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DropZone - This'll get you hooked!

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Guest Brett Campany

Damn it.....I was just about to go to bed, then I got this!






Dam you Brett:hittinghead:


I just found this and have been playing for the last hour!!!!!!


I need sleep:loopy:




Pretty cool Brett...006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif Better get to bed now I guesssssssszzzzzz...


Just joking:cool:



Guest Brett Campany

hahahaha, such a simple game......and you're hooked for so long on it!!




Well that ended work for and hour or so.



Guest Brett Campany
Good time waster, but after first one it came easy.

try it again after a few sherberts........err....drinks.....


It's a "Navy" thing :D



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