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Jabiru Single Seater Highwing....????

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Guest Bendorn

I've heard a rumour of a new single seater to be made by Jabiru.


2200 motor High Wing with no wing struts. Has anyone heard this or is someone pulling my chain???




Rumour is true. Saw it half built 4 weeks ago while touring the factory. It will be down the track a little yet i think.






That's true Ben, I saw it also... got shown the plans and everything.... but won't be out for a while yet I'd imagine.....


Hopefully Rod doesn't shoot me:helmet:, but here is a picture of the molds, it'll give you an idea of what it may look like......










Anyone wish to hazard a guess at the intended market / potential customers? A single place, high wing ultralight would have limited appeal I would have thought?




Could it be that it will come down to a pricing alternative - perhaps a flyaway price of $49k



I have heard that it will have a Kawsaki 28 or35hp engine.

Yes that's what he told me also, Little Kawasaki, 2 cylinder with belt drive to the propeller.....


It has always interested me that there is a lot of single seater's out there, because I would have thought it is always nice to be able to take a friend or even a spouse up with you........;) but maybe the cost factor has a lot to do with it....i_dunno




Yeah now that's an Idea, an Aussie made motor glider:thumb_up:




funnily enough, in my 500 hrs plus of flying, i have only had passengers for about 5 of them... not including students and other instructors




The only thing I miss with the Corby Starlet is the ability to take a passenger. I have introduced countless people to the joy of flying and am sometimes tempted to sell the Corby and buy a 2 seater, but every person who has owned and then sold a Corby regrets it.


The answer is to build a 2 seater along Corby lines or buy and run another plane. Pity there isn't a syndicate around here.




I recon flying is just like sex. Always better sharing with someone than a solo effort. ;) 114_ban_me_please.gif.0d7635a5d304fa7bdaef6367a02d1a75.gif






If it's not a Jab engine you'd have to think that the engine decision was based on cost, unless it was a glider. Perhaps a single seat glider before the 2 seater version, but sounds a little strange.


Me thinks it might be another successful stab at the bottom end of the market with a very affordable single seater.



Guest Michael Coates
If it's not a Jab engine you'd have to think that the engine decision was based on cost, unless it was a glider. Perhaps a single seat glider before the 2 seater version, but sounds a little strange. Me thinks it might be another successful stab at the bottom end of the market with a very affordable single seater.

Agreed.... the fuse is way too short for a motorglider, maybe a saphire replacement ?


But i have to wonder at the predicted sales success because there are very few new single seaters being built/sold anymore as the market has changed due to legislation changes etc..


Meanwhile Jabiru still have a few other projects pushed to the back of the shed (like the helicopters etc) so it may just be using some govt research and development money ?




Rod did say that it may never see production....He's just playing around with different things/ideas.....;)




The helicopter has 3 guys full time on it, so it's full steam ahead from what I heard recently! Would be interested to hear if someone knows otherwise. I might go there for my yearly factory visit at Christmas and find out for myself.



Guest Michael Coates

The helicopter was there 6 or 7 years ago and was crashed on first flight. Jabiru have a good situation of being able to get Govt grants for research and development and have to show some results for the money.


Thats why IMO there are helicopters and single seaters sitting around to show the Govt guys their (sorry our) money is being spent on new products even though it is probably mostly used on existing aircraft development.


You can search and see the grants some of these companies get, BIG money for some of the strangest ideas, like $180,000 for a new machine to cut toenails (hoves) on sheep




Are you aware that it crashed Geoff? It was being worked on around 4 months ago that I am aware of.




Is it a helicopter? I thought it looked like a gyro-copter...!:confused: I might have seen something else maybe.....!i_dunno




It's a single seater, fibreglass of course, fairly skinny with vertically mounted Jab engine, 4 cylinder.






I know this is a bit off the subject, but did you see the New Inventors last week...? There was this fella with a Contra-rotating helicopter (it had no tail rotor, just the two main rotors on top of each other, and rotate in opposite directions), I bit like the Rc ones you can get...!


I think the hole idea of the thing was because It was electric, and without the tail rotor it could last a lot longer in the air... because apparently the tail rotor can use over 25% off the power.... and it is a lot safer as well, he reckons anyway....thats with contra-rotating rotors...!


It could last in the air for about 20 or so minutes i think, at the moment, with one charge


He was planing on making 1,2, and 4, seater's and also an un-maned one...!


I thought it was pretty interesting anyway...:thumb_up:






I asked Rod about the gyro copter that is there and he told me it belonged to one of his staff!


I my self am quiet excited as I am off to Jab factory on Friday to collect my J230, bloody stoked, and work on my home runway is progressing well as dozer is finished and the grader will come Tuesday and then all I need do is screen the surface maticulously with the old fergy and a reo mesh screen I have made up and reseed, 1 x wind sock and bobs your uncle and 230 (miss susan) can be moved from Agnes Water to home base.


Regards Watto:yin_yan:



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