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SkyView 2 .


I have been annoyed at the strange ticking noise that emanates from the SK2 - apparently others have also found this problem.


I had my SK2 "stuck" on the perspex/canopy, on the passenger side, just aft of the instrument panel.

  • Turning my head will pick up or loose the tick. Need to move head to maintain visual scan, so tick comes & goes.
  • Putting my open hand up against the SK2 will blank the tick.
  • A sheet if aluminium foil has some damping effect - but difficult to keep in a position that does not interfere with SK2 performance.
  • Tried a ferrite spike suppressor, left by the Telecom man, years ago - seems to work ??? May need to try diffrent locations on headset lead.

Relocated SK2 to my side of the cockpit. Much closer to me/headset but further from headset jack. Best so far, hardly any tick at all.

For SK2 tick sufferers, try placing it in diffrent positions (always with a "view" of the sky) - with luck the tick may vanish😈

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