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It comes to us all.


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It comes to us all one day, but I sure feel like i'm getting old.


I've had two bypass surgeries you know. a hip replacement,


two new knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes, i'm half blind, and can't hear anything quieter than a jet engine at take-off power, even with new batteries in my hearing aid.


I take 40 different medications a day that are inclined to make me a bit dizzy, short-winded, blurred vision and subject to blackouts.


Have bouts with dementia, (but can't remember when), and poor circulation;


Can hardly feel my hands and feet anymore.


Can't remember if I'm 85 or 92.


Have lost all most of my friends. but thank God for Rec/Aus, I still have my pilots certificate.


At least this way, if I climb till it won't go any higher, i feel i'm a bit closer to getting to heaven. ;););) Anyone got a plane I can borrow to go for a fly?


Don't laugh, this is serious stuff!! For me this started years ago



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