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Guest trike girl

Female microlight pilots in Nth QLD are few and far between! I've been flying for 4 years.


I share a brand spanker XT Tundra 912 with my hubby and I love it!




Hi Welcolm to this forum to you both:welcome:, many good people here:thumb_up:.


Must pick your brains about your trike, am looking at one now.





Guest trike girl



Thanks guys!


XT Tundra awesome! especially after having spent the past 4 years flying a 2 stroke! :thumb_up: I took the old 2 stroke for a blast a few weeks ago and it felt quite slow on climb. thumb_down



Guest trike girl



Bob. I recently visited my sister in-law in Sydney and was eyeing off The Oaks strip each day we drove past!


I also attended and instructors conference at Caboolture airfield a couple of years ago, also eyeing that one off for future trips!




female contribution.


Nice to see a woman contributor. I get the feeling that we do not have too many of them at the moment. Like to see more.. Nev..




Hi Trike girl,


You would be made most welcome at the Oaks, you would have to spend some time getting the dribble off your trike :laugh:as there is a few of the guys and gals down there talking about trike ownership and the ability to trailer home. Always a meal and a bed if you guys need them just PM me when you are ready. most Sundays and every second Saturday the wife and i are down there at the Oaks with chicken salad and champaign:laugh:. Got the champaign from the self made ballon days, oh the follys of youth:blush:. That was after the hang glider phase.






Hi trike girl,


I only know of one wife and hubby trike pilot team in the Cairns Nth Qld area so I`m guessing your the dare devil who came flying with me in the Drifter a couple of months ago,correct?


Great to have you here and don`t forget to land and say G`Day when you`re flying in the area.




Frank. 002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif



Guest trike girl

Thanks Bob,


Thanks for your kind offer. We wont be down that way for a while but will keep you in mind if we head down again.





Guest trike girl

Hi Frank


Hey Frank,


Actually there are 2 Hubby and Wife trike teams up here! One team is out of action at the moment due to the arrival of a baby! Your very same passenger in the drifter! We did pop in and see you at your strip about a year or so ago.


We might say G'day again one day if this rain EVER stops!!





Hey Frank,Actually there are 2 Hubby and Wife trike teams up here!


G`Day Tracey,


That`s even better.


Our dare devil and hubby was at Mark and Lindas` for Davids`birthday party,last Saturday and it`s great to see that little "jelly bean" is doing so well,had me worried for a while,back there.






And It`s Raining.



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