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a bit of a diatribe and peoples thoughts would be apprecited

Guest redleader

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What the old saying? "don't destroy what you came to enjoy" I always say to these people from Noosa who have moved to 1770 and have made many of the changes that if you wanted to live in Noosa you should have stayed there!!!!!


I do not actually live there thankfully but not far away in Miriam Vale which is still pretty sleepy.



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It isn't so long ago that Noosa was like 1770 and then Agnes waters and 1770 was a lovely little backwater. I used to supervise sub-divisional work there and the road was so bad that I used to fly into 1770 and get the contractors to pick me up, run me to site and back, rather than use my own vehicle on the rough road.



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one way of keeping the town small is to have a crap road going to it from the h'way. i used to go to Seal Rocks diving and surfing and the road was a real car killer. every time the council tried to fix it up and tar it the locals drove the workers off. now i've seen what happens i can totally understand their reasoning. hope it is still the same. The people from Noosa who have moved to 1770 were probably the ones who moved to Noosa from /Bris in the 70's and 80's for the small town lifestyle. now they have built it up and destroyed the village feel, they have sold up made a killing and now being all cashed up will make the same mistakes again.


So rule one never seal the road.



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I need at least 30 RAA and 30 GA people from around Australia to get some momentum on the original subject. (prepared to take part in some co-ordinated communication, and prepared to stick with it over some time)


You can see from the above discussions how local solutions just leave us being pushed further out.



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respone to Motza


Has Agnes got fresh water and mobile reception yet??

They do have mobile with telstra and they also have fresh water but a limitted supply and there is the hotly debated desalination plant that was initially started in the form of earthworks but I believe is on hold at the moment (I think that some resdidents who are currently paying $7000 per year in rates for a normal house block are starting to flinch at the prospect of an increase to fund that project not to mention the environmental issues of what to do with the salt residue!!!!!



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Right behind you with that.


having said that i do really believe that this is a job for the RAAus AOPA and the rest. It is the main reason for the RAAus existance to give us as individuals a solid representation in Canberra to petition the Govt. Adequate airport numbers and access to them are part of our flying needs as much as battelling with CASA for airspace access. Be a good job for Middo let him deal with the Ministers.



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Just a quick note but the Agnes Water air strip has had survey pegs along it for some time now marking out the residential roads that will criss cross it soon, but I believe Woody who is part of the group that run it have another spot out further in mind for when the time comes.



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There really is nothing funny about it TP, it is what they are there for. it is part of what we pay them our dues for. I have had more than one heated email exchange with them about what is expected from them. I think Ian is in for a big shock. it is a very big shame about Tony's condition because he could fill Ian in on what lies ahead for him. As for bloody CASA what a waste of money they are. My grandfather had a good saying for clowns like them. "as useless as tits on a bull"!!


The US has implemented a whole new system over the last five years with LSA and LSP imagine just how much work that took and it was done real fast as far as the pace of govenment goes and from those there who have replied to my questions they are happy with it and see it working and growing for the next 20 years and everyone is pretty well happy with it. Now will someone please tell why LSA will not work here and whoever says that it is only suited for the Americans gets a thumb in the eye. this lot here can't even sort out a few kilos of weight increase and get people operating their aircraft as they were designed . We are totally out of step with just about every country in the world and we are continually told we have the best system. joke joke. As for CTA entry ect what is the problem here that needs another two frigging years to sort out. wanna talk about 6 aircraft in a circuit. how incompetent is that. Someone told me that i should just go with the flow and don't cause problems by speaking up. what flow,it is a stagnated stinking pool of sludge. If the airport situation and even more importantly this privitisation that sees almost impossible easy access like what is happening at Canberra must be addressed post haste. I'm running out of patience i have plans, things to build and places i want to fly to. i don't want to suddenly find myself old and not having achieved my life's goals because of people who will not do the job they are meant to do.





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Yes, the GA guys are just as frustrated at the present parlous situation. The almost fanatical campaign to split the two camps seems to have dried up momentarily, and people are beginning to see the common problem.



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Watto..Its a real shame whats goin on at aggey.. It used to be one of the best places and well kept secrets in QLD.. I can recall( barely) when it was just a rough dirt road, and a few shaks on the beach.. It really lost its chartm when all the development started..


Im sure woody will have a backup for an airstrip, the one thats there isnt the greatest anyway.. Even if its 10 minneys out of town it will still be ok.. i spose..





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Yes Motza it is a shame, the biggest shame is the instigators will finish the rape and then cash out and move onto the next victim.


But this area is still a pretty great place to be and I am tucked away on my 300 acres of private paradise that cannot be touched.



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Sorry guys but the management of this country needs to have a good look at itself.


What ever happened to the concept of goverment for all the people not just devolopers. As soon as private enterprise is dragged into something the costs go thru the roof and everyone else is locked out from accessing it.


Screw them. It's time we looked after ourselves because the government won't.



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Yes Motza it is a shame, the biggest shame is the instigators will finish the rape and then cash out and move onto the next victim.But this area is still a pretty great place to be and I am tucked away on my 300 acres of private paradise that cannot be touched.

Just wait until they find something that can be mined underneith or next door to you. The queensland government has basically screwed some of the best agriculture country for the sake of coal. Trainlines, roads and the pollution that goes with it. Nobodys safe and a few of my customers are no longer farmers thanks to Anna and her quest for the $$$.





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Let’s Do the Maths


Let’s Do the Maths


Okay, in RAA there are about 8800 plus members. We say there’s not enough airfields to land on and/or we are kept out; nowhere to build hangars.


We can fix that as an association. Our membership fee is approx. $160 per year. That is cheap, I mean, how much do we spend on grog and smokes and going out in a year. If you break a prop, I bet you will find the funds to repair or replace it. Just a suggestion, let’s up our membership fees to $260 per year and use the extra $100 for buying properties for airfields, building hangars etc. Just say 8800 members multiplied by $100 there is an extra $880000 per year. Let’s use that money to service a loan of $8800000 working on ten per cent interest. How many blocks of land can we buy for that? Let’s say, 16 properties at say a average of $550,000. Let’s keep working on that so how many pilots and hangars would be needed to make it pay for itself? Okay, we’ve got a budget of say $550,000, we buy the land, scrape out an airstrip, build hangars to lease out space, lease land so that people can build their own hangars….okay, let’s start a flying club and gain membership, move onto a flying school, and I could go on……..before you know it, the land is paying for itself. Sixteen turns into thirty two airfields, thirty two into sixty four and so on. If you got the right people to organize this, you would have more airfields and hangars than we require.


It’s a plan, it needs work, but it can be done. I suggest that the RAA put it out to the members for there input to see if we want it to make it happin.



I would rather go broke doing something, than go broke doing nothing.


Regards, Daniel.



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Daniel....oh, if only!


Damn good idea on paper, if you could keep the politics out of it and shut the nimbys up and not step on the toes of existing operators...it would sound like a goer.


I sat down once and counted 35 (or was it 26?) ala's on the ML VTC alone. Most were private but that was one huge number.


RAA funded flop houses for transiting pilots and passengers? with a little courtesy car?



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Good idea on paper mate, but a fair percentage of members already have a airfield/hangar already to use. (I have a airfield/school to hire a/c from but i will try my hardest to secure a hangar or trailer see other post before i buy a aircraft) Its still a good idea but the extra money would have to be optional to people that do not already have the facilities. CHEERS



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