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New kid on the block

Guest Graeme747

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Guest Graeme747

G'day all. I'm a new kid on the block. This is the first time I have ever registered and/or participated in a forum. Needless to say, I'm working my way around it to find out how it all works. Once I'm confident I know what I'm doing you'll see me pop my head up every now and then.


As I was searching the web I stumbled upon this website, and some of the Jabiru posts caught my eye.


I registered so I could log into the forum and read them. I'm glad I did as it has been very interesting and informative reading. Aviation certainly is an ever learning process! .. even after spending the last 45 years in commercial aviation!


I own four J230's which I lease to a flying school in NSW. I'm learning to fly myself and have 20 hours logged in the Jabiru so far. It's all good fun ... certainly a fun way to enjoy retirement!


Cheers :thumb_up:



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Guest Macnoz

Welcome Graeme


I reckon I've flown two of your machines and very nice they are c/w full glass panel ready for night VFR!


Also I think, reading between the lines that you are more experienced than you care to admit!



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Guest Graeme747
Welcome GraemeI reckon I've flown two of your machines and very nice they are c/w full glass panel ready for night VFR!

Also I think, reading between the lines that you are more experienced than you care to admit!

Ta. .... and yes, all Jab's are night kit fitted with glass. Nice machines. I think the aircraft you flew belong to a friend in business who owns several J160's and J230's.





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Guest Graeme747

Thanks Cazza. Airplanes I can manage but forums ... mmmm ... but I'm having fun learning to find my way around and enjoying the reading (.. when I get a chance to that is).



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Hi Graeme.


Welcome to the forums, we have a lot of fun here.


I'm an experienced pilot with quite a number of TIF's on the Jabiru's.


But can you arrange a TIF on a 747 for me "pretty please"006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



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