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Just thought i would start a thread in memory of YHOX, it will be decommissioned next monday 15th dec 2008. these pics were taken last weekend, my last weekend ever flying from Hoxton Park, i remember doing my first emergency procedures lessons there in the late 80's! in Piper Cherokees, Archers, and Arrows. and it was the airport of my first ever paying flying job...


, heres a few photos of Hoxton Park, a Fantastic airfield. 018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif









the bowser was removed last week... so its an extra $25 to refuel from the truck..





Ahhh the Memories! close formation circuits....no radio calls, 3 aircraft on the runway at any one time... it will be missed.:rotary::hittinghead:



My last ever landing at Hoxton Park. YHOX. Runway 34 at the end of a 2.8 hr Navex. i asked the student to let me take the landing for my last ever at Hoxton.



Goodnight From YHOX. It was a Fantastic Airfield, and full of memories fantastic memories, from downright scary, to beautiful 15kt crosswind landings, watching suburbia creep ever closer of the last 17yrs, and even the relationships with the instructors flying the Beechcraft Skippers built up over the radio and in the circuit. ahhh good times..


YHOX, Signing off.


drinks time. 018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif








Thats sad ultralights.. Looks like you had some good times there.. It is (was) a lovely little strip, so close to the bigsmoke, but still a country airfield feel about the place...


Will be missed by many...






YHOX - bye, bye


In 1955 Hoxton Park was an abandoned WW2 emergency airstrip with weeds growing through cracks in the bitumen surface. We (RAAF National Service Trainee Airmen) did stall and spinning training, in Tigers and Chippies, above the strip. On one occasion, indelibly etched on my memory, the engine in my Chipmunk (VH AJD) failed to respond to the throttle after a spinning exercise. I was on final for what would have been runway 34, just about to shut the switches and fuel off, when the motor came to life and I returned to base. It was not until 2004, 49 bloody years later, that I landed at Hoxton in a Piper Warrior. The weeds were gone and the bitumen was painted with runway markings. It's sad to see it go, but understandable in a rotten society motivated by money and greed - and believe me, I am anything but a socialist.






Sad to see the field go even if I have never landed there and now I never will. Yesterday watched some of the last V8 race on a track of my youth down there. A month ago drove through Sydney and had trouble locating myself from my years there in the '60s, '70s and early '80s.


"Progress" is a bitch!. I moved to a pleasent small city called Brisbane which is no more. Now undertaking a "tree" change to again get out of the rat race and be near an affordable airfield.


Don't know what the solution is but the current system of development at any cost sux's.



Guest Ruprect

Could you still land there in an emergency?


Or will they rip up the strip right away?


I recall Cooranbong having trenches dug across it whilst it stood idle after closure. Silly I thought




WHY WHY WHY....... why are they closing such a nice little strip. looks like a lovely place to spend the hours ?


Almost makes me cry... (like i did when i watched one six right) 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif



Guest weekendwarrior

Why well to build more MacMansions so MacBank can make an extra buck thumb_down


If they could get away with it they would close Camden and Bankstown as well.


Well they already closed the north south runway there.


Now that Hoxton Park is closing, if a light aircraft is caught unexpectedly in a southerly blow in the Sydney basin I guess the only option left will be to call an emergency and land at Mascot :devil:


Nothing to do with aviation but Oran Park is closing for the same reason and it's a damn shame as well 049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif




The Oran Park main straight has been used as a runway quite often. We spent a weekend in the early 80's using the old main straight as a runway with a C182, did a few loads over the weekend. It has been used by rotary wing for low level endorsments ect.


I have some footage taken from the starters tower of the Lockheed doing a roll over the top. YouTube - lockheed barrell roll


And as a few have found over the years it makes a good place to head when for emergency landings. Sad to see two of Sydney's well known icons dissapear and will only be remembered by 'themed' street signs.049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif






Sadly Hoxton will exist for some time as an unused airport, just like Schofields airport, Macbank are trying to sell the entire site as 1 lot!( they didn't sell 1 lot when they subdivided it) and are having great difficulty in finding a buyer, considering the current economic outlook, and the fact there is already acres of unsold industrial land surrounding it. so if we all chip in a little donation, we could buy it for the discounted rate of $350 Million..


as of monday, the only thing using the strip will be grass and rabbits.


Schofields runways still exist, only block by concrete barriers placed across the strip. i think they might do the same at hoxton



Guest Brett Campany
Sadly Hoxton will exist for some time as an unused airport, just like Schofields airport, Macbank are trying to sell the entire site as 1 lot!( they didn't sell 1 lot when they subdivided it) and are having great difficulty in finding a buyer, considering the current economic outlook, and the fact there is already acres of unsold industrial land surrounding it. so if we all chip in a little donation, we could buy it for the discounted rate of $350 Million.. as of monday, the only thing using the strip will be grass and rabbits.

Schofields runways still exist, only block by concrete barriers placed across the strip. i think they might do the same at hoxton

So what we need is an aviation enthusiast who is totally loaded to buy this so we can still use it?


So sad to see it go. I did my first flight training at YHOX and it just breaks my heart to see this. I was really hoping one day that I'd be able to fly in there again.




What a Waste


Thats crap,


I have never flown into YHOX and to be honest I have never seen it BUT this seems to be a trend of todays society that the money in the hands of fools can be dangerous. $350m good luck in todays market and as said if it already has heaps of vacant land around even harder. Why don't these so called graduates and smart business man put their heads together and start designing a few airparks around this country. I know Gatton has one and if the land surrounding it is vacant why not here. They could make their money out of the housing lots and also keep the airports. I can see a day when the only place that us normal folk will be able to afford to fly will be on flight sim:crying:




What we need is an AIRPARK. a place where GA Raa and some small private companys can operate and we can all chip in and buy it. then we can have housing lots all round of which we occupy so when we walk out the door we get in a golf cart to the hangar or idealy we have hangars out the back of our house which we can have taxi ways linking the hangars to the AIRPARK like the RAAF bases...


we can build it in a remote-ish.... area and when the suburbs close in we can tell them to XXXX off or we will drop bombs on them...


Frigging good idea now who is gonna help me do it.... preferably someone with money.....




Sorry i missed out on the Rudd handouts:sad:



Sorry i missed out on the Rudd handouts:sad:

Yeah, he forgot me to aswellthumb_down






Nice Pics.


Nice Airstrip also - I got my Recreational Pilot Certificate at Hoxton when Noel Michael was the CFI at Sydney Jabiru.



Guest David C

Ulltralights....Good to meet up with you last Sunday , on what will unfortunately be always a sad day . It is criminal what is happening at YHOX .. My memories don't stretch as far as most , but wherever you get your pilot certificate , there is always a soft spot in your heart for that airfield . Such are my memories of YHOX and the unfailing patience of my instructor Ms Buchner with this "older than average pilot ". I will drive past the airfield on my way to my sons house every week , no doubt the sentiments will come flooding back , and perhaps a tear or two ..


A few shots taken last Sunday ..






Dave C






What is that aircraft you have the two picks of. It looks like a ducted fan???



Guest David C

They are Brookland Aviation ( formerly Edgley ) Opticas . These are the two Australian registered examples of only 3 airworthy Opticas in existance . The other one is in the USA . They were a British design , that due to a series of disasters and factory fires never went into wide scale production . I believe there are moves afoot to place the aircraft back in production in the UK .. They are indeed powered by a ducted fan motor , and very thirsty I'm told ..


Dave C



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