the plane feels like it's losing lift even though the ASI says OK . I go a bit Quicker. When it hardly floats during the hold off I confirm my instincts were correct. Seat of the Pants shouldn't be ignored.  Even works for big stuff but you fly them to one knot so don't ignore the Gauges. Sometimes in a holding pattern SOME people have gotten a bit slow, so picking up a bit of buffet will save the day and wake you up. Nev

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With a Glider…..you can stay over speed on approach then chuck out air brakes, speed is regained quickly when you put them away.

Better to be over by a lot than under 🤩


When you lack speed or height you won't make the field. Raising the nose won't help. At the other extreme when there's a lot of thermals around you can go around from 20'.. Spoilers make the job easy. Nev

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Given its an instruction flight, how can you guys not think this is dodgy as fuck...



Sure fly by the seat of pants works, but how many crashes are stall related? Most of them.


The instructor is dodgy and I would never fly instrument free, esp in a aircraft you don't have heaps of hours on.


Instrument failure in flight , sure fly by pants, but otherwise it's a dumb way to die.


Sure it's a glider but gliders still follow physics and will kill real quick if you stall. 


IF you have good seat of the Pants feel you will avoid stalls if an instrument and/or your calculations are wrong. Every different flap setting has a different stall figure and is weight and Cof G  position affected as well. Spoiler float will require added speed and so will icing.  AoA or Reserve lift Indication is essential to be safe. IF you don't have that seat of the Pants is a definite help. When you first did S & L , as you slowed you noticed the controls getting lighter and less effective , wind noise reduced and pre stall Buffet when you did  stalls .  Remember?  Nev


Yes ,  I do remember.


But as you said a Angle of attack indicator is essential, as is knowledge of the aircraft feel to get that seat of the pants ability.


Remember this was a instruction flight and instruments were inoperable, so I deduce the AofA was also inoperable. 


I will assume an  instruction flight means the pilot is either learning or getting current. Either way it should not happen. 


We should never encourage no instruments been operable and still taking off regardless, it's a very bad example for a instructor to allow.


If the instructor said " the instruments work,  but we will  fly as if they fail in flight  ( cover with post-it notes) and see how you fly using the your learned skills " that is different.


I am not having a go at the pilot or glider flying but the attitude of the instructor and how that flows into the skills and attitudes of a training pilot.


I don't think we know the details sufficiently to know the exact context and manner this was done. . I KNOW the seat of the pant's works in everything, except  simulators. Don't turn your back on anything that is going for you.  Nev

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