Ben Longden Posted August 16, 2008 Posted August 16, 2008 There is an awful lotta truth in that.... Ben
Phildo Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Ha ha ... really funny. I am a cop and I have drawn my firearm over 5 times this year (08) already over stupid phone calls like exactly like this .... I hope your just joking. I have a sense of humour but myself and my mates really do risk our lives every day running red lights and entering crappy unkown dark homes to react to dodgie phone calls for urgent need of assistence. BTW, did I mention that people then sue us/make complaints to the CJC for unlawful entry into their homes and deprevaiton of liberty? If you dont believe me. I can give a least two phone numbers from my mates widowed wives who have died in the last few years responding to XXXXte jobs like this. I am sure they would love to laugh it up with you.. maybe introduce you to their fatherless kids. But then again .... I assume its only a good joke eh, Flyer ?!?? (But please dont do this ....EVER!) Remember - mates look after mates. An a copper is really your mate with your interest at heart. Phil Fly safe.
planedriver Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Thanks Phil to you and your mates. Where would we be without you. Im my dads day, he only carried his bit of "charlie wood" (truncheon) Sadly, times change. Take care Alan
Phildo Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Thanks Alan, your comments made me smile at myself.. Whoa.... I think I got on my high horse on that one!!! (Sorry Flyer old mate!) Seriously, my baby boy died recently (medical complications) and the first job I went to was a double murder of 2 children in my area. Great. I still did the job though, as thats whats expected. Others (some public servants I know) would take 2 years off paid stress leave!!! Get my drift. No offence intended. Phil Fly safe.
motzartmerv Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 phildo.. thats terrible stuff mate.. truely, our condolences for you and yours.. Im sure flyer didn't mean anything by his joke. Im sure we all respect greatly the work that you boys in blue do and the essential service you guys provide. It takes a special type of person to sign up for that type of work knowing what may happen, and an even more special type of bloke to see the worst of it, loose mates, and still rock up for your next shift.. When i was a young fella i was a bit of a deviate, nothing to bad, but deffinatly heading down the wrong track. I owe a big heap to an old coppa who instead of busting my chops, took me asside and talked to me for a couple of hours, and really woke me up.. from then on he'd see me riding my pushy around and he'd pull up and give me a chat.. like i said, i owe him a great deal. All the crowd i was hangin with are now either dead or in jail. Anyway, like i said, im sure flyer wasn't havin a go. Does or did the force provide you with any councelling or anything after these traumatic experiances?/ if not, they flamin well should.. Cheers..
Phildo Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Thanks Merv, Mate, I dont want to make a big deal of it. I get a little heated sometimes as I know that most coppas really do an excellent job of it and most are degree qualified highly intelligent persons who left very good jobs to do this work. I myself served with the Navy and the Army and I am constantly amazed by the unpaid hours the boys work to help out people. Like your story mate, I see all the time. Yours is special, the contact changed who you are. I know Flyer wasnt making anything of it. Lets get back to making fun of ourselves and not taking life too seriously eh!! Most of all lets get back to flying (thats my therapy mate!!!;)) Cheers again for your comments .... I dont seek it out ... but it's good to hear it sometimes!! Phil.
planedriver Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Good onya mate, My dad went to his first job with a bloke in his late fifty's who snuffed it, after taking a younger bird home for the night. He did'nt make it through the night, but as two young "bobby's", they could'nt forget the apparent smile on his face:big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:
Ben Longden Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 I know you boys and girls in blue do an awful lot of good things for us folks, and I am not being sarcastic. However, I just have lots of memories of a psychotic neghbour who tried to burn our house down, with us inside - and the cops were so disinterested they yelled us out of the station the next morning. That and how we would have to spend the night in a motel every Friday and Saturday night because the psycho fuelled the local teens and hoons with booze, and we would have our house trashed because 'we spoilt their fun by calling the cops'. (remember, we were in a motel 35km away) And how anyone caught in the street would get death threats yelled at them - and he was there with knife in hand... and the police would simply ignore things and ask him to just quieten down.. We solved it by selling and moving. It was only when the psycho took his problems with him to a new town that the police woke up to things; their good friend was indeed the cause of the trouble in the area. Did we get an apology? No. Sorry... too many bad experiences with lazy cops. Ben
Guest Andys@coffs Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 which just goes to prove that coppers, like every other profession, have those that are fantastic and those that aren't. Like most things in life good experiences dont get so much airtime as the bad experiences......... Now about the weather, I note that its still cold and rainy in SA despite some summery heat in the forums..... perhaps the same at your place.... all this typing with no flying makes us forumites grumpy little critters..... Andy
Phildo Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Giday Ben, Yes mate .... I know it goes on. I myself had a offender two months back break into my house whilst I was home (I knew the offender from previous dealings). After a prolonged foot chase (in bare feet mind you in the pouring rain) I phoned the local coppers and I can tell you that the service was to say the least, a bit poor. I ended up giving the local blokes instructions and eventually gave up until contacted by a good friend who tracked the offender down and we went and arrested him. I'll tell you its hard to be professional with the offender standing next to you who just broke into your house!!!!:hittinghead: Just kidding!!! So yes Ben, I get it. Unfortunately the coppers burn out real quick and sometimes just give up. It's easy to do and negativity is a cancer in this job. But, If I could get you to come along for a night ride on a friday night in my patrol car, I think you'd see why. Just remember to keep you windows wound up so the passers by cant spit on you. And oh, becareful to check the rear seat when you sit down for needles shoved in upside down full of Hep C (75% of people inprisoned have Hep C). Other then that, it's all good until the paper work kills you when some old mate like your psycho makes a formal complaint stopping me from advancement courses for 12 months . So you see, there is always two sides to a story and somewhere in the middle is the truth eh?!!! Anyways, that my 2 cents my good friends. Remember, I've been on both sides of the coin with the law .... so I know mate, bloody coppers!!!! Ha ha ha.... Phil
Phildo Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Quote Now about the weather, I note that its still cold and rainy in SA despite some summery heat in the forums..... perhaps the same at your place.... all this typing with no flying makes us forumites grumpy little critters.... A HA HA .... Andy, that's funny mate!!! Nice! Well said (and enuff too by me!!). Good on ya mate. Phil
Admin Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Quote which just goes to prove that coppers, like every other profession, have those that are fantastic and those that aren't. Like most things in life good experiences dont get so much airtime as the bad experiences......... Now about the weather, I note that its still cold and rainy in SA despite some summery heat in the forums..... perhaps the same at your place.... all this typing with no flying makes us forumites grumpy little critters..... Andy
Seal Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Its a bit sad when we can't take the Michael out of coppers any more on a thread devoted to jokes! Have we all lost our sense of proportion to that extent?
BigPete Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 most of us can be a bit thin skinned at times depending on recent events. :confused: The great thing about this post is it has generated some very positive support for our boys/girls in blue. Good onya - where would we be without you? :thumb_up: regards :big_grin:
Phildo Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Seal, Yes mate ... I would agree. We need to 'keep it real' and have a laugh at ourselves. I may have jumped up on my soap box a little early!!! So forgive my abruptness. I notice now that Flyer has removed the original joke. Thanks mate. It goes to show that people in (rec) aviation are the best hearted people on earth and I am constantly reminded of how lucky we are to be a part of it. I thank you Pete for your kind comments. Lets get back to commiting aviation. Phil
Guest Carl Booth Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 What joke ? I missed the original joke. It got scrubbed before I could "enjoy it". But what followed was a fascinating "confessional" and "extolling" of our police, here in Oz, together with an excellent defence, by the guys in blue themselves. Even the German police, with their harrowing Himmler master sadist history, are now a helpful, society orientated , well trained force. They too have a very high rate of suicide, burn-out, and trauma, And, they gave me a few scares during the 37 years I lived there, as a "rough" undisciplined adventuresome Oz pilot. But, I wouldn't want their job for anything ! Carl
w3stie Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 I don't know what to make of this thread. I read the original joke and didn't see anything offensive in it. I know a couple of coppers, and they tell the best (un PC) jokes. I guess the lesson we can take from this thread is not to make any jokes slagging off at police. To be fair, shouldn't racist jokes also be banned? Also a lot of jokes here make fun of women. No more of that then. No more homophobic jokes or religious jokes or humour at the expense of *terrorists* ( they're freedom fighters really). No jokes at the expense of the weight challenged or the aged. In fact I think we should avoid the whole issue and ditch the humour thread. There's always going to be someone who's offended. Welcome to the 21st century, check your humour at the door.
Phildo Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Oh God ... What have I done!! w3stie, I really didnt mean to come down on humour at all!! I brought up the subject matter which was calling Police unnecessarily when at first they dont respond (in a hurry). I got a little heated and blasted poor old Flyer for putting up such a suggestion of a false call. I hope we can continue the banter, pulling the mickey out of each other including ME!! Strewth, I am the last person to be ultra serious .... I cant afford to be(see below)! And yes .... that's a car wedged in between the truck cab and trailer (amazingly no one was hurt)
Steve L Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 most of us can be a bit thin skinned at times depending on recent events. :confused: The great thing about this post is it has generated some very positive support for our boys/girls in blue. Good onya - where would we be without you? ----------------------------------- try driving a semi trailer around the countryside Pete, then tell me what you think of them. hehe! . . . I had 3 trucks running Syd - Pth for about 25 years. Guess they must have put all the not so good ones on heavy trafic duties. lol - water under the bridge now. Good thread though. steve PS. even if its on me a joke is a joke, especially if someone gots a laugh out of it. its our Aussie way of life ;)
Steve L Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Hell Phill !!!! I didnt see your post till I entered mine see trucks ARE on most copps minds lol . . . is that in your training?????? steve
w3stie Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Phildo no worries mate. Like I said, I know a couple of coppers and they are the most fun and tell the best (*worst*) jokes. Perhaps they need to do this to offset the job stress. I'm glad cops, and you have a sense of humour. It would be a sad world without it. I guess this thread has definitely raised all our awareness about the hazards you boys ( and girls ) in blue face. Cheers mate. :thumb_up:
Phildo Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Good on ya Steve and w3stie, Once again, I am blown away by the good natured fella's in rec aviation, Champions every one of you !!! And Steve, I hate doing traffic as well (and I tell people that too !!!) and yes heavy vehicles are really in the training!!! Although I dont target the truckies particularly because if you look too hard - you'll send them broke literally (No trucks - no cornies for breakfast). I think the real bandits out there are the diesel retailers - though that maybe another thread!!!;) Thanks fellas for understanding .... I find it funny, when I was in the defence force I never received any negative comment by the community. As a cop, it just does'nt stop. But I am just the same bloke in a different uniform being me. I guess service men dont give out tickets and send people to court though eh?? Phil Fly Safe.
Ben Longden Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 Quote Like most things in life good experiences dont get so much airtime as the bad experiences......... Andy OK. lets fix that. Every accident I have filmed in the last five years for Nine news I have had no problem with the local plods. In fact, they have actually come to me and advised where the danger areas are, such as power lines down and where the bodies are - so I can make sure they dont get in the viewfinder. (The kids watch the news, remember - and I dont want them to see that stuff) Yep. the bad experiences far outweigh the good ones. Ben
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