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Legacy Hornets

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Copied and pasted from the off topic site:


 Our local air museum, the Queensland Air Museum has been trying to obtain one of the classic Hornets, so on behalf of the museum, I'm begging for e-petition signatures. Hopefully the link might spread around as every signature counts. The museum has plenty of people on it's side in local, state and federal areas, but the federal government is flatly refusing requests and will scrap the remaining Hornets rather than allocate any more to museums. The problem is, there's only one chance at obtaining a Hornet and that's before they're scrapped; once they're gone, they're gone forever. None have been allocated to any Queensland museums and QAM, Australia's largest air museum, has unfortunately missed out. A Hornet would be a great addition to the museum. The RAAF fast jet line up at the museum includes an F8 Meteor, CAC Sabre, Mirage 111, a Macchi trainer and an F-111. All ex RAAF except the Meteor. It's ex UK, ex Singapore and detailed to represent the RAAF Meteor flown in Korea by WO Ron Guthrie who was the first person in the world to perform a combat ejection.


Link to the e-petition:


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