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I'll be there.......... :thumb_up:





Guest Cloudsuck

If my work roster allows it I'll be there...



Guest Walter Buschor

I'll try to be there. That's what sikkies are for.


Why is it on a Friday when a Saturday would make a lot more sense?keen.gif.9802fd8e381488e125cd8e26767cabb8.gif


the gray Nomad



Guest Walter Buschor

just noticed That's 2010!!


a bit far away to plan ahead.






I have entered it into this site's Events calender and have assumed that it will run over 21st and 22nd.


Is that correct or is it just to be a one day Event?


Rergards Geoff




At this stage, it is a one day event with the convenience to camp over, but if the content of the event dictates other wise can easily be extended. PM me to chat further:big_grin:




Yeah, one day with camping facilities available for those wanting to stay a night is a good idea...:thumb_up:


Two days just drag it out, and make it hard for those out of town to see both days and could miss out on something if they don't come on the right day...


Forum members, you've been given more than a yr to prepare yourself, so why not make this the biggest SE Qld Wings and Wheels Spectacular fly-in around....:thumb_up::thumb_up:




Here are some pics from last year,:artist: there are more photos, but I need to find out how I can get their file size down to suit the site...:bad computer:














You'll end up with a permanent smile if you come!!:big_grin:








I'm in.


It's my 50th birthday then too, so start saving for a BIG present for me, OK.


50!!!!!!! 091_help.gif.c9d9d46309e7eda87084010b3a256229.gif






Don't worry Sean, I turned 50 the other day...it's a sad day until you wake up the next day and realise you can choose to stay 49 as long as you are still able to dream 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



Don't worry Sean, I turned 50 the other day...it's a sad day until you wake up the next day and realise you can choose to stay 49 as long as you are still able to dream 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif

In that case Ian guess what number I am dreaming of?


Correct........ 21 .......!!






more photos from 2008


As I find more...Thanks Tomo for gadget to downsize the pics looks like it worked:jive:















Guest blakey36

If the photo's are anything to go by...It looks as though this airshow beats the pants off Wide Bay...My Minster for War & Finance says we should be there...So I'm a revving-up the old camper van already.





Guest mike_perth

Looks good - My missus reckons its a collection af all things expensive......as the sticker says "If it's got Whells, Wings or T*t's forget it"


Id sure like to go maybe we can arrange a West Aussie contingent!






August 2010 ?


August 2010 ? I'll be there in my new home built Zenith 601 XL - I just pulled the first rivet last night !


Nearly dropped in on the way to Wide Bay, till I read Tomo wouldn't be there.




PS Where is that icon with a round tuit ?




Mike you're more than welcome to organise the sandgroper contingent, we had a couple of mooneys fly through last year, it is a big day out but the balloons are usually here for three days or so, and on the saturday they start the day off at daybreak and we go right throught the day until the balloon night glow and fireworks. During the day we had air displays happening, joyrides, model aircraft (and there are some beauties) and of course burn outs and a bit of drag racing down the runway. the next one is still in the planning stages so not sure what monster we will end up with but should be a lot of fun:lol 8:




I will have my XC by then, so I,ll definitely be there. I have relos who live near to Toowoomba Airfield so I have an easy stay over. I was just up at Dalby 2 weeks ago for my wife's Grandfathers funeral. He actually had a bit to do with getting the airport built many years ago and sat on the airport board I think. His name was Charlie Curd. Lived in Jandowe.



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