Guest Decca Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 If you’ve been following the thread “all forum members†elsewhere in the forums, you’ll be up to date with my treatment, but now to finish with that and move on to the next phase of my life………… On the last day of April (Wed 30th) I completed the last day of 9 long weeks of chemo therapy. By that weekend I felt good enough physically to contact Ian and let him know I was ready for his aircraft (Gazelle) he had promised for my flight training. We had already discussed, and arranged, hangarage, and an instructor at Ballarat. One of my aero club associates made himself available on Wed 7th May to ferry the aircraft from Riddells Creek to Ballarat. It was a week before my instructor became available (he is VERY busy) but in the meantime I kept busy washing & polishing 24 -3726 as if it was my own. At last yesterday I restarted the flight training I began in May last year, and finished in July 3 months later when the cancerous tumor was discovered after only 3hrs flying. And already I have 2hrs in 2 days. So yesterday & today I’ve been enjoying the freedom of the skies doing exercises you’ll all be familiar with; lead up to stalls, straight & level, turns, climbs & descents, then turns in climbs & descents, side slips at altitude. On the 2 approaches back to Ballarat from the training area, for circuit entry familiarisation, over-fly to join the circuit mid downwind, & joining mid downwind from approx 45degrees. A sideslip on base leg tonight, and finally tonight a late decision to allow me the landing, with a bit of assistance during the flare. Needless to say I’m very happy with the way things have turned out. Thanks to all of you who have given so much encouragement, particularly through my illness. A CT scan a few weeks ago indicates that there is no evidence (as far as they can tell) of any cancerous tumors, and there’s evidence that a blood clot in my chest is now down to 5cm, so is still reducing in size, which is what the doctors were hoping. Thank you, Ian, for your Gazelle, it really DOES fly itself. And of course thank you for your donations that are going towards the fuel costs of my flying training. I shall add to this thread to let you know how training progresses with each flight. Regards, Decca.
Mathew Ker Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Good one Decca. Enjoy the rest of your training. I suspect more than most, you'll appreciate the freedom that flying brings to all of us. Regards, Mathew
Deskpilot Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 So pleased to hear you're 'up and about' Decca. Thank God for the miracles of modern medicine. My wife, Jenny, has just found out she has the very early stages of breast cancer and has an op on the 4th of June. She won't come out of it unscathed as you have but at least she will live with me for many more years. Who knows, she might even pluck up the courage to come flying with me. She fears airsickness more than the cancer. Any way, not wishing to steal your thread, safe flying my friend, enjoy your lessons and look forward to the freedom known as first solo.
Guest airsick Posted May 16, 2008 Posted May 16, 2008 Quote She fears airsickness more than the cancer. She has nothing to fear. Despite what some say I am not all bad.
slartibartfast Posted May 16, 2008 Posted May 16, 2008 Excellent news Decca. So glad you're on the mend and flying again. On Wednesday I held my mum's hand while she died. Anything we can do to delay putting ourselves or our loved ones through that for as long as possible is worth doing. I resolved to outlive my wife then and there so she could avoid that particular pain. I have a long way to go to eat as well as she does, and to exercise as much, but I'll give it a go. I think I'll have to live to 110, but it's a small sacrifice. Enjoy the flying. Ross
Yenn Posted May 16, 2008 Posted May 16, 2008 Great news Decca, we knew you could do it. Deskpilot if Jenny doesn't know it tell her there are avast amount of women out there who have survived breast cancer, my wife, daighter in law and mother in law amongst them, so she will have a very good chance of a long life ahead, but lymphoma is something it would be worth her talking to the surgeon about. My wife has it under control now but it caused some distress early on.
Deskpilot Posted May 16, 2008 Posted May 16, 2008 Nice one Airsick :thumb_up: Ian, all's in hand, family history dictates that Jen opted for instant removal of both breasts and one lymph gland. Drastic but sure, and besides, we're too old to worry about looks etc. Never know, if she decides to re-model later on, the results could be better than what's there at present. Like I said in an earlier post, guys and gals, get yourselves checked.
skybum Posted May 16, 2008 Posted May 16, 2008 Decca,:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up: ONYA, Sunshine:cool: Little buggers were all blinking out of time now they want to do it in unison
BigPete Posted May 16, 2008 Posted May 16, 2008 Well done Derek, the best news I've heard in ages. :thumb_up: It won't be long before you can give me a flight. ;) I look forwatd to reading about your progress. :big_grin: So sorry to hear about your Mum Slarti - but now she has her own wings - you know what they say.... "One more angel in Heaven..." :heart: regards
Guest Fred Bear Posted May 17, 2008 Posted May 17, 2008 Well done Decca. Nice to hear mate :thumb_up: Also, great news that you are better. To all that have sick relatives/loved-ones on here, our family is thinking of all of you. Ross, may your mum rest in peace mate. Emma and I thinking of you.
tvaner Posted May 18, 2008 Posted May 18, 2008 That's great news Derek. Looking forward to seeing the progress reports.
Yenn Posted May 19, 2008 Posted May 19, 2008 "Like I said in an earlier post, guys and gals, get yourselves checked" Don't depend on the checks by mammogram. My wife found her lump by self inspection where the mammogram could not pick it up. Encourage the ladies to take care for themselves.
Guest Decca Posted May 22, 2008 Posted May 22, 2008 Hi Guys. I hope you’re all well & in good spirits Thanks for all the encouraging responses, though there was some sad news amongst those posts. The good news is I got some more training in yesterday - the first since last Thursday. The bad news is it was only ½hour, & there will be no more this week due to commitments of my instructor, but there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m exceptionally lucky just to be given the training when time is available. The ½hour comprised 3 circuits, which I have really been looking forward to, the first 2 were go-arounds on very late final, the last of course a full stop landing (which I almost pulled off by myself). We would hardly have enough time for a 4th circuit, as it was there was about 8mins left to last light, & the airport lighting was on. I felt I did pretty well & progress is speedy enough for the air time I’m building up, but I can be my own harshest critic at times like this. But I sure could have done with another 3 circuits (at least) just to get settled in. It will happen. I haven’t come across any pre-briefing or in-flight questions to ask you guys yet that my instructor couldn’t answer, but I’m working on it. Be prepared! Thinking of you all, especially Ross & Doug. Until next flight report, Regards, Decca.
sain Posted May 23, 2008 Posted May 23, 2008 Congratulations on restarting your training Decca - looking forward to updates on your training. Sorry to hear about your Mum Ross, and your wife Deskpilot.
Guest Decca Posted May 29, 2008 Posted May 29, 2008 6 circuits, 6 touch & go's Today I was prepared to stay home fixing all the things that I was way behind on because of the last 6 months out of the loop. It didn’t take long for the attitude to change when the call came through; “Derek would you be happy with a 1:30 departure for a bit more training”? You Betcha. Ian’s a/c was fuelled & ready by 1:30, but the briefing & little interruptions made the departure spin out to 2:15. But very happy to get in 6 circuits, 6 touch & go’s, a demonstrated simulated engine failure, & most radio calls flawlessly (that’s an overstatement) executed in a busy circuit with 3 C172’s (all training) & a couple other a/c inbound for circuit training at various times over 0.9hrs. It’s sinking in that I need to be more aware of eye/brain coordination near the ground. Keep wings level with ailerons, keep tracking down centreline with small amounts of rudder. Then transfer gaze to far end of runway over the keys (been doing that ok) but haven’t been arresting sink rate early enough as power reduced to idle. It’s ok Ian, Graham was there to save me & 3726. I think I’ve got that in brain now! And of course the news that all next week my instructor’s got a pretty full book, but I’ll be sure to ask him if there’s a cancellation to call me. So in the meantime I guess I’ll be busy cutting firewood, cleaning gutters, servicing…etc, etc. Until next time, Regards, Decca. PS (Edit) Let's make that 5 touch 'n' go's & 1 full stop landing.
brilin_air Posted May 30, 2008 Posted May 30, 2008 Decca~ Brian and myself are pleased to hear that you are feeling heaps better! Good luck with the flying! Hope to see you at Ballarat soon -Linda
Guest Decca Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 Hi all. The last time I visited here was over 2 months ago. Doesn't time fly! I now have 7.6hrs but it's taking Soooo long - the weather's not been good & when it is my instructor doesn't have a lot of time. But we are getting there. If only I could get the continuity to finesse the landings, then I think a lot of progress may be made. I will keep you posted more frequently from now on - I've been remiss in not doing that. And as time goes by I feel there is measurable recovery from my operation and chemo. Regards, Decca.:)
motzartmerv Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 G'day Decca.. good to see you again mate.. How much flying are you managing??..average wise. You still in the gazelle??.. You'll get it..once it clicks ya on ya way.. hope ya feeling better..:thumb_up:
planedriver Posted August 2, 2008 Posted August 2, 2008 G'day Derek, it's good to hear that your training is progressing. albeit a bit slower than you'd really prefer. Don't panic, you know what they say, "a slow job takes a long time" You'll get there for sure, and appreciate it even more when you do. And another positive is........., I bet you've been making good use of the firewood to told us about before,:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up: Kind Regards Alan
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