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Hi folks.


Friday 24 July - that's right, isn't it? - I have 1 spare seat with 100kg weight (less my cargo of cloths, etc) for a trip.:thumb_up:


It will be a Jab 160 BTW.






Refuel at YTEM.


Christmas in July. Accomodation un-sure at this point.


Retrun trip Sunday to Maitland-ish overnight and back to YWOL Monday.


I'm catching up with other people from up there and going back with them.


Nominal plan is:


YLEE - YWWL - YFBS - YPKS - YMDG - Musselbrook - YMND. That is the extreme.


I may go up a bit further east. Depends on what the others are doing.


Ofcourse if it is looking not too good, that would be revised and maybe from YPKS turning EAST and heaing back to KAT, then "YHOX" - APPN - YWOL.


Or reverse of initial flight.


Yeah, bummer if you work. 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif


I've got 400+ hrs PIC. A lot on Jab LSA. Probably half. :man flying:




I have 100 Kgs to MTOW with full fuel. I could leave air in the tanks for a few KG's but I am sure you understand there are limits, and I do NOT want to compromise safety.


But 100 KGs is a lot of weight.


Oh, there will be lots of good photo ops to take fun piccies.


Anyway, I'll shut up there and see if anyone is interested.






Well folks, it is Tuesday night.


3 days to departure.


Alas as I haven't heard anything, I shall have to close applications.


The last thing I want is last minute changes. That is when safety is compromised.






Just read it.


Problem: I'm back home.


It kinda didn't happen the way I liked.


Weather bad, got stuck at Leeton, then got stuck at Forbes.


Had to "back track" - kinda and head home as I have to work tomorrow.




NEXT WEEKEND! Luskintyre flyin. Lunch with the tigers.


Try to come down Sat and or Sunday.


Saturday is the big day and I hope to get there before 12:00 and shall leave on Sunday about 13:00



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