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Dum Dee Dum - I'm bored

Guest Qwerty

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Guest Maj Millard

Warm, sunny with a light nor easterly, with nice puffy clouds at around 2500 today in Townsville Querty................................................................................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gifjive.gif.035c4a81724c712198cdb1757d6fb926.gif



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mmm. 28 degrees and a nice northerly breeze pushing me south in northern WA and three international airports in one day... Damn Virgin and Qantas interupting my 10 mile calls with their straight in appoaches from 30miles at everyone of them. lol


Oh and not a cloud in the sky, not even a bump and lovely blue water along the coast from Broome. 087_sorry.gif.8f9ce404ad3aa941b2729edb25b7c714.gif



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Guest Qwerty

Hi guys, I can't deliver for those prices. Delivery costs work out to $49,950 each. :thumb_up:


I was off line yesterday, I was in a hangar all day listening to the blizzard outside. I was happily helping a mate put on the door skins and windows for his Maule rebuild. We had three of those jet engine diesel heaters running.


The Wx here is still seriously crappy.



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That's a pity Squirty, because I'm st*ffed if I want to come over in this weather and fly it across Bass Strait.


Judging by the northerly wind here, I'd finish up in Patagonia, so it looks like you're off the hook with the Jab.



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Guest Qwerty

Pategonia is nice at this time of year but you need to make sue that you land on an ice floe with some protection from the 150 kn southerlies. The lepoard seals can be a bit of a bother too.



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Guest Qwerty

OK, now I'm pxxxed at he rain. There is 3" of water in the front of my hangar, it was belting down, I didn't have a shovel to drain the water and one side of the carpet is soaked.


I wish I had my camera cable here so I could show you how much water there is.


And worse still I STILL cant fly.





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Guest Qwerty

I think that the best I ever saw was 125 kn in mine.


It is very wet here. It has basically rained here non-stop for 3 weeks.....on top of saturated ground. All the rivers have been in flood for the whole time. All the dams are full.


there are three taxi ways onto my local strip and all of them were under 6" of water this morning. there was 2" on the runway and this is a properly constructed Council aerodrome. I'll post some pice in a few days when I get my camera cable.



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Guest Qwerty

Winter in Tassie, you gotta love it. This is what the area in front of my hangar and the taxiways at my airport looked like on Saturday, about 5" deep over the taxiways. The guy is standing on a taxiway.














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The first two pics are of a trial fit up of root ribs on to the just completed rear spar for a new timber a/c kit under development. The two items were made independantly and were a smooth slide fit, ablolutely perfect fit. It can't be seen in the images but there is a 0.4 mm gap at the back of the spar. The guy developing the parts is going to add a 0.4 mm thick three ply part to allow the rib to be glued directly to the rear spar web.


I can't believe the tolerances and accuracy of the parts. All of the ply parts are Laser cut to anaccuracy of about 1/100 mm (so I am told and from the fit ups that I have been involved with I can believe it). This thing fits together likr a jig saw and in some places it even looks liks a jig saw. It is a beautiful kit so far.


The flooding is another matter.....:dog:


Cheers, Qwerty



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