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Brisbane control line club

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I'm not planning to go to a club.  My neighbour up the road (where my real plane is currently, taking up most of their shed) has a paddock with a nice slope down to a valley, which it'd be great to fly over.  So I'm just going to use it locally.


This design is pretty good for transporting though - the wings come apart, they get their strength from carbon fibre tubes which extend out to the start of the tip dihedral.  So one wing's tube just slides into the other's and they get bolted down to the fuselage together.  There's a small servo for each aileron with the wire coming out into the fuse and joined with a Y connector.

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So the 'club' racer is a slightly reworked plan of the 1940's KK Phantom . I will pick up a plan from them this Sunday. It will be ages before I build it, but in my spare time I can get a kit of parts ready. I'll make patterns for the main parts as I'm pretty sure I'll build at least 2. The first is the homage to Dad and 12 yo me, and will be quite standard. Once I've done some flying with that one I'll know how to finesse the next one. 


The one in the photo I think has something like an ED 2.49 or similar diesel. They are quite potent and like full size diesels have a better duration so great for team racer or similar. I'm using my original OS .15 glo which might be roughly the same power but of course will have a higher fuel burn rate.


I'm going incorporate the name Cherokee as part of the homage. But not on its own. Any ideas? It can be corny because , well I'm 12 yo again ☺️ For instance Cherokee Dream or Cherokee Spirit



Edited by danny_galaga
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So you guys are telling me that the radio gear I used to build using acorn valves from WW2 army surplus walkie talkies is now obsolete. Such is life.:yikes:

Better just stick with control line models

Edited by planedriver
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5 hours ago, danny_galaga said:

So the 'club' racer is a slightly reworked plan of the 1940's KK Phantom . I will pick up a plan from them this Sunday. It will be ages before I build it, but in my spare time I can get a kit of parts ready. I'll make patterns for the main parts as I'm pretty sure I'll build at least 2. The first is the homage to Dad and 12 yo me, and will be quite standard. Once I've done some flying with that one I'll know how to finesse the next one. 


The one in the photo I think has something like an ED 2.49 or similar diesel. They are quite potent and like full size diesels have a better duration so great for team racer or similar. I'm using my original OS .15 glo which might be roughly the same power but of course will have a higher fuel burn rate.


I'm going incorporate the name Cherokee as part of the homage. But not on its own. Any ideas? It can be corny because , well I'm 12 yo again ☺️ For instance Cherokee Dream or Cherokee Spirit




Love that paint job.

5 hours ago, danny_galaga said:



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A few of us built and flew control line models enthusiastically from about the age of 14 before times moved on and we went our separate ways. Stunt and combat were the favourites. RC was in its infancy and way beyond our means anyway. The big event of the year was going to the Nats and drooling over all the ‘big stuff’. Casterton one year (the year the Beatles arrived in Melbourne), Warrnambool another time. Against all the odds one of our group never stopped building and flying control line models. I paid him a visit in 2020 and we took a couple of his models to the oval for old times sake. I hadn’t flown one since about 1968 but just like the full size ones you don’t forget how to do it. It was good fun turning back the clock all those years. Not sure what the local kids thought of two old guys going around in circles. 

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Know that feeling mate, I’m in the same league. For a mad keen rock-n-roller for decades, I’d probably be OK flying anti-clockwise, but anti-clockwise I’d be stuffed and plant it ready for the usual onfield cremation ceremony 🔥🤣

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Picked up the plans for the club racer today. This is the OS 15 I got for my 12th birthday. Looks a little sorry now. But some WD-40 and an old toothbrush should make it look a little more respectable 🙂



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