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Guest ozzie

Hi all


i'll just butt in here and say hi, arrived sunday afternoon and have not stopped walking. fantastic. will try a put up a few photos tonite if the internet is available,


i fly the B17 tommorrow morning. :thumb_up:






The Oshkosh radio is up and running in the Radio and TV section - accessed by clicking the Fun on the forum menu bar here - enjoy



i fly the B17 tommorrow morning. :thumb_up:


Hi Ozzie...left us in some suspense there didn't you!!!! Do tell about the opportunity, circumstances etc. etc.







Guest ozzie

Hi Matt


the B17 experience was fantastic. and just 4 easy monthly payments of 79 dollars:laugh:


amazing to think that the crews were still teenagers and had to fly 25 missions. very hard to grasp the reality of going into battle in one of these. unfortunatly i will have to find a quiter internet cafe in town to upload some photos of it. we took off from Appleton about 20mins away and flew over airventure with only 8 pax on board i was lucky to move into the nose as we came over the top of airventure. i peered into the bomb site and lined up the cross hairs and well good thing we had no armaments on board as a toggled the switch. played with the 50cal on the portside. the only place othe than the pilots seat we could not access was the ball turret. but a very emotional experiance, landing was very much a taildragger. i will bore you all later as i have taken over a thousand photos so far


time is up will return later and try to upload photos.


rocket racing is going to be HUGE.





Guest ozzie

just a couple of b17 shots


great stuff!







Guest ozzie

rocket velocity


the business end of a rocket racer runs on kero and liquid oxygen. when it lites off and shuts down it sounds like your oxy actlene touch popping only thousand times louder. they will be coming to OZ next year.





Guest ozzie

highlights for today are the warbird airshow, rocket racing


the raptor jet is amazingly manourverable can do a 180deg turn within the width of the runway and they said that they will not perform it in public to it's full potential. listened to a very inspiring talk from the grandson of charles lindenburgh. the tech forums are worth there weight in gold. all free and cover every subject. spent a couple of hrs learning how to weld and fabric cover and make an airscoop using an english wheel ect.


the clue to pilot safety and infringments is NOT being fined or having or privileges removed it is futher or re EDUCATION. got that !!


unfortunatley there have been two accidents one involving a lancair with two fatalities. these things are handled very professionally and without emmotion.


it will be very interesting to see the logistics on movements. if you have been listening to the radio stream you will understand just how busy it is here.


weather is in the high thirties and climbing each day.


all i can recommend is for those who have never been start planning for next year.


ding times up i'll talk later.


we have the international parade in an hr and a barby later tonite


175 aussies registed here.







Guest ozzie

Good morning


well, this is the last day and i'm all worn out but gee i have some great memories and have made many new friends.


the international bbq was great free food and great local beer. felt a bit fuzzy all of yesterday. the people have been great lots of 'have a great day, sir.' the only adverse comment i have heard was during the international visitors parade and you guessed it, it came from an Aussie. not a Rec flyer mind you but from that other 4 letter mob that has 3 letters the same. what an AS#####!! something really has to be done about this holier than thou attitude!


Moving on.


highlights of saturday were the EAA museum, a day is not enough. fantastic talk by Dick Rutan about the 'voyger' non stop trip around the world, 9 days of will we make it.


i found out that 'Kidsventure' is not just for little kids but big ones as well. i recieved my wings for flying a line control model. something i have never done before. Kidsventure is something that MUST be replicated back home. Kids being taught how to carve props, bang rivets, use workshop tools, building bottle rockets and chuck 'planes, learning how to follow plans ect is really something to see, the future of aviation is secure here in the USA.


I'll save the upload of photos untill i return. no doubt others will have a lot to post when they return as well. i have deliberatly avoided hanging out with Aussies here. do enough of that back home. I'll have to 'detox' as well on return i am so full of sugar and grease it is making me feel pretty bad.


well off to try and find a bargan or ten as they start to clear out the stands. so far my postage bill has been 3 x 20lb boxes at $50us a pop and have a couple more to fill


this will be the last chance to post until i return next thursday. I bring a few Tshirts back with me to give away in a bit of a comp so start brushing up on your aviation history.


BTW i strapped on the Martin rocket pack for size, o boy it fitted so nice, but at 100,000 grand a bit steep for me.




a very worn out OZZIE:wave:




Yes, KidVenture was marvellous - I worked as a volunteer there for two mornings (via the International Aerobatic Club with the Christen Eagle) and other days worked with the IAC. The IAC had a Christen Eagle at KidVenture for the kids to try on for size (some big kids too).1_100_3710S.JPG


We did something similar at Avalon last year although on a much smaller scale - a number of companies provided activities for schoolkids. I expect that we'll be doing it again next year.




Actually there are usually around eight controllers in the tower plus more in a van off each active runway. There are three landing zones on R/W 27: Marked a by different colour bar at each threshold, often with three landings happening at the same time. The year the Concorde was there my Grandson and I managed a visit to the tower. As well as normal R/W 27 arrivals a couple of the guys were helping form up 134 warbirds overhead for the Airshow and a Concorde was departing on the X-runway. "Limeys Barnstorming" as the controller put it. (Joyriding up North.)



Guest ozzie

Hi all i arrived back in Sydney early Thursday morning. As soon as the Airventure closed the weather turned pretty sour with thunderstorms moving in. all week storms moved across to the north of the field and the worst was just a few drops and a welcome drop in temp. but around midnight on sunday a fierce storm drove me from my tent and i spent the rest of the night in the car. Left early and drove to the Harley Davidson museum in Millwalkie. It has only been open three weeks and found it very interesting, well set up with hundreds of different models on display. i am not a big fan of harleys but i was quite impressed with the history of this american icon. they had the foresight a few years after starting production to take one of every model straight off the line and put it in storage. The restoration and research depts are in this building as well. lots of hands on displays to play with. even early on a monday morning the car? park had heaps of harleys in it. took almost 200 photos, had lunch, bought the brothers in laws a gift each and then headed off to Chicago. Spent the arvo at the Navy Pier. And drove around town making my way toward the motel near the airport keeping an eye out on the building CUs that started to look mean. gave some poor cab driver a heart attack when i ended up on the wrong side of the road. had to happen.:confused: I settled into my room and about 8pm the tv flashed onto the emergency weather report warning of tornados moving from the nthwest across chicago. about 20 minutes later huge storm and wild lightening hit the area. so i got dressed and went outside to check it out. no tornados but it was as good as any storm i have seen before. most damage was further nth and the "big" game at Wriggilly Field (home of the Cubs) was cancelled and the stands were evacuated.


caught my flight to LAX the next day and lucked out with the weather and had a smooth flight across the country. When the 747 departed LAX i am sure that we used a little of the overrun when we departed. The run got very rough during the last part of liftoff and bugger all hight over the road.





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