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How have you found your ASIC Card?  

170 members have voted

  1. 1. How have you found your ASIC Card?

    • 4. I have one and found I have really needed it (by law)
    • 3. I have one but found I don't really need it (by law)
    • 2. I don't have one and found I have really needed it (by la
    • 1. I don't have one and have not needed one (by law)

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Guest Andys@coffs
Hi Gang.Magnetic strips do not damage each other or wipe out data, as proven by the Myth Busters on SBS some months ago.





indeed the whole concept of a tape drive where we wind magnetic tape around a spool would be flawed if that were the case. No cassette tapes or VHS tapes. Its a good thing we now have DVD-R/RW:clap:





  • 9 months later...
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I think the ASIC card is a great idea! it's something that people take ownership of and it will stop terrorism - so ingenious!:hittinghead:



  • 2 weeks later...

Well it must be bloody brilliant, as we haven't had a single incident yet. i_dunno:yuk:068_angry.gif.cc43c1d4bb0cee77bfbafb87fd434239.gif




unfortunately that's just the way the pollies will see it. (sigh) 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif:confused:thumb_down






Government policy is turning to charging us for anything it can think of.


Funny that they don't have a similar card for boats, especially as one was taken in Sydney resulting in death a few weeks ago. Load one up with explosive an park it at central quay or near the opera house or bridge and it would wake a few pollies up, but they havn't thought of that.



Guest ozzie

oh yes they have exclusion zones. try and paddle a canoe within 200mts of the fuel depot in Lavender Bay. and see how long you stay afloat.



  • 1 month later...

Play the game.


The only question to ask regarding the ASIC card is, 'am I prepared to cop the consequences of not having one if I get sprung?' Its a no brainer. If you go where one is required you must have one, or be prepared to bend over.


Sad and sick but true.087_sorry.gif.8f9ce404ad3aa941b2729edb25b7c714.gif



  • 3 weeks later...

i will try not to force land at the ss airports hell you would think ya passport and d/l and tax file number would do the job, but they want more $160 bucks yea right, yet when SAR assistance is needed they dont mind you landing without the card, way over the top i think, i hear some flyers have stretched endurance to avoid the SS for alternative strips not good at all,shame big brother.



  • 1 month later...

Well I've had an ASIC since day one...had a whinge about the need to get one and jumped through all the same security checks at renewal time. I wear it at all times that I believe I am required to. It doesn't get me through any secuity checks at airports any quicker, I don't enjoy any priority with the upstarts in charge of the gate to get back to my aeroplane, hell it doesn't have any worth other than airside (and that is only to stop me getting a fine if I don't display it.) I was short on my 100 points in opening a bank account so had my flight bag in the car and tried to use the ASIC and it was not accepted. When you consider the checks that you have to go through prooving your identity and also the state and federal police checks, I would have thought the ASIC would be one of the highest proofs of identity and/or suitablility in the land!!:confused:




Depends who issued it. If CASA then it is an ID issued by a Fed Govt Dept and counts as X points. If RAA, whatever airport etc then no go.



Guest High Plains Drifter

Still a mystery to me what the ASIC is supposed to do? That is apart from getting me dutyfree coffee and bank point checks i_dunno Them paranoid yanks seem to do without it 031_loopy.gif.e6c12871a67563904dadc7a0d20945bf.gif




Yep...my ASIC is CASA issued and it made no difference to the bank as it was not an approved method of identification!! I am with you HPD, it is a mystery to me also why we need them at all (prior to 911 try to get airside at a primary and security was as tight) The conspiracy mindset I may have is that it could be just a way for pilots to pay a ongoing fee for the privilage of having a licence to fly!!088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif



  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Curandero

Landed on a small commercial a/c at Badu Island. Asked the pilot what he thought of the ASIC. He said it was very useful -for drawing straight lines on maps whilst in flight. See? We need them.


Curandero. I had one but cut it up and returned it when they asked another couple of hundred to renew something I never needed.


It is the story of speed humps all over again. Some kid does a wheelie in the Woolies car park and presto! speed humps for all the aged pensioners, shopping mums and other hooligans.




Illegal to wear an ASIC in a non-secure area.


Remember :


According to the RAA application form it is illegal to wear the ASIC card in a non-secure area.


Many airports still have a 'sterile area' marking in the parking area such as Mt Isa near the fuel bowsers and Alice springs in the GA area. I can't wait for the legal fight next time I'm there. :)






ASI Cards.


There is an extensive article in the latest AOPA Mag. Australian PILOT. which covers this subject extensively. MY opinion is that it is ineffective at what it sets out to do. A forged one would be unlikely to be checked, so therefore the wearer would gain easy access to places where previously he might have been challenged. Nev..



Guest ricardo

I reckon ASICs are the best thing since sliced bread for stopping terrorists. What, not found any terrorists yet? There you are, goes to show how effective they are.:hittinghead:



  • 2 weeks later...

The ASIC give access to areas you are required/needed to be in...I work in the ATP side and if I visit the airport out of work hours even with an ASIC I still am not supposed to be on the apron.


GA pilots would not be able to visit a turnaround of a commercial jet without being escorted even with a valid ASIC.


It is just a shame that the ASIC has had such a negative impact on recreational flying...when they were really intended to be only for commercial use.



  • 1 year later...

The issue with the cars is that you might be smuggling stuff (explosives, even) onto the airport. Stupid, I know, but yeah. Even at a small airport, because once something is airside it doesn't get screened until it goes back landside. So you could stash something on your bugsmasher, then fly to sydney and asplode it.


That's part of it, at least, also they can charge you for an airside vehicle permit. Moneymoneymoney.


I have an ASIC, but I got it through work. I've only been asked for it once, and that was by a subcontracted security guard (she said that the WAC 'safety officers' had palmed that duty off to them because they were too busy). Never been asked by a safety officer (haha), or federal cop.


Even with the pass, I can't just wander around wherever I want. There's a clause about 'due cause' or 'legitimate reasons' or something like that. I haven't been to an airport outside of work duties since high school so I don't know how handy it would be for an RAA pilot. Last time I went to Jandakot was in 1998 or so. :P




spot on


Strange but true...At Echuca, the ambos were refused access to a key to get airside by the local council.. which meant a bit of an issue when they needed to load a critical care patient into the waiting King Air.


So, the bloke in charge of the ambo station got the OK from his boss to purchase a set of bolt cutters for each ambo truck in the fleet.


When they needed to gain access to the airstrip to load a paitient into the king air - now, remember this needs to be done preferably with the ambulance, a big GM next to the aircraft, so the patient movement is minimised.


You guessed it, each time the Air Ambulance arrived, out came the bolt cutters..


And then a radio call to the Ambo dispatcher to notify the police wot they just did.


It took about a year before the council got its act together... and Echuca is NOT a secure airport.. well in terms of needing ASICs anyway.



Hiya Ben, yes the so called security is a joke, like you say the Ambos lost valuable time just like the Fire truck at Bundy, couldn't get through the gate hence the aircraft was a total loss by the time it got there, it wont be long before this system causes loss of life, who will put their hand up for responsibility then Hmm. Also any of us when on route can be called on to assist with a SAR this may cause you the need to enter a secure airstrip for fuel due to your assistance with the SAR, you may be the hero of the day you spotted the search target and now a Council worker or CASA dude gonna fine you 500 bucks, gee thanks mate.i_dunno

I reckon they work. Since the introduction of ASIC cards, there has been no terrorist activity at Cobar or Blackall.




was at Cooktown airport the other day........security signage about, gate was " coded", fence was approx 1.2m high 20m either side of apron entry gate, then the fence height was reduced to about 900 high ( step over height ).............fort nox..006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



Guest JRMobile
I reckon they work. Since the introduction of ASIC cards, there has been no terrorist activity at Cobar or Blackall.

Ditto for Lismore, working well!




Its a money grabbing exercise, i think.But since nothing has happened, the clowns, sorry i mean the government officials, will probably keep the asic, because nothing has happened, so it must be working. Also, it has been a job creation exercise, someone must get paid somewhere to go through the applications.We wouldnt want them to lose their jobs LOL



I reckon they work. Since the introduction of ASIC cards, there has been no terrorist activity at Cobar or Blackall.




Guest russ.mullins

The ASIC card is a revenue raising stunt that does not deter people with evil deeds on their minds. even a 10 year old kid can make his own ASIC card. I am a member of the defence force with a security clearance that exceeds the ASIC test, yet if I get caught fueling my plane airside without my ASIC card displayed I will be fined. The ASIC business is a booming revenue raiser and nothing more.




haha yeah. When I was an apprentice at Sydney airport, I enquired about bringing my dad and my brother airside for a tour. But that wasn't allowed. Never mind that my dad is in the navy (and like Russ would have higher clearance) and my brother was about 14 at the time. Sheesh.



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