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Guest Brett Campany

Make sure you check out the February edition of Recreational Aviation Australia. I got mine in the mail today and there's a great story on the Lightning!


I'd do just about anything to be able to take one flying!



Make sure you check out the February edition of Recreational Aviation Australia. I got mine in the mail today and there's a great story on the Lightning!I'd do just about anything to be able to take one flying!

Its sitting on my lap, the reason for the post is I would like to see Dennis Borchardt get as much coverage as possible. The review gives the bloke a great rap and I wish his business well, especially in these quiet times.




I've gotta say the Lightning story on building and the trip to WA was great. Thanks to the owner Peter Mitchell for the stories. It looks an awesome flying machine although my tastes are more rag and tube - the Drifters and Thrusters for sale in the classifieds this month have got my interest! Off topic:sorry:





I've gotta say the Lightning story on building and the trip to WA was great. Thanks to the owner Peter Mitchell for the stories. It looks an awesome flying machine although my tastes are more rag and tube - the Drifters and Thrusters for sale in the classifieds this month have got my interest! Off topic:sorry:Pud

Guess that's what makes flying RA great, all different people from all different backgrounds with different opinions all just happy to be flying.


PS my first ever ultralight flight was with Wayne Fisher in a drifter and I have been hooked ever since, now lets get back to the Lightning promo :thumb_up:




Yeah I loved the story as well, well done mate (Peter)...


How much is the Lightning kit? certainly is a good performer... something like 36kts stall, while 158kts cruise, not bad for going places...:thumb_up:


Pudestcon: I'm drooling over all the rage and tube for sale in the classifieds as well, theres some beaut looking Drifters for sale... Just need a spare 20k and I'd be laughing!006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


Any way back to topic!099_off_topic.gif.20188a5321221476a2fad1197804b380.gif




I'd be interested to know what sort of price as well. Anyone got any idea? May just replace my dream of a cirrus srs



Guest Brett Campany

I'm determined to meet this brilliant man and his flying machine!! The search is on for the next time I drive to Bunbury and do some flying....I'll take the camera as well!




the Australian designed and built Cobra Arrow/Viper has great looks and similar performance with the right engine





the Australian designed and built Cobra Arrow/Viper has great looks and similar performance with the right enginePeter

Thats another great Aussie company that needs more time in the spotlight.


It would be great if they had the backing to produce factory built and certified aircraft.



While we're talking performance and Aussie companies that need support, the Morgan Sierra is right up there and less than half the price of the Lightning.

It would be good if RAA Magazine did a feature like the world directory of leisure aviation, featuring all Aussie manufacturer of aircraft and engines with a brief description of the company and the specs and model range of all their aircraft.




Personally I think the 158 knots is a little bit of poetic justice on behalf of the author. I'm aware of one of these with a Jab 6, it cruises on 130 at 2,800rpm and 135-140 on 3,000 rpm. Is 158 VNE?



Guest palexxxx
Personally I think the 158 knots is a little bit of poetic justice on behalf of the author. I'm aware of one of these with a Jab 6, it cruises on 130 at 2,800rpm and 135-140 on 3,000 rpm. Is 158 VNE?



Is the Lightning that you know of a fixed gear model? I think the Lightning is available in retractable versions as well, that may account for the extra knots.





Guest Brett Campany

This aircraft is sounding better and better all the time! Anyone else had experience in this aircraft?




Sure is a great looking plane and all the reviews seem to rave about it.


Dennis did have some kits late last year for going for just over $52k for a basic kit, but with the $Aus trading so low against the $US dollar they would be over $60k now I would assume.


This is for the basic kit, then around $2800 for interior kit ( seats, vinyl etc) and it wouldn't be hard to spend another few grand on other items, such as larger fuel tanks, wing lights, cabin heating, brake upgrade etc.


Jab 3300 a bit of change from $20k, and then you have avionics of course.


Better remember to buy lotto this week !




140,000 is that with air con and leather? sheesh!!




Go to the "Site Navigation Panel" on the left of this page.


Go to "members blogs" > "seal " and read all about building a Lightning.


There are currently two being built at Horsham.


Our guys in the Horsham Flying Club have completed and are flying an Esqual, a J230 and a J170, both with profiled wing sections and glider type sealing and fitment of doors and etc.


The J230 cruises at a genuine 120 kts and a full throttle speed of 140 Knots.


Seal's Lightning will probably be finished along similar lines as he is a former glider pilot as well and knows the benefits of good profiles and good sealing and fitment.


Seal's Lightning is well along the path towards completion within the next few months.




The Lightning kit comes from the US. Back in the good old days of 95 cents to the pacific peso the kits were mid $40k's. See the links pages on this site for the factory site and for Dennis' Lightning Australia site. Dennis imports kits to order and runs a build assist program from his base in Kingston SE. Those prices are plus engine and instruments


Performance seems to be around 140kt TAS, perhaps a little more, cruise with fixed pitch or ground adjustable. What we need is a good CS unit for a Jab 3300. VNE is 180kt, full flap stall 39kt. At the design weight, two people, 5hrs plus 45 and around 20 kg baggage. This is an aeroplane that will benefit from the proposed weight increases, its design weight is 648kg.


As far as I know, retractable is a fantasy option at this stage. There were some photoshopped pictures around last April 1st showing one in the air with no gear, and very nice it looked too, but nothing in reality.


For those interested in factory builds, Arion is currently going through the hoops to achieve FAA LSA certification for a production aircraft so I guess that will be along in due course. This will be the longer wing version to achieve the mickey mouse US stall speed requirements. The short wing stalls at 48kt clean, the long wing at 44kt.




Aircraft kits


Make a start! Help to populate the links pages here Links


Cheers, Selwyn


It would be good if RAA Magazine did a feature like the world directory of leisure aviation, featuring all Aussie manufacturer of aircraft and engines with a brief description of the company and the specs and model range of all their aircraft.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well chaps, I just saw a lightning at Dalby today, but it does have one little flaw.....! the nose wheel decided it was did not like the tube it was attached to, and broke off on touch down...! well yeah, you can imagine what happened to the acft, nosed over, snapped a side off the prop, and broke a few other bits and pieces...


And before you all say it was a heavy landing on the front wheel... they landed the acft on its two back wheels, and then lowered the nose wheel down, and as soon as it touched the ground it departed gracefully from the aircraft... they are still investigating why it happened, but think it may have been cracked...


Anyway, the morel to the story... fly tail draggers!!!006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif



Guest Brett Campany

How was the heart rate Tomo?



Guest brentc

It was the landing before and the one before that which you didn't see that might have done the damage!



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