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We've all seen the talk about higher MTOW and aerobatics, and I was thinking: you can't please some people.....


So just for fun, how about we try to find the best/funniest suggestion for what other endorsements we could get.


Sort of like those internet top5 lists.


I'll start with:


An endorsement to allow you to fly magic carpets/broomsticks (symbol on license '13')


An endorsement to allow circling over open-air drivein movies/concerts (symbol 'tix')


An endorsement to allow low flying to check out good looking humans down below ('x')


I'll let you continue...



An endorsement to allow low flying to check out good looking humans down below ('x')

Low flying over nudist beaches or nudist colonies ('xxx')




What about an endorsement to fly a car!006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif (with a license symbol of "class FC")092_idea.gif.47940f0a63d4c3c507771e6510e944e5.gif


- --- --:big_grin:




smoket. that has been done. I recall reading in a book years ago, the tale of a glider pilot coming in low over a beach, just on dark and seeing some lovers below shouted out "Behold the Lord cometh" He reckoned it caused quite a stir.




Crazy stuff ;)


Hey, everyone went Harry Potter crazy a while back...




How about a Drifter Quidditch endorsement?


They sort of look like broomsticks, so what the heck.... 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



and seeing some lovers below shouted out "Behold the Lord cometh" He reckoned it caused quite a stir.

And it came from on high! Brilliant, just brilliant!! lol:clap:



smoket. that has been done. I recall reading in a book years ago, the tale of a glider pilot coming in low over a beach, just on dark

Hey i don't want to spoil the fun,:big_grin: but wonder what he was doing gliding in the dark... not a real wise move for a glider....031_loopy.gif.e6c12871a67563904dadc7a0d20945bf.gif




Might be stupid, but it sounds fun.....


How about an endorsement for any doing anything which is stupid but fun?


Where do I apply....radioactive.gif.1acc918ae505c8835a1c29d9312871c0.gif


As for Quidditch, Who wants to invent a game similar which can be played in rec planes and we can try it. Use helium balloons for balls, and to catch the snitch you run into it. etc.


Also who's for a game of tag:ban me please:114_ban_me_please.gif.0d7635a5d304fa7bdaef6367a02d1a75.gif102_wasnt_me.gif.b4992218d6a9d117d3ea68a818d37d57.gif113_im_with_stupid.gif.c7998083611453eb404ccd147fef8c5f.gif087_sorry.gif.8f9ce404ad3aa941b2729edb25b7c714.gif keen.gif.9802fd8e381488e125cd8e26767cabb8.gif




How about an endorsement for back seat flyers........


Even though the majority of 2 seaters are side by side I am sure there are plenty of us that already qualify.:hittinghead:



smoket. that has been done. I recall reading in a book years ago, the tale of a glider pilot coming in low over a beach, just on dark and seeing some lovers below shouted out "Behold the Lord cometh" He reckoned it caused quite a stir.

My father used to fly air taxi in England in the early sixties. There was a paddock with long grass at the end of the runway at Luton, apparently the sight of bare bums going up and down was reasonably common. Makes you wonder, didn't they think they could be seen from a plane, didn't care or maybe they did know and kept going back 024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif






Beach Bums


Smokey's story reminds me of a flight back in the mid 80's in a two seat ultralight with a mate along a very long beach.This was back in the "good" old days when you had to stay below 300 ft. A.G.L.


We were low enough to feel the spray off the breaking waves, watching a pod of dolphins I'm sure were putting on a show for us, jumping out of the water, rolling on their backs etc.


Then, up ahead about the middle of the beach, we saw someone walking from the water towards the back of the beach. Quickly.


As we got closer, we saw a man & woman getting dressed in a hurry. We were close enough to see that they were a man & a woman ( hadn't had time to put much on) & I'm sure they would have heard our " G'day, how ya goin" & seen our waves, but the rude sods didn't even wave back.


The thing that struck us, was the beach is 7 or 8 klm's long, with sand hills for 3 or 4 k's behind the beach. And there wasn't a car, or 4x4 in sight. They must have walked for bloody miles. We probably spoilt their day.:big_grin::big_grin:


I bet that bloke badmouth's ultralight's to this day.


Roger Mac



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